Real Life

*3 Weeks Later*

It'd been a week since I'd started having these morning vomit sessions as well as my period being three days late, and this shit wasn't funny anymore.

I could only think of two scenarios that would be possible, 1) I ate some NASTY ASS food with David and got food poisoning and my period was tryna pull a prank on me, or 2) I was pregnant

First off, if the second one was true, it couldn't be 100% true, I mean, we've been safe this whole time.

As I was going through all of this, David and I became a little distant with each other, but it was only a temporary thing.


Since I was getting EXTREMELY irritated with this "sickness" I decided to go to the pharmacy, to buy a test.....y'know just in case.

I knew that I'd be too scared to go by myself, so I asked Emma if she would come as my emotional support human. Of course she said yes, I mean who could say no to me? NOBODY, that's who.

We were only halfway there when I realized something. Even though I was "sick" for the past week, I'd kept myself busy, and when someone's busy, they forget to do things. Then it hit me.

"Wait Emma."

"What?" She asks, pulling over.

I was quiet for a minute.

"I forgot to take my birth control pills this week."

I felt my lip quiver, and tears threatened to come out. Emma was quiet, but she soon pulled me into her arms.

"Oh, Madds." She says in a sympathetic tone.

After I stopped crying, which took about five minutes, I pulled back and wiped my eyes with the back of my hands.

"Listen, whatever the result is, I'll be here. I'll ALWAYS be here. I'm here for you no matter what." She says, giving me a smile.

I couldn't help but reciprocate the gesture.

"So are we gonna go through with this and face the music, or are you gonna be a scaredy-cat?" She asks.

"I'm gonna go through with this." I say confidently, secretly panicking.

"That's my girl!" Emma shouted, starting to drive again.

*5 Minutes Later*

When we got to the pharmacy, we made a beeline to the aisle that held all of the different pregnancy tests. Just to be safe, I bought three different tests. That only made Emma look at me like I was a psychopath, which I kind of am.

"What? It's better to be safe than sorry." I say, waving her off.

The ride back home was quiet. Neither of us said a word, instead, I stared out of the window and started daydreaming. I wasn't thinking about anything in particular....just kidding, my mind couldn't focus on anything except what everyone's reactions would be if I really was pregnant.

The first thing my brain decided to do was think about the worst case scenario. Pretty normal, but not the best thing to do at this moment in time.

*10 Minutes Later*

When we got home, I rushed into my bathroom and...did my duty..on all three tests. Once I'd finished, I let Emma in the bathroom and we set a timer for three minutes. I had no clue as to what I should've done in the time remaining except for pacing back and forth. My heart was racing faster than it ever had before. My life could potentially be flipped upside down if the result is what I think it is.

I was brought back to real life when I heard the timer go off. I took in a deep breath so that I wouldn't faint before having a better reason to faint.

I did the childish thing and counted to three before I looked at the tests. All of them showed two lines. Everyone on earth knew what that meant.

I'm pregnant

As much as I wanted to, I knew the time to be in denial was finally up. I didn't know what to feel. I didn't know what to think. As Emma and I looked down at the three sticks I had my mouth open, but nothing was coming out.

I was feeling several different things. It was a mixture between shock, joy, and most of all, fear. I tried to say something, but my voice didn't cooperate with my brain. I set a hand over my stomach, where a bump was going to form soon enough.

I could tell Emma didn't know what I was thinking or feeling for that matter, so her being the caring and cuddly person she was, she brought me in for another hug.

"Madds, I don't know what you're feeling right now, but, this is a great thing. When everyone finds out, I'm sure they'll be excited."

*That Night*

All I heard after finding out that I was indeed preggers, was Emma saying "when everyone finds out,". Those words kept repeating over and over in my mind. The more I thought about it, the more my mind fell into a semi-depressed state.

I'm too young to have a kid, so is David. He'll definitely be pissed if I tell him. What if I don't? What if I just leave? It'll be better that way.

Those thoughts ran through my mind all night, not letting me get a single minute of sleep.

When morning came, I decided to do the one thing I was best at in life.


I knew it was one of the most cowardly things I'd ever done, but I knew for a fact that everyone would be better off without me becoming a burden and a weight on their shoulders. I wrote a letter to Emma and packed the majority of my stuff before leaving the apartment.

"You can do this Madds. It'll be better this way." I say, starting my car and driving off.
