Dragon's Heir

A deep hum began to fill the room, slowly rising in pitch until a crescendo of instruments lead to an intense choir rising in pitch. The music dropped as suddenly as it began as flames lit up in a circle around the egg shaped stone. The surrounding grey color melted away to reveal an emerald green shine, two large stone statues glowed a similar color as the now colored egg. The statues looked like ancient knights with pointed armor and each brandished large two handed axes. The ground shook as they stood from their perches on the side of the room and moved at a fast pace towards the intruders.

Sin's auto combat began kicking in as he moved to pull aggro* of the attacking statues. His shield was able to hold against the first attacks as the character Devi had used a stealth skill and moved around one of the statues. Another skill was used as the character leapt up and delivered a critical strike to the nearest statue by stabbing an enchanted rapier into it's head. Sin countered with a sword attack skill and pushed it back, with just one statue nearby now they could focus on that one for the few seconds it would take for the other to recover.

Darien pushed keys and moved his mouse intensively as he attempted to survive the unexpected boss fight. He couldn't afford to lose experience points upon dying already, he was close to another level and he didn't know what would happen to Sin if he as an NPC died. An hour into the fight, Darien realized that he was out of healing potions and there was still one statue left standing. They had been able to take out one while constantly stunning the other. The issue that Darien and Sin were now facing was that when one statue dies, the other apparently gets fully healed and wields both the large axes with a unique move set.

Darien let Sin take the aggro of the boss as he moved Devi around the room and behind the boss, allowing his new passive skill 'backstab' to kick in and deal an automatic critical hit on any first skill strike. He summoned daggers and used his throwing skill to hit the boss and deal some decent damage before rushing in with his weapon to hit again and again. It was then that Darien hit the shortcut on his screen to have Sin use his rush skill to stun and knock back the boss. This helped the cooldown on Devi's skills to finish and allowed him to combo his skills again. They continued this until the boss was close to death and both he and Sin were out of mana* needed to use anymore skills.

Darien checked his inventory on the off chance he had anymore potions for mana and saw a small one. He used it on Sin to be able to hold the bosses' attention so he could try to use basic attacks to finish off the boss. With Sin almost dead, the two had lucked out and won. A chorus of instruments in a cheery tune signaled a victory as a notification showed on the system server:

-Devi of the Shadow Corps has finished the Trial of the Dragon-

"Wait...what?" He stared at the notification in shock for a moment before he saw how much he and Sin's level had increased, he also noticed the dropped items and there had been an egg among them: Dragon's Heir.

-conditions for a secret quest met. Level 5 Tamer needed to hatch egg and continue the Quest of the Dragon-

This notification was in his quest log and not on the public system log. "Wait did other people see the other thing?!" He quickly tabbed out and went to the game's notification site and sure enough, he was shown as the first to clear the Trial of the Dragon. Another notification he saw that must have appeared while he was fighting was that the guild Royal Dragons had created a Nation called the Dragoon Imperium.

"So they did it." Darien Sat back in his chair and sighed heavily, he looked at the clock and realized he had been fighting that boss for two hours?! "I work again tomorrow night. Exciting last day off" He laughed to himself and got up to stretch. Looking at the screen, he didn't see anything else inside the room so he set Devi and Sin to auto walk back to the village of Yshtol where his mercenary building was.

Darien took the time to start cleaning and moved boxes around again. An old yearbook caught his attention before he placed it on the bookshelf. "Not much of me in this thing." He muttered as he flipped through the pages and found his high school class. He remembered how he wasn't much for groups like the after school activities. "Not much has really changed there." He smirks then tucks it between some books on the shelf just as the ding on his monitor went off.

When Darien lowered the map and looked at the monitor his eyes opened wide with shock. Just as Devi entered the mercenary building, there was as swarm of alerts indicating messages for his group. "Oh dear..." He muttered and began cycling through the messages. A few were requests for leveling, some for help with quests and a few looking to recruit his group into guilds. "I think that alert put my group's name out there." He groaned and sorted the mailbox so he could keep track of the requests and deadlines. He wasn't going to accept any yet as he had only recently finished one request and was still waiting on a return message from that leveling request.

Before replying to anything however he sent a quick congratulations to his merchant contact in the Royal Dragoons guild, Fin. Darien knew how hard all those players had been working towards founding a nation first, some took their holidays right when the new update came out just to group together. The guild leader apparently works from home so he was able to dedicate a lot of time into coordinating the people online and making things go smoothly between people's real life and game life. 'Complete dedication right there.' Darien thought to himself then laughed, 'Or just has no life really like me.'

The sun had set on Darien's last day off as he set Sin to auto farm experience around the village while he logged out and flopped onto the bed. "I start work again tomorrow night. Was a decent three days off." He closed his eyes half wondering if he should have sent a message to Giel before he had logged out.

aggro: gaming term meaning grab the attention of a target/group

mana: a resource in a lot of games that allows the player to cast spells and/or use skills.