The Trial (3)

Mr. Robinson walks back in front of the jury and glances at all of them. All of them shy away at this and try not to look at him as his gaze lingers over a few of them. Now Miles is seriously considering killing Mr. Robinson as well as Mayor Roland, two birds with one stone they say. After he is done terrorizing the jury Mr. Robinson walks forward and says

"I call to the witness stand witness #1"

Once again a man is brought forth, but this time Mike recognizes him. It was the man who used magic to heal him. The man was wearing a pale blue robe which somehow complemented his jet black hair which was neatly combed. His face was handsome as well with high cheekbones, blue eyes, and roughish looking beard. He looked at Mike and gave him a small smile.

"Now then state your name" the same guard from before says

"My name is Dike Champion I am an official wizard of his Highnesses royal wizards"


The guards begin to stiffen as the people murmured on the side at what Dike just claimed to be. Mr. Robinson pales at this realizing that someone who answers to the king was now roped up in this incident. Mike, however, is confused about what was going on but excited as well. He had met his first real-life wizard and this one happened to answer to the king of whatever country this is. Mike was really glad that he was able to meet him by chance.

"U-um I do not mean to be rude but do you have any proof of what you claim Mr. Champion?"

Even the judge Miss Samantha was taken aback by the bold claim as those who claimed this and were lying would meet a fate worse than any death possible. So, of course, an official badge was given to the members which would glow if the true owner was to infuse a bit of magic into it. Dike puts a hand into a pocket in his robe and reveals a badge.

The badge was in the shape of a diamond (not the gem) with a silver outline. The middle of the diamond had an olive branch that had a green snake wrapping around it. The badge was also glowing a bright silver for some reason which made those in the room pale at the sight.

What Mike did not know was that Dike was the most powerful person in the room for two reasons. One is that with a single spell even this city could be blown off the map. Reason number two is that Dike could be considered as a judge and executioner if he so desired and only the king could stop him from convicting everyone with the death sentence. However, Dike was not one to abuse his powers given by the crown and would only step in if he deemed necessary. Looking around and noticing that everyone was still shocked at learning that there was a royal wizard in their presence Dike clears his throat and everyone snaps back to reality. Dike then puts away his wizard badge and Mr. Robinson approaches Dike oh so cautiously like one might when walking towards a dangerous beast lying out in the sun sleeping.

"W-well than Mr. Champion I must thank you for showing up here to help move this case along by giving us your story"

Dike nods at this

"Now first off why were you here in the city?"

Dike looks at Mr. Robinson before saying

"I am here on official business of his Highness and such business does not need to be disclosed to the likes of you"

Mr. Robinson shys away at this and quietly asks

"Well, would you be so kind as to tell us your version of what happened?"

Dike looks towards the jury now before speaking of what he saw.

"I was staying at the inn that night. I like many others woke up to the sound of someone shouting at the top of their lungs about a fire. I assumed that the tavern was on fire and helped lead people out of the building to safety. Once everyone was out I wanted to go back in to help with putting out the fire it was then when I saw Mr. Bridlington jump out of the third story attic window with the bomb. Once he was on the ground he ran to a sewer entrance nearby and threw it in their once opened. A few seconds afterward the bomb went off and he went flying with a few injuries but was deafened by the explosion. I came up to him after he was dragged to a wall and healed his wounds. Suddenly, after I healed him he ran back into the inn. I thought that there was more trouble so I got some men and we went in after him to help. We then found him climbing down the attic ladder with that goblin in his arms. We all went out and then they were both taken away"

Mike felt relieved upon hearing the truth of that night finally being told by Dike. However, Mr. Robinson did not give up as he mischievously grinned before saying.

"Now gentlemen of the jury you have it here this thing and the human there are in cahoots with each other in order to get a reward for this supposed act of goodwill and valor"

Dike does not look infuriated at this accusation as he looks towards Samantha.

"Your honor if you will allow me to I can sort this simple problem with a spell"

Hearing this everyone holds their breath at this, a simple problem fixed with a spell. Samantha looks at me and Roblin for confirmation before Mike simply nods yes. Seeing as how we were both confident that we would not be found guilty by a spell Samantha looks down at Dike and says

"You have my permission to use this spell, Mr. Champion"

"W-wait how do we know if what you tell us is the truth?" Mr. Robinson exclaims

"It is quite simple, a ball will appear above there heads and if they tell the truth then it will show up green and red if it is false"

He snaps his fingers and a weird sensation washes over Mike.



The user is being targeted by a truth spell do you wish to resist?



"No" Mike mutters. Mike knows that if the spell does not work on himself than everyone will see that he is resisting for some reason which would not help their case.

Soon a big white ball appears over Mike and Roblins head. The balls hang suspended above the heads but follows them when they move.

"Now than unfortunately, this spell will only allow up to three questions to be asked and I can only do this spell once a day so..."

Mike had a feeling that if Dike were under the effects of a truth spell it would definitely be glowing red now.

"Now then Mr. Robinson, please take a seat for now," Judge Samantha says

Mr. Robinson reluctantly walks back to the accuser's side before plopping into his chair with a grim look on his face.

"Now then Mr. Roblin did you plant the bomb inside the 'Knights Tankard two days ago?"


The white ball glows green before returning back to white a minute later.

"Mr. Bridlington, did you work with anyone to plant a bomb in the 'Knights Tankard' a night ago?"


Mike's white orb glows green as well.

"Well, then this proves that both of them are innocent of the crimes they are charged with so if the jury does not think so then I say that the two of them are inn-"

"Wait your honor! There is still one thing that is unclear"

Mr. Robinson interrupts what judge Samantha was going to say as he desperately tried to find something to exploit.

"Mr. Bridlington, how did you know that the bomb was in there that fateful night?"

Everyone was silent at this but everyone was indeed curious as to how this nobody knew that there was a bomb in the tavern but not even a royal wizard knew about it. Mike was now sweating at this as he thought there was finally a light at the end of the tunnel but it was now being blocked by this question. Mike knew he could not tell anyone about a system that could help people get stronger and stronger because in web novels (cough cough) when that was found out the person who had it would probably be dead in the morning.

"Um... well I have this item that tells me things that happen before they happen by giving me vague details"

The light turns green at Mike's response showing that he is indeed telling the truth. Now at that, the people were even more dumbfounded at Mike's response than the fact that there was a royal wizard in the court. In essence, Mike just said he had an item that could predict future events before they happen.

"Well then... Mr. Bridlington and Mr. Roblin I believe that everyone here knows what the jury will already say is the verdict so there will be no need or waste in saying that the two of you are now innocent and free to leave the court"



Mission: The Trial has been completed
