
Mike was sleeping in his bed in his room in the inn with the wolf pup sleeping beside him quietly nuzzled up against his body for warmth while sucking on the empty baby bottle. Everything was peaceful and quiet until a shadow came under the door and into the room. The shadow went near the bed before a figure emerged from the shadow with a dagger in hand and looked down at Mike. The figure knew what he had to do this time was going to make somethings complicated but he had ordered and did not think much about it as he put away the dagger and started weaving a complex spell.

The higher the spell level the longer it takes, the more mana required, and the more powerful they are. A few seconds go by and the spell is cast which in a fight a few seconds can mean the difference between life and death but when casting a spell on an unsuspecting target then the risk goes down considerably. The spell activates and nothing happens or changes before the figure shrinks back into the shadows and leaves the room like they were never there in the first place.

Morning comes and Mike wakes up at the break of dawn just like most people do since the sun dictates when people call it a day and when to rise due to limited sources of light. Waking up Mike tries his best not to wake up the pup as well so he can do the things that he needs to with the system.

Successful Mike sits on the floor and opens up the system and goes immediately to the wheel for his daily spin. He had two spins stocked up since he forgot to do them the day before and decides to use both of them.

The first spin only gives Mike a regular canteen to hold water which is not that bad since it will save him the coin to buy a waterskin plus it is a metal object so it is a lot better than most of the liquid holding devices out there like a waterskin or wooden cup. Still, Mike just keeps it in his inventory for now since the canteen is a lot better than those that Mike has seen out there so he wants to avoid unnecessary questions if possible. After that Mike spins the wheel a second time.

This time it lands on what the wheel said was a book after that the wheel morphed into a slot machine once more and Mike pulled the lever to get it going. It landed on archery or that is what Mike guessed as the image on the wheel was a bow and arrow and it deposited a book into Mike's inventory. The book had the name of [Lost records and basics of wood elf archery]. With a title like that Mike just had to take a look at it so he brought it out of the inventory space and was able to hold it. The book was surprisingly small and light than Mike thought it would be but he was not complaining about that. The book had a beautiful embroidered golden tree on the front cover however when Mike opened up the book he realized that the book was of course in Elvish which is the language elves use and Mike could not read that.

"Hey Abbey, can you help me out with this?" Mike asks

"Um... sorry bro I can't help you with that since this was made through the system you cannot use me to help you translate this. You got to do this the old fashioned way and read it yourself" Abbey replies with a slight unhappy tone

"That is fine then can you tell me at least what language this is then so I at least can figure out what I need to learn?" Mike says

"You will need to learn Ancient Wood Elf in order to read that," Abbey says

"Of course it is in an ancient language so now I got a book that I cannot read and it will be a lot harder to learn to read," Mike mumbles clearly upset

Most languages of the various races have different versions of their languages while including the Ancient version of their language but as they are indeed ancient not that many people speak them anymore. Those that do know the language may have an incomplete vocabulary at most while those who know the full entirety of the ancient language are few and far between those that know partial amounts. Now, why does Mike just learn from Abbey? Well she is a part of the system and at most can teach Mike to speak these ancient languages but not read them since she would need to write out the characters and letters of the language but she can't due to not having a body. So the only option Mike has is to be taught by someone else that actually has a body.

Thankfully Mike decided to pick the Learner class who were some of the most influential and smartest individuals about almost everything so if Mike is accepted by them then he might be able to learn some Ancient Wood Elf. Still, that is if Mike is accepted, and from what Mike had seen from the way both Wendel and Dike acted it was very hard to do so if you were not a long-lived race.

Anyway as these thoughts went through Mike's head he goes over to his status to see what he can do with his reserve of exp.


Name: Mike H. Briggs

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 17

Main Class: Learner (Locked)

Subclasses: None


Note: Various other stats are related to the stats below but the ones started below are the main stats

[Lvl 3]

Experience: 650/1450

Health: 42/42

Stamina: 35/35

Magic: 4/4

Strength: 8

Dexterity: 9

Constitution: 17

Charisma: 13

Intelligence: 20

Luck: 10

Negative effects: Spellcasting trouble [4 days] and [???]

Skills: [Skill steal] [Hard to hit] [Beginnners Stealth] [Small Luck] [Basic Herb Gathering] [Basic Herb Identification]

Skill Pieces: Dual Casting- 5/1000

Proficiencies: None

Unused points: 0

Reserved exp: 390


Looking at his stats there are two things that Mike has noticed. One was that amount of exp that he had was not as much as he thought there was, to begin with. If he used the reserved exp then he would be one step closer to level up to level four and with that comes its own benefits of unused points to use to increase his base stats. The second thing that caught his eye was the [???] under negative effects which was surprising by itself. Seeing that Mike asks Abbey what happened to him that now he has another negative effect.

"Can't help you there bro but not because I can't because I don't know if you want I can recommend a few things to check what is afflicting you," Abbey replies

"Okay, what do you got?"

"Ask Dike to do a scan of your body to see if there is anything wrong with you or I can run a check myself however it will take a lot longer for me to check you than for Dike" Abbey reports

"How long exactly?"

"A few days at least"

"Hm... alright you start checking while I ask Dike to give me a check-up as well," Mike says as he wakes up the wolf pup and heads out to Dikes room across the hall

However, as Mike goes to knock on Dike's door his hand stops a few inches before it as if he is hesitating. Mike is confused at this but then that confusion quickly turns to horror as he sees the rest of his body moving on its own without him tell it to. Mike tries to call out to Dike but his mouth won't move as if it was shut by some unknown force. Mike can see and feel everything but he can't control his body at all and make it do what it wants to.

Mikes body shakes a little and Mike's hearing gets cut off as if he cannot hear anymore the sounds of life coming from downstairs, then his touch is lost as Mike can no longer feel the wolf pup in his arms or the feeling of his clothes on his skin, smell goes next as if unplugged by someone unseen, all that is left is sight and taste that remained untouched but Mike is scared of losing his only connection to the world outside his body. However, that does not stay either as his vision blurs, and then he can no longer taste anything. Mike was now trapped inside his own mind with no way out.


There was a knock on the door to Dike's room and he opened it to see Mike standing there while holding the devil puppy in his arms tenderly. The pup who was sleeping soundly suddenly opens his eyes for the first time and started squirming in Mike's arms a bit as if something was wrong. Seeing this Mike looks at the puppy in his arms before extending him towards Dike who was standing in the doorway.

"Would you mind holding him for a bit he seems to be a bit squirmish today" Mike says

Seeing the puppy's reaction and Mike extending his beloved pet towards him Dike gingerly takes hold of him.

"So you going to leave him to me for a few hours again?" Dike asks

"Yeah sorry about that I have some business to take care of and won't be back until late afternoon," Mike says

"Alright then do you have the item I gave you though?" Dike asks

Mike nods his head in confirmation and Dike takes that as a yes before letting Mike leave. With nothing else to do Dike puts the wolf puppy on his bed and sits down on the floor to meditate. The puppy however stumbles on the bed over to the window that overlooks the main road and starts winning as its young eyes follow Mike who was weaving amongst the people on the street and heading towards the city slums.


Mike was stuck in his mind now he knew how Bruce Banner felt whenever the Hulk took over his body but this was not that cool since his body had essentially been hijacked by someone or something. He was stuck in here and things were not going well as he was kind of panicking with how he had no idea what his body was doing. He could be committing a crime right now and not even know it, if he gets caught what will he tell the guards that his body was hijacked and that he did not commit the act. Yeah like that will fly in court.

'Great just great' Mike thinks

"Hm... Oh, hey big bro! How did you get in here?"

'Abbey? Abbey thank god! I have never been so happy to hear your voice!' Mike says

As Mike says that for some reason he can see something again. It was not of the outside world but of a girl. She had red hair, wearing a blue dress, and had blue eyes. Her figure and looks were really fine as well if she were to compare to most girls that Mike has met (which is not much) she would definitely take first place of most beautiful.

'Abbey?' Mike says

"Yep, that is me, big bro! Hey, how did you get in here?" Abbey says

'My body has been hijacked I can't see or do anything! You got to help me!' Mike shouts

"What! No one does this to my brother!" Abbey shouts in anger

'Can you see what my body is doing?' Mike asks

"Yeah right now you are in the slums of the city and walking up to an abandoned house" Abbey reports

'Can you show me?' Mike asks

As he says that he can see again through his own eyes but he has no control over where he is looking it is just him being along for the ride. Still, this was a lot better than having no sight at all.

'Abbey where is the wolf pup?' Mike asks in a worried tone

"He is fine your body handed him over to Dike before leaving the inn," Abbey says dispelling some of Mike's fears

Mike sees that his body is now moving into the abandoned house and enters to see three figures waiting for him inside each wearing black robes, hoods, and masks preventing Mike from seeing anything about them.

One has a knife in his hand and was spinning it around but when they saw Mike come in they stop and come towards him.

'What is happening!'