I Call Bull


'What the hell! Why am I getting this quest now Abbey?!' Mike asks

"Um... well I don't know really," Abbey says with a hint of fear in her voice

'Jeez you gotta be kidding me' Mike thinks to himself as he starts pacing around and tries to figure out what to do

Of course, the system was forcing him to do this stinking quest as he does not want to lose a level and one of his items. The only option for him is to complete the quest and reap the rewards that are offered by it and to do that Mike just had to soldier up and pull through for now. Still, if the system was gonna start to force him to do something then he might as well go against it if he is going to be forced by it.

Mike turns around and starts going back the way he came and as he does Sarenthia reaches out to him.

'Hey, why are we turning back?' She asks

'I gotta go back and help those people I freed from before' Mike answers as he breaks into a jog this time

Sarenthia says nothing more as she disconnects from Mike and just thinks to herself or something as Mike continues moving until he reaches the four-way stop from before. Mike knows that the only way left is to the right so he starts moving to make sure that the people are still alright and are not in any sort of trouble or situation they cannot handle. As Mike is running down this way he sees that this direction is a whole lot different as there are more doors on the walls and turns that Mike can take but he just keeps on going straight as he begins to hear some sort of struggle echoing throughout the hall ahead of him.

Moving ahead Mike begins to see plasters of blood on the walls and floor as he moves towards the sounds and as he rounds the first corner that he has taken and enters an incredibly spacious area there is a scene playing out in front of Mike that he will never forget.

He had found the people that he freed but they were now fighting each other like animals by using any means to tear flesh and inflict pain on the others through their teeth, nails, and other items. It was a bloody fight like watching two dogs fight out like animals.

The mother that Mike had helped free was beating her children over and over again with a rock that Mike had given her in the hallway. This was chaos plain and simple as these people attacked each other and beat their victims to a bloody pulp.

"Oh, another one came here boss!" A voice rings out through the chaos of the room prompting Mike to turn to his right only to see a fist flying towards him.

As the fist was about to connect though Mike's sword flies out of his grasp and quickly cuts off the hand that was flying towards him which now flops to the ground with an audible 'plop' sound as it hits the floor. A scream resounds from the person whose hand was cut but as he is screaming Mike's blade flies forward and decapitates the man with a swift stroke of the blade. The body falls to the ground and the sword impales itself into the body and starts to glow in dull light. The body that was impaled by the sword did not bleed out of the neck or the wound on the missing hand and after a few seconds, the body starts shriveling up into a husk of the man.

Mike was interested in what was going on but he could vaguely guess what was happening with the body as the likely culprit was Sarenthia who was in the sword.

'Ah that was delicious' Sarenthia says which confirms Mike's guess that Sarenthia was indeed responsible for draining the corpse

Still, Mike had to be careful as he almost was sucker-punched by that man because he was not paying attention to what was happening in the rest of the room. So Mike learns from that and quickly surveys the room and sees that there are about ten more thugs that were looking on at the group of people fighting out with jeering faces and were actually laughing at what they were seeing happen.

'Sarenthia you still hungry?' Mike asks

'Sure am I could eat more than 20 horses' she replies as the blade frees itself from the body of the man that tried to attack Mike

'Then kill those men and as a reward, you can take as much food as you want' Mike says with a dead look in his eyes and cold voice devoid of any sympathy for what was about to happen to those men

Those men did now notice Mike and when they saw him standing near one of their dead companions on the floor they all immediately drew their weapons and charged Mike intending to kill him for his actions. As the first of the men got near Mike he raised his sword but as he was about to bring it down and split Mike's skull a silver flash appeared in front of the man's eyes and he felt a cold sensation on his sword arm. The man brings his arm down and puts it in front of his face just to see a bloodied stump spraying blood out of his arm with his hand now missing. Before the man cries out in pain he is quickly decapitated and his head falls to the floor with an audible thud while his facial expression was one of pain and fear plastered on there.

Seeing one of their own fall so easily to a single kid without much effort from what they could see the remaining nine men stop their approach and look at Mike. What was surprising to them was that Mike did not have any weapon in his hand from what they could see.

"You idiots from above!" A voice rings out in their heads causing them to immediately look up and see a floating sword in the air.

Before they can register how that is possible one more of the men fall to the floating blade and Mike saw an opportunity presented grabbed the sword in the man that aimed to attack him and tries to stab one of the closer ones in the gut.

8 and 17

The 17 stays while the 8 disappears and Mike stabs one of the men in the gut.

Mike has dealt 4 piercing damage to 'Thug'


Name: Richard

Level 8 Thug

Race: Human

Health: 41/45

Skills: None


Short sword (3-8 piercing damage)

Dagger (5-7 piercing damage)


Since was not using his own sword the damage that he could deal out was now low but with Sarenthia behind him providing the support he would need to deal with a few of these thugs easily.

Sarenthia flies forwards and starts a very weird duel against some of the thugs and is taking about three or four at a time as she controls the sword to fly around the thugs and dealing minor damage all the while they can only passively defend against her. I mean how do you defeat a flying sword that has nothing to strike at besides the blade. While Sarenthia is kicking butt Mike, unfortunately, is dealing with only one of the Thugs as best as he can but with the fact that the blade that he has is of crappy quality, not from the system, and not his he is having some trouble with dealing with the singular thug.

Seeing as he was not really getting anywhere with the blade Mike switches to casting spells.

[Ice Blast]


"Oh come on I call Bull-"

Mike has taken 4 frost damage

Thug has taken 2 frost damage

Mike and the man were both freezing from the spell and as a result, were now slowed down by 10% from their original speed.

"Sarnethia help me out here!" Mike shouts out loud

Sarenthia who was about to stab another of the men in the heart this time stops moving and hover in the air for a split second before she flies over to Mike and stabs the man he was facing in the heart with deadly precision.

With that, the body of the man collapses to the ground and Sarenthia stays embedded inside and starts glowing again as the man starts to shrivel up into a husk just like the first guy she killed when they came in.


Mike has assisted Sarenthia in killing Richard, +10 exp

'Finally exp' Mike thinks to himself as he had not received any from the people that Sarenthia had killed so far but seeing as how he has helped kill someone he was getting a smaller amount than usual for the assist.

Mike was glad for Sarenthia's help but he turns around and sees that he is facing some problems, the first is that the remaining men are probably going to attack him once and finish him off while the next problem was the people in the middle of the room still killing each other. Also, something was bugging Mike as none of these people looked like they were the leader as they were wearing plain leather armor with no defining features or looks. Plus when Sarenthia was up in the ceiling they all looked up at the same time as if someone told them.

'Sarenthia you deal with the rest of them while I find their boss you got that?' Mike asks

'Sure thing leave them to me' She replies as the sword flies out of the husk of a body from which it was embedded in and flies once more at the remaining thugs in the group but this time it is faster

Seeing Sarenthia dealing with the group easily Mike starts searching the room for the boss of this group. As he once more surveys the room he is surprised to see that there was actually a throne on the other side of the room which he missed the first time he looked and from which a figure sat.

They wore a dark violet robe that covered their figure but they were not wearing the cowl/hood of the robe so Mike was able to see the face of who was sitting on the throne. It was actually a woman who had blood-red lips, red eyes, incredibly pale skin, high cheekbones, and a delicate-looking face that was surveying the scene that was going on bellow.

As Mike was looking at her she moved her head and their eyes met. Seeing Mike she smiles at him to show him her pointed fangs of a vampire!

Before Mike can react she is standing before him and looking directly into his eyes with some sort of hypnotic glare causing Mike to feel a bit woosy and tired for a second but the feeling soon passes causing a confused look to appear on the vampires face.

"Never underestimate the mental capacity and will of a teenager in the modern world," Mike says as he punches out at the Vampire


She just catches his hand in hers and just growls at him before showing him her fangs and bringing them towards his neck.


Mike struggles to break free from her grip and cannot do anything against her inhuman strength before she sinks her teeth into his flesh.

Mike has taken 20 points of damage


Name: Irina Von Castleburn

Level 15 Vampire

Race: Undead

Health: 120/200

Skills: [Absorb] and [Increased Strength] (Host cannot view any more skills due to difference in levels)


Claws (15 Slashing damage)

Bite (10 damage (+10 absorption damage) Piercing damage)

Spells: Up to 3rd tier (Types of spells unknown due to difference in level)


Mike yells out in pain as he losses so much blood in a weird feeling of ecstasy and pain from having his blood being sucked dry by the vampire. It was a wonderful and painful experience that Mike was feeling and before Irina could suck him dry Sarenthia comes to the rescue once again and stabs the vampire in the side. The only thing that happened though was that Irina grunts a little in pain and does not let go of her meal so Sarenthia moves once more but instead of leaving the vampire's body she instead maneuvers around and cuts her in half from the waist.