Level Up

When both Mike and Dike returned to the inn Mike had to first bathe and get rid of the stench from the sewers that lingered in the air around him from the sewer system. After that, he ate something more than just cheese that he had taken from before. With all that said and done it was around 9 at night with torches and candlelight illuminating the inn/ tavern they were staying at while both Mike and Dike sat on the first floor.

"Ah Micheal good to see you back lad hope your trip was nice," Says the barkeep as he personally takes away Mikes platter now empty of food

Dike had explained that he had made the excuse of Mike leaving the city for a bit to complete one of his quests and that he had left the care of his little puppy to him for just a few days. Dike then dumped the little fella to the barkeeper's hands who then, in turn, dumped it to his wife who worked in the kitchen. Apparently taking care of a single puppy was too much for them. With that in mind, Mike hoped he would never have to leave his pup with Dike ever again. As for where the little guy was currently Mike had no clue since Dike had immediately forced him to bathe and eat before he could get him from whoever was holding onto him currently.

"So Mike tell me what happened to you?" Dike says as soon as the barkeeper leaves

With that Mike recounts what happened and omits some details like before and leaves Irina and Sarnethia out of the story while trying to make the old guy seeming to be the guy who was in charge of the slave trade there.


'Crap' Mike thinks

"What else are you not telling me, Micheal?" Dike asks

"Oh I also found some documents that seemed to be related to those who purchased slaves within the city but I could not bring many due to the sheer amount of papers" Mike quickly says


Dike nods his head at this and asks to see one of the papers. Mike puts a hand into his pocket and takes out a piece of paper that was crumpled up that he found and put inside the system space. He put that there because it had an order for a large number of slaves to moved to a mining town called Gateway from what Mike could understand.

He hands the paper to Dike who takes a look and his facial expression does not really change as he reads its contents. Once done he pockets it which Mike was glad for since he now had an open slot to finally put his sword inside. Mike does not want to generally keep his sword out in the open since the wheater can cause the sword to rust if exposed to the elements plus with the sword in his inventory no one can take his sword and he can always have a weapon on him if needed. With that taken care of Mike could now put it inside his inventory.

Mike talks with Dike about what happened and tries to figure out what happened since he was kidnapped as well as how much time has passed. Apparently, about two days had passed since Mike was kidnapped by those three. Dike recounts how he found Mike's token and what happened with the three individuals that attacked him as well. Mike was sad to hear that those three were now taken care of with one of them being put in jail for the rest of their life and the other two being dead through explosions. He was sad that he did not get to see their deaths or take their lives either since he wanted payback, but what has happened has happened.

"Awroo!!!" A loud howl interrupts Mike's thoughts as a little puppy comes bounding at Mike and jumping at him knocking him out of his chair.

Mike falls to the ground and is stunned temporarily as a wet tongue starts licking all over his face with joy causing Mike to smell dog breath.

"Ah!" Mike shouts as a heavy sensation presses down on his chest

"Hey now get off him!" Dike shouts causing the weight on Mike's chest to disappear

Looking up Mike sees a big dog sitting down while its tongue is out and its tail is wagging uncontrollably while it looks at Mike.

"What in the?"

"That is your dog Mike," Dike says as he gets out of his chair and helps Mike stand

"How is that my dog shouldn't it be you know a puppy still?" Mike asks

"He should have been but this guy is special apparently"

'Abbey any idea why this happened?' Mike asks since Dike apparently did not know

"Hm... have you checked his status yet"

'Don't I need to hurt him to do that though?' Mike asks preparing to give up

"Not in this case since he is your pet you can check his status whenever you want to"

'I guess I will do that later then,' Mike thinks to himself before turning his attention to the wolf before him

The wolf was about 1 foot tall from where it was sitting now and looking at Mike with one blue and one red eye. Its fur had turned black in color with the white spot from before on its forehead that reminded Mike of a star in the dead of night. As Mike looked at the little fella he began to see the similarities to it and the other wolf variants that he has encountered before when he was hunting in the forest.

'Interesting' Mike thinks as he moves to the wolf

"Hey, little guy how have you been?" Mike asks


Mike was happy to see that the little puppy was now a wolf cause he could actually fight with him and like Abbey said he could look at his stats when he had the chance to.

"Alright Micheal I am sure that you are tired from today so go ahead and get some rest upstairs," Dike says as he moves Mike towards the stairs and the wolf follows him up

Mike enters his room and it was the same as before when he left. The wolf jumps up onto his bed and lies down while looking at Mike with puppy dog eyes focused at him. Mike knew what he was doing as the wolf probably wanted him to feel guilty for leaving him for so long. Mike felt guilty but he knew that it was not his fault for being gone for the past few days.

Mike sits on his bed and the system sends him a notification.


Quest [Savior] has been completed

Rewards: +1000 exp, +1 elven faction favorability, and x1 random technique

'Yes! I can finally level up' Mike thinks

Mike brings out the system and first decides on what to do. He had missed a daily spin so he could use that now as well as this technique thing as well.

He spins the wheel and gets a magical sheath that will fit any blade that is put inside it which saves him some money and time of going out to get one at the market. Mike decides to save the technique thing for later before he takes a look at his status sheet.


Name: Mike H. Briggs

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 17

Main Class: Learner (Locked)

Subclasses: None


Note: Various other stats are related to the stats below but the ones started below are the main stats

[Lvl 3]

Experience: 650/1450

Health: 55/55

Stamina: 40/40

Magic: 2/16

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 11

Constitution: 26

Charisma: 15

Intelligence: 22

Luck: 13

Negative effects: Spellcasting trouble [2 days]

Skills: [Skill steal] [Hard to hit] [Beginnners Stealth] [Small Luck] [Basic Herb Gathering] [Basic Herb Identification] [Intermidate Pain Resistance]

Skill Pieces: Dual Casting- 7/1000

Proficiencies: None

Unused points: 0

Reserved exp: 1,650

Spells: Cantrips (Expand)


With this amount of reserved exp mike allocates everything that is needed to level up himself.


Mike has leveled up to level 4

+2 points to Unused points

With that Mike was now level 4 and getting closer to being able to use his [Skill Steal] skill.

'Wait Abbey how did my mana increase?' Mike asks as he sees that the number has increased and he has not even used the mana crystal yet to improve it

"Oh that is because you forced the system to divert some of the magic power into your mana pool and that increased it" Abbey replies


"You know about mana overloading right well you cannot overload on mana because the system will take in excess mana to use for it to function. However, if you become emotionally unstable the system will mistake your emotions as its own emotions and deem them as a threat to its existence and attempt to expel you through pure mana," Abbey attempts to explain

'Um... how does that work?' Mike asks

"Well, you are the one who feels the emotions so the mana is redirected to you which you will then absorb regularly and increase your mana pool as a result. In fact, the mana that you absorb through the system is a lot purer than the mana that you absorb from the air around you as all the impurities are expelled from the mana"

'So I will leech off of the mana from the system and as a result I will improve my mana and the quality of it furthermore?' Mike confirms

"Yes you are technically a leech however don't get any idea of using that to improve yourself cause if you get too emotional the system will have to use more mana to solve the problem and after a certain point it will overload the human body causing it to explode," Abbey warns

'Why are my emotions deemed as harmful though?'

"The system is a system and emotions will get in the way of it completing different actions and managing all sorts of things. That is why emotions are deemed as dangerous and need to be suppressed or destroyed by the system with mana being the most efficient way to do so," Abbey answers

'Is it okay for you to be answering this stuff?'

"It is as it will prevent you from blowing up in the future due to stupidity," Abbey says

'Alright, then how do I check wolf's stats?' Mike asks

"There should be a new tab in the system called Companions"

Mike looks and sure enough there is a new tab that says, companions. As of now, there are four names.


Pets: Wolf (Unnamed), Phoneix (Egg [Unable to view])

Friends: None

Acquaintances: Roblin, Irina, and Samantha

Lover(s): None

Special relations: Dike [Master]


Seeing this he could not help but frown at the lover section.

'Lover why would I want a lover?' Mike thinks to himself as he believes that that tab will remain empty forever

'Abbey, how do I check someone's stats?'

"Click on their name and if you have viewed their stats before you can see it, but for closer relationships such as pets and lovers you can view them even if you have never seen them before," Abbey replies

Mike taps on Wolf and a new detailed status sheet appears before him.


Name: None

Gender: Male

Race: Wolf

Age: 5 days

Bloodline (level 0): Wolf variant (Impure)


Note: Various other stats are related to the stats below but the ones started below are the main stats

[Lvl 1]

Experience: 0/100

Health: 20/20

Stamina: 42/42

Magic: None

Strength: 7

Dexterity: 12

Constitution: 6

Charisma: 3

Intelligence: 6

Luck: 5

Negative effects: None

Skills: [Stealth] [Pack Tactics]

Skill Pieces: None

Proficiencies: None


'Abbey explain what bloodline is?'

"Bloodline is something that all beings are born with, once they reach a certain point they will evolve into a higher being which will be better than before"

'How come I don't have a bloodline?' Mike says from what he hears from Abbey

"Because you are already at the highest possible in fact most intelligent races are since they evolved into a higher species over the years"

'So evolution from apes to humans then?'

"Correct and that is just for humans over the millennium they have been on this planet," Abbey replies

'So how does this apply to him?'

"It will depend on if he becomes a monster," Abbey says

'Wait what?'

"How else do you think monsters came to be? They first started as something else but changed over time due to their bloodline developing to the point where they could evolve. Now with this little guy, he has an impure bloodline from his parents but due to one of them being a higher tiered in bloodline it allowed him to grow up faster during his birth,"

'So if I were to take what you are telling me then that would explain how Dragonborn came to be?' [1]

"Exactly because of the higher ranking bloodline the children of dragons from the other races will show dragon features, tendencies, and such things related to the bloodline"

'Interesting' Mike thinks as this is explained to him


1. Dragonborn - Dragonborn from D&D are people that have literal dragon features, breathe fire, and have scales, not the Skyrim kind alright