

Both Mike and Abbey are dumbfounded at what they are seeing as what had just happened to Mike's Technique.

'Abbey what did you do?' Mike asks assuming that what happened was because of her

"I did nothing! I may be made by the system but I have limited access to the system itself so I can't do much"

'Wait a minute' Mike thinks to himself as he opens up his system and sees that everything is the same

"System can you hear me?" Mike says out loud


Quiet pervades the room and the wolf who was just laying on the bed tilts his head to the side as he sees Mike talking to thin air.

"You can talk to me, can't you? You were able to respond before I had Abbey and considering the delayed quest and the fact that this technique just changed when I was considering becoming a butcher to save me the trouble of killing people," Mike says


Still nothing.

"Fine if you don't want to talk then I understand you are a crappy system anyway," Mike says


"Okay kid I can handle everything else from you being weak, obsessed with roleplaying games, and more but I can not tolerate rudeness you understand human!" A voice rings out after the ding

'Huh so that worked' Mike thinks

"What do you mean it worked you had no plan, you idiot!" the voice says

"Oh, really I sure doubt that since I noticed that I got a delayed quest, got the description of my technique changed, and more," Mike retorts back


Silence is the only response that Mike gets from that.

"Let me guess I got that right?"

"You got that one part right okay" The voice grumbles

"I didn't hear you"

"I said that you got that one part right okay!" The voice yells out

"Okay jeez calm down"

"You calm down you stupid human"

"Look aren't you supposed to be my system? Unless you aren't start talking" Mike says

"I ain't your system human alright I just stuck in here on accident," The voice says

"Then who or what are then?"

"Jeez, how would you explain what you are to something else kid if you were asked that? I am what I am alright"

"Oh well I am Mike a Human from the planet Earth but now I don't really know what planet I am on so can't really say much more," Mike says to answer the voice while seemingly ignoring the fact that the question was rhetorical, to say the least

"You know I did not need an answer to that question to that..."

"Then answer me this who are you?"

"Well I go by many names and worshipped by many, but you can just call me Gary," The voice says

"Gary?" So this clearly powerful being that could enter the system that Mike has wanted to be addressed by Gary

"Yeah and don't forget it human"

"Okay, then Gary what are you exactly?"

"Your kind know of me as a god so let's go with that," Gary says

"Neat a real god," Mike says nonchalantly

"You aren't freaking out or as dumbfounded as most humans usually are when they find out they are talking to a god... why is that?"

"Simple I have a system that has allowed me to travel to another world or alternate reality or something. With that in mind, I was kind of expecting to meet beings such as yourself, I did not, however, expect to meet one so quickly," Mike explains

"Oh... well that does explain a bit," Gary says

"So how did you get into my system?"

"Ah well, you know when you first entered this world?"

"Yeah the system brought me here and I woke up in the middle of some fields with my pajamas on," Mike answers

"Well you coming here was something major for the gods as most of us have a history of dealing with dimension shifters that are hostile so when you showed up I was sent to investigate once we found you were on this planet," Gary says

"There are more gods huh?"

"Oh yeah there is a lot of them but I am only a minor god. Before you ask what is a minor god I will explain there are 4 types of gods ranging from minor, intermediate, major, and supreme gods with each of us doing something different. Minor gods like me have contact with mortals more often than other gods because we need the followers until we reach certain requirements to rank up in the hierarchy," Gary explains

"Nice to know but I don't really care about that right now I just want to know how and why you are in my system and messing things up"

"Jeez, can you be any more impatient I was just getting to that. Like I said when you came here this caused a disturbance that the supreme gods took notice of and since they did not know what came here they sent me to come down here and investigate what your intentions were and if you were a threat to us and the universe. When the higher gods found you were on this planet I came over through my conscious form and entered your body to get some answers, but before I could do anything your system as you call it trapped me here and has been trying to destroy me," Gary says

"Really? Well, how long have you been in there?" Mike asks

"Well I would say the first day you were in this city I came into your body," Gary says

"So how come my system has been acting up then?"

"That has been my fault I assume since I and your system have been fighting it up and suppressing me up until now for some reason it really wants to kill me," Gary says

'Hey Abbey any idea why this might be happening?'

"I would have to guess that the system has been diverting most of the mana that it takes in to attempt to destroy Gary since he is a foreign entity that entered your body without magic so it has been trying to get rid of him like with you emotions from back underground. In fact, I believe that with your emotions running rampant Gary was then able to reach out to you because the system was having to divert more mana to two different tasks" Abbey says

"You might be right missy cause this system as you call it has finally given me a breather allowing me to recuperate and get into contact with you for now" Gary chimes in

"So what exactly happens now though can you leave Gary?" Mike asks

"Unfortunately I can't whichever god or being made me they made it ruthless so I can't leave here for now but if I have more chances to recover I can then leave," Gary answers

"Well what about my system I don't want this to affect me with something worse like screwing up my dice rolls, impossible missions, or something like that because of you," Mike says with fear evident in his voice

"Don't worry kid this system was only tampered with by me on accident because I was not careful before and thought that I could just get out through brute force, I will try my best to make sure that I don't cause your death okay?" Gary says

"Wait a minute you said that you were afraid of dying how is that?" Mike asks as he realizes that he may have overlooked something

"Jeez kid listen to me this system is really powerful it can rival the power of the supreme gods out there and since its efforts are focused on eliminating my conscious form I will die if it succeeds so I can only defend and evade it for now and trust me it won't help either of us if I die you got that?" Gary answers

"Why would that be bad?" Mike asks as he feels like he might already know the answer but just wants confirmation

"Simple all the major and intermediate gods will wipe your very existence from the planet in the blink of an eye so you got to help me get out of here to prevent that as I am supposed to report my findings to them in a few years," Gary says

"How long do I have?"

"You have 50 years until then"

"That actually is a pretty long time to help you out..." Mike says

"Well we are gods 50 years is nothing to us regardless of what kind of god or your standing amongst them," Gary replies

"Well is you got any ideas on how to get you out?" Mike asks

"I got nothing right now but what I recommend is that you get stronger so you won't die cause I will with you unfortunately as this system seems to be apart of you," Gary says

"Actually I have an idea on how you can help with that," Mike says

"Help with what?"

"Making me stronger"

"Alright then what can I do in here though I can do very little as is" Gary responds

"Can you change the rewards from the system?"

"I can't change them unfortunately even if I could what would you want?" Gary asks

"Not physical rewards can you change my exp rewards?"

"Actually... I can change them!" Gary says as realization dawns on him

"Perfect then you can potentially increase the amount of exp that I would be gaining from the system so that it is more than offered," Mike says

"Yes I can, but it seems the best I can do is add a single zero to the end of your rewards," Gary says disappointed at the fact of what little he can do even though he is a god albeit a minor god

"How often can you do it though without it affecting your defense against the system?" Mike asks as he does not want to make Gary constantly improve his quests if it will lead to his death

"I can do it once a week at best, but if I have more of these breaks I can be able to do it more often then" Gary responds

"That is fine by me if I can gain more exp that is fine regardless," Mike says

"Yeah well at least- Ah crap this system won't relent up, sorry kid but I gotta go now this thing just started attacking me again so until then be careful," Gary says before silence once again falls upon the room

"Well that is interesting, to say the least," Abbey says

'Yeah it is weird to think that a god is fighting for his life inside my system' Mike says

"Yeah that is a bit weird to think about but until we come up with a solution on how to get him out we can only think about it and search for something that might help"

'Alright then Abbey can you handle that for now and try to come up with something for now until I get a better understanding of the rules of this world amongst other things'

"Sure thing bro I will do that for now," Abbey answers for now while also going quiet and leaving Mike alone

'Jeez what in the world is this system' Mike thinks to himself as he tries to digest everything that has happened to him up till now

***Parallel World #380264 - Slaughter Sect***

In another world than the one that Mike was in, there was a world that had traditional Chinese cultivation where the people here cultivate techniques and did other things as its main thing. This world happened to be the same one that Mike's [Blood and Soul] Technique came from and the place that housed this technique was called the Slaughter Sect.

The Slaughter Sect was indeed viewed as an evil sect due to their practices of techniques that affect other's souls and strengthening themselves through forbidden practices in this cultivation world. Still in this Sect in the Sect masters Pavillion, a middle-aged man wearing monk looking clothing was sitting down and cultivating by himself, and right as he felt as he was going to break through to the next realm of his cultivation it is shattered by loud knocking outside his door. Incredibly annoyed that he was disturbed right at a critical part of his cultivation he pulls open his door off its hinges in anger.

"Who dares disturb me at such a critical time of my cultivation!" He shouts out loud in anger

"S-sect Master terrible news!" the terrified disciple says who had been knocking at the door

"Someone has stolen the Blood and Soul technique from the treasury," The disciple reports

"What?!" The Sect Master shouts out loud at the news


Want to find out more about cultivation? Then check it out here on WebNovel as there are a lot of good books to get you all a good idea of what it is