Meeting with Vampires (1)

The carriage Mike was in was painted black inside and out with the cushions being blood-red in color with the whole place having a spooky atmosphere as the driver lead them to the noble district. Orion had his eyes closed seemingly asleep but he was defiantly awake as his ears were constantly twitching from changes going around him. Mike himself had his arms crossed over his chest as he was just waiting to be brought to where he would be meeting with Irina. Even though Mike looked relaxed he was actually on high alert as he already knew what he was dealing with was vampires as shown by the butler who was now sitting with the driver as well as Irina.

The only noise that Mike heard was the sound of the carriage as it maneuvered through the city streets before eventually rolling to a stop and the door being opened once more by the butler. Surprisingly Mike was able to see that there was a red carpet in front of where they stopped that led up to a grandiose manor, with some maids and butlers standing on either side bowing. Most of these people however were human actually which was a bit surprising to Mike at first but then he remembered how Irina said that her kind had been trying to live with his kind for years, so that made a bit of sense.

Still what Mike found strange was that the vampires that were maids and butlers were not burning up like most of their kind usually do. The butler who brought Mike noticing his confusion explains.

"There is a powerful magic formation surrounding the manor that helps lessen the effects of the sun," He explains

"Well glad to see you guys are living comfortably here," Mike comments

"Very much so sir, now this way my lady is expecting you," he says as he walks down the carpet towards the manor

Mike and Orion both follow after him down the carpet and into the manor.

The manor's exterior was a big house with some decor but as for expensive decorations or something of the like, there seemed to be nothing like that except the neatly trimmed hedges surrounding the house with a few of the taller ones being trimmed to look like animals. Walking down the carpet Mike and the carpet walk up a small set of stairs and the two oak wood doors are pulled open from the inside by two other butlers.

"I take it you are the head butler here?" Mike asks

"You have presumed correct sir I am the head butler Montegue while here if you require anything just ask me or one of the maids or butlers," Montegue says as they enter the home and the doors close behind them

Entering the manor it is actually very well lit with all the windows in the main hall opened up fully allowing Mike to see the entirety of the room they are in. Currently, they are standing in front of the two main doors from which the carpet led them. The room seems to be about 50 feet lengthwise from where Mike is standing to the other wall, but there is a grand staircase leading up to the second and third floors from what he can see while off to the left and right there are other doors about 25 feet from where Mike is standing to each side of the room. The doors were closed and there did not seem to be much activity from them as it was surprisingly quiet for such a big house with a lot of servants and workers.

Of course, this manor had items that were to be used as decorations for guests with some painting, vases, plants, and other objects on the main floor for which to fill up the room.

'The perks of being rich' Mike thinks to himself as he looks around the room for a bit while they walk around

"My lady is on the second floor in her study so please follow me, sir," Montegue says as he begins walking once again towards the stairs

Seeing as how Montegue was not really going to be much of the talkative type and Orion is a dog Mike had to spend the time climbing the stairs looking at the various paintings lining the walls as well as the material of the house. The paintings were of people that Mike did not recognize at all and the paintings in his opinion were quite dull since he was not one for art as they just showed battles, portraits of people standing still, and other things that made him lose interest. Seeing as how Mike was not going to find any fun in the paintings he just goes to look at the material that made up the building.

Surprisingly this building was made up of mostly polished marble, wood, and some other materials. Marble would definitely be hard to obtain since quarries are usually hard-pressed for getting the materials for people who place orders but seeing as how most of this building is made of it when most of the house he has seen were made of either wood or stone was a testament to how rich Irina's family was.

Mike, Orion, and Montegue walked into a hallway on the second floor and stopped in front of a door which Montegue gave a brisk knock on before a clear "Enter" was heard from within.

Montegue opens the door and enters in with a bow before moving off to the side and allowing Mike inside as well. Mike enters and sees Irina sitting down in a red velvet chair in the center of the room with a table between her and another chair at the end.

"Ah the escapee from before how nice to see you so soon," Irina says as she stands up and moves to him

Unlike last time when she was wearing a cloak, she was wearing a black and white dress with frills, and the whole shebang meant to impress those who saw her. Mike did not care about that as most people would as he believed that character is more important than looks in most cases.

Irina gingerly grabs Mike's hand and pulls him over to the chair that was left open from before when he entered the room. Both Irina and Mike sit down at the same time and she looks towards Montegue.

"Montegue, please bring our guest something to drink and snack on," She says

"What would like sir?" Montegue asks as he looks towards Mike

"I guess I would like a tea please," Mike responds in kind as Montegue nods his head in confirmation and leaves the room

Looking around now Mike sees a few things about the room that he did not notice before. For one the windows in this room had the drapes pulled over them with the light in the room coming from various candles on a chandelier up on the ceiling. As for the room itself, there was very little in it except for the items mentioned before there was also a wooden dresser that was placed in the middle of where the windows were but besides that, there was nothing else.

There was also something else bugging him a bit as he felt that something was staring at him from somewhere.

1 [1]

'Oh, shit...' Mike's first one came to bare its hideous fangs and that feeling of being watched vanished as if it was never even there in the first place.

Still, Mike was a bit uneasy about everything as he was literally in a den of vampires so he had to tread carefully lest he accidentally causes them all to attack him. Plus with that natural 1 taking effect Mike was having some difficulty remembering what exactly it was in the room that was making him feel uneasy as he sat there in his chair.

"Now then while Montegue is busy with that why don't we do some formal introductions?" Irina says as she looks to Mike

"Hm... Oh sorry my name is Micheal it is my pleasure to met you," Mike says as he gets the hint that he was supposed to go first


"Well then Micheal I bet you are wondering why you are here?" Irina inquires

"You want the documents that I took from the underground, yes?" Mike says

"Oh, so you do have them then that saves me the trouble of looking for them, but that is not what I wanted to talk to you about," She says as a delighted expression comes to her face while Mike looks confused

"So what is it you wanted to talk about then?" Mike asks


1. For those that don't know rolling a one is the bane of all roleplaying games because no matter what you fail whatever you were attempting to do while also sometimes getting something extra bad added to it

Example: Archer wants to shoot an enemy with a bow but rolls a 1. Not only does the arrow miss but they have to roll to see if the arrow hits their instead friend who is also nearby