Meeting with Vampires (4)

Mike was looking over the contract that Irina had handed over to him right now and having to read it over slowly since he did not want to be caught in something shady and also because Abbey had to translate for him for now.

"Alright done with the translation bro you can decide what to do now," Abbey says after she told Mike everything

The contract was nice with a lot of benefits for Mike and Irina's family but there were still a few loopholes from which Mike wanted to clear up and make clear.

"So when it says that I will have to complete a monthly strength test how will that be done and what will be tested by strength as it seems to be a loose term?" Mike inquires as he read that part and understood it was to see if Mike was actually becoming stronger or staying at the same level to determine if he was reliable for the family to continue to invest in.

"Ah well since you are an adventurer there are always a variety of ways to determine your strength whether is be through quest completions or other means we will accept them," Mr. Castleburn says in place of Irina

"Alright, then what about what benefits I would be gaining from becoming your adventurer?" Mike asks as they were not explicitly stated

"You will only find out if you accept the contract," Mr. Castleburn answers again

"Okay then..." Mike says as he got a cryptic response

"How about we change the strength test to something reported every six months?" Mike asks as a month will not be enough for any substantial changes

"That is not acceptable as-" Mr. Castleburn was saying before being cut off

"Father this is my contract with him as the future head I should be able to handle these things by myself," Irina complains as she cuts him off silencing him effectively

"That is acceptable as you are a wizard apprentice I do believe that this is for the best as you will be quite bust with official matters of the crown at times so that will be changed," Irina says as she grabs the contract and Mike feels some mana being used faintly before the contract is placed down on the table and this time the part about the strength test was changed

"Interesting..." Mike says

"I thought most people cannot use magic?" Mike asks as he looks at the two of them

"That is true while I myself cannot use magic my daughter was gifted to use it and has a teacher here in the city who gives her lessons," Mr. Castleburn explains

"Then how were you hiding in here before?" Mike asks as he did not hear the door open when Mr. Castleburn first appeared

"While I may not have the ability to use magic I can use a few tricks of my own that are apart of my bloodline," Mr. Castleburn answers without answering what he did

Mike thinks about it before possibly concluding how he did it.

"You can hide in the shadows and become one with them I think?" Mike asks

Mr. Castleburn's eyes widen a bit in surprise but other than that there is no other reaction from him as Mike makes his guess.

"Hahaha," Irina starts giggling at what Mike said

"Now you see father why I took an interest in him I have never met a human as cunning and smart as him before," Irina says while looking at her father

Mr. Castleburn only nods at her as his gaze is still fixated on Mike as if he is a dog on a leash waiting to be let loose on its prey.

"So Micheal do you agree to the contract?" Irina asks

Mike looks at the contract and then at Irina.

"Do you have a quill I can use?" Mike asks as the contract is very useful to him

The benefits that Mike would be gaining was the protection of the Castleburn family and gain the rights to the lodging of their home, payment for any completed personal quests, using their family name and crest if deemed necessary, and some other useful benefits. In return Mike would have to undertake some personal quests for them from time to time and have to submit those strength reports to them to see his improvements and determine if they should continue to invest in him. The only thing that Mike a bit hesitant about was the fact that he could not reject any of these issued quests and that he would also not be able to cancel the contract himself and could only be cut from the contract by the Castleburn's family head or the person who made the contract with him.

Still, the benefits outweighed the negatives so Mike decided to accept the contract as it would be very beneficial to him. With that Mike was given a quill and ink to sign his name on the contract to make it official.

'Wait I don't know how to spell my name or use a quill...' Mike thinks to himself as he realizes his problem

"Um... I hate to ask but can one of you sign for me I don't know how to spell my name or use a quill..." Mike says embarrassed

"You can't write your name I thought you were a Royal Wizard's apprentice? You should be able to write easily and how can you not know how to spell your name when you can read?" Mr. Castleburn ask while scoffing at Mike

"I recently became his apprentice and that only happened because of my talent with spells. I don't know how to read well or spell my name yet so it takes me a while to do so," Mike answers him

"Hm... well then I guess I will just write your name for you then," Mr. Castleburn says as he reaches to take the quill from Mike

"Wait father I want to do it," Irina says

This is causing Mr. Castleburn to hesitate as his daughter's request is something strange as he wants her daughter to have nothing to do with this human sitting across from her but because of her insistence, he was forced to utilize his connections to look for him based solely off of his description. That alone was unacceptable to him but now that his daughter was asking to make him a contracted adventurer he had to put his foot down a little and agreed only if he was in the same room as them to make sure he did nothing to his daughter.

With the events of Mike asking to have his blood drank Mr. Castleburn was furious at Mike's request that he wanted to appear right then and twist his head off of his body. He however held his emotions in check as he knew that his daughter would defiantly be angry at him for his actions so he forced his emotions into submission. With Irina almost killing Mike Mr. Castleburn was incredibly happy as he wanted her to get rid of him and he also thought that she was just using him to get rid of the boy that humiliated her before. When Sarenthia came out though and cut Irina from the waist Mr. Castleburn was both shocked and outraged at the action that he actually appeared from his hiding spot in the shadows to kill Mike right then but when he saw his daughters expression by what she was about to do he realized that his daughter was not in danger and actually felt regret for her actions, causing Mr. Castleburn to retreat once more while glaring at Mike with scorn and bloodlust for what he did to his beloved daughter.

However, now that his daughter was asking to do something for this human Mr. Castleburn was beginning to have all sorts of conspiracies as to why she was acting this way when normally she usually acted so indifferent and above others she meets with.

Still, Mr. Castleburn hands the pen to his daughter and she signs the contract for Mike making it official as he gave his consent for his signature to be used.

"Now then first we would like for you to hand over those documents that you took from the underground," Mr. Castleburn says as he wanted to keep his client's confidentiality a secret

"Is this a quest?" Mike asks

"Sure consider it your first quest from us," Irina says happily as she feels a bit excited at having a personal adventurer


New quest [Document Recovery] available


Document Recovery:

You are in the possession of the documents that hold the identities of those involved in illegal slave trafficking and some other illegal activities and can turn them into different people for different rewards.

Completion Requirements: Turn in the documents to one of the following people for the corresponding reward


[Castleburn's]: +10 Castleburn favorability, +500 exp, x1 common grade accessory

[City Guards]: +25 Guard favorability, +300 exp, x1 rare grade equipment

[City Mayor]: +5 Mayor favorability, +200 exp, x1 rare grade weapon

[Dike]: +10 favorability, +500 exp, x1 common grade wand


'Easy rewards' Mike thinks to himself as he accepts the quest