The Manor (1)

Dike sighed to himself as he got up from his chair and started pacing around his room as he tried to come up with a plan on how to get something on the mayor to warrant the king to take action to go against him. Now 'The Mystic Mind' group may or may not be involved in this city but one person using a mind jacking spell is not enough evidence to warrant the crown to take action as of now since any magic-user could potentially learn that spell if they came upon it, so Dike could not use that for the time being.

The best idea would be to investigate the Mayor's manor at night and snoop around his place to see if he had anything that could warrant his arrest and connect him with The Mystic Mind group.

Dike cannot help but shudder at the thought of someone colluding with that group of vile and deranged people.

The Mystic Mind is essentially a terrorist group of sorts that conduct sneak attacks throughout this kingdom. They plunder villages, destroy cities, and do all sorts of heinous acts against others for the fun of it or in some cases for payment. No one knew who their leader was as they had never openly appeared in any of their attacks and their base of operations tended to be a mystery to everyone even the group members that are caught which are few as it is. Another reason they were feared was because of their strength as they tended to only recruit strong magic users throughout the human kingdoms to join them and cause havoc whenever they wanted to.

As a result of them taking the strong magic users, they tend to have heavy firepower at their disposal allowing them to destroy whole cities like Irondale within a few hours. They were called The Mystic Mind because of their trademark magic which consisted of memory magic. Whether it be memory altering, memory-erasing, or even hijacking the brain they were the best at it to the point that it became their trademark magic that elites within the organization used on their victims.

They were extremely dangerous, to say the least to any kingdom on the continent.

Pushing those thoughts aside Dike had to come up with a plan to get his royal highness to take action against the mayor of Irondale. Eventually, after a few hours of contemplation Dike had a plan formulated in his mind on how to get something to warrant the mayor's arrest. Dike puts on a coat and leaves his room to enter the hallway.

Dike pauses for a bit as he sees Mike's room door in front of him as he has some internal struggle before eventually walking downstairs. Mike had seen Dike standing outside his door but seeing him leave Mike does nothing else but continues his workout regiment with a bit more caution this time as he does not want to harm himself too badly while Dike is away.


Dike walked through the streets of the city from the common zone into the noble district as he meandered throughout the city he was ever cautious of being seen and tailed by someone as he moves. Dike eventually goes into a small bakery on the side of the street in the noble area and decides to wait here for the time being as he sits down and orders himself some pastries to enjoy.

A few hours later and a few dozen pastries later Dike exits the bakery and walks under the night sky through the city streets. Due to this place being in the noble district the streets had more candle lighting along the street from which the people can see the road they walk on than in the common area where there were few lamp posts along the roads.

The streets were relatively empty as Dike walked past the fancy houses and manors of the rich here in the city with private guards at the gates and patrolling around the houses. One house however had more guards than any other house in the area and that house belonged to Mayor McDonald. Dike walked past the house in fact he did not even glance at the gate surrounding the property as he moved around the house and towards a certain area across the street. It was another bakery that was now closed due to it being so late at night.

Dike goes around the building and just like Mike did he casts [Enlarge] on each brick that he needed to step or grab on as he climbed up the side of the building. When Mike first used the [Enlarge] cantrip Dike was at first stunned at what he was seeing as he had never thought to use the cantrip this way before so Dike practiced using the spell this way so that he to could use it as Mike could. This was very useful for Dike since every bit of mana used up can be a real detriment to any magic-user as they don't have unlimited mana so conservation is a must when having to use spells.

With [Enlarge] Dike was now able to use no mana climbing up the side of a building because it was a cantrip and he had better control of it than Mike he was able to use a slightly powerful version of the simple spell. Dike got up to the top of the building which was just as tall as the gate that encompassed the Mayor's house. Dike moves to the farthest area of the roof before he runs towards the edge of the roof and jumps off.

The distance from the roof to the manor fence was about 20 feet in distance. Now Dike was about 15 feet high when he jumped and no regular person could jump across such a distance without any sort of help. Dike was no different as he cast a spell that causes him to glide across the air towards the gate.

This spell was literally called [Glide] which allowed the caster to glide towards something as they would be like a bird when gliding back to earth as long as they expended the necessary mana needed to keep the spell active.

Seeing as the fence was about the same height as the bakery Dike knew that he was not going to make it with just using this spell so when he was closer he casts another spell that causes him to suddenly move up. He cast [Gust] which was a simple level one spell that created a strong gust of wind that was capable of moving most light objects and since Dike was considered to be a light object he was able to get well above the fence and clear it easily before landing behind some shrubs.

Dike looks around and sees no guards in the immediate area so he moves towards the manor to find a way indoors. Dike had a few ideas on how he could get inside such as casting [Disguse Self] to make himself look completely different and into a common guard or something like that to enter the building through the front door, but that would be a risky option to go with so Dike would have to use that as a last resort if he could not find any other way inside the house. Dike goes around the entire outside of the house to find another way inside but the only thing that Dike could find was an open window on the third floor of the building.

He did not want to go through this way because he could not really use the [Enlarge] spell trick again as this house was not really made from individual brick but whole blocks of marble. These were massive blocks about the 5 and a half feet each way so if Dike decided to enlarge them then someone would defiantly be able to see him easily if they looked on the side of the house. So Dike with no other choice uses some mana to cast [Spider Climb] and just like a famous web-slinger Dike climbs up the side of the building and is soon under the open window.

Dike takes a peek into the room to see that it is an empty guest room before he climbs on in and sticks to the ceiling of the room for a bit as he looks around the room.


While Dike was infiltrating the Mayor's Manor through magical means the individuals of One and Two were in a different room in the manor that was hidden from the staff and guards of the place.

Over the past week, Two was recovering from the torture and malnutrition that he had received while in Dike's 'care' in jail. As of now he was better but still had to recover from his ordeal as he was lying on top of a bed. As he was about to fall asleep he suddenly feels a jolt throughout his body prompting him to sit up and look around in a certain direction.

One who was lazing about gets startled by Two's actions as he was not that energetic from returning from his trip in the jail.

"What in the Nine Hells?!" One shouts out

"He is here," Two says instantly shutting up One who was about to spout some foul curses

"Are you certain about that?"

"Has my magic ever been wrong?" Two says


"Go tell the master while I welcome him," Two says to One as he leaves the room