
"Hm? Ah yes, the bathroom," The Mayor says as he looks to one of the guards and motions for him to lead Mike out of the room

Mike gets up from his place at the table before following the guard out of the room with Orion also following Mike. Mike knew that Synthia could handle herself if anything happened and if she could not well then they were both screwed then. Mike did tell Synthia to not take off her helmet in front of the Mayor as he was a major racist and if he saw that she was a half-elf then Mike can only assume that what would happen would be extremely bad for her regardless of her paladin status.

Mike followed the guard who leads Mike to the bathroom which was in a nearby room. Mike goes in after thanking the guard for leading him to it just to be nice and dispel any thoughts that he was going to do something else. The guard stayed outside as Mike was going to finish his business.

Of course, Mike was going to search for Daniel at this time, and to do that he goes into the bathroom for a bit before opening the door silently and taking out the guard by overpowering him and knocking him out with the hilt of one of his blades. Mike dumps the body in the bathroom and locks the door to make it seem like it is in use. With the guard out of the way Mike now had a few minutes at best to find Daniel before someone gets suspicious of his absence so he needs to hurry up with Orion who was standing right next to Mike still invisible.

Both of them started moving to the stairs to go up to the second floor and since Mike knew that the servants would not think much if he gave them a solid reason so he decided to bluff his way out if someone asked him. Mike walked up the stairs in a confident manor up the stairs onto the second floor following Orions form through his mana vision. Orion stopped in front of a closed door and Mike tries to open it to find it locked so Mike simply has Sarenthia insert the blade into the side of the door and cut whatever it is that was acting as a lock for the door. With a quick slash up she unlocks the door and they enter.

Mike closes the door behind him before moving about the room. Orion turns visible again but he looks extremely tired and lys by the door to act as a barrier for anyone who may be trying to enter as he rests. Mike of course goes to the desk seeing as it might hold the more important documents that prying eyes would love to see. So Mike starts moving by opening the drawers and searching for anything that Daniel might have found.

Mike knew that Daniel was trying to find something on the mayor hence why he came here, with the fact that Daniel was now missing Mike could assume that he found something and was captured as a result. So Mike searched to see if he could snatch it before continuing to find Daniel. If Mike got the thing that Daniel may have found about the mayor then he could keep it until his system came back out of the lockdown mode so he could reap the rewards immediately.

Still Mike did not find anything in the visible drawers so he searches the desk for some sort of hidden compartment or drawer that was built in. Mike had a lot of experience in the game world so he knew most of the common and uncommon traps, hiding places, and other stuff that he had to deal with in his own games. Equiped with this knowledge Mike was confident enough to find most peoples secrets with ease as long as they try to hide things using a method that Mike experinced.

With that in mind Mike was able to find the secret compartment of the desk that Daniel had found before when he was told about it. Opening it Mike finds it to be empty making him frown as he thinks to himself.

From what he had assertaned Mike deduced that Daniel came to the manor two nights ago, he found something here but before he could leave he was captured, and his current wearabouts were unknown. Now Daniel could have taken the items in the desk before he was captured or they were moved by someone once they captured Daniel to make sure that no one else could find them. So Mike would now have to find out where Daniel is and soon.

Mike walks over to the door and Orion seeing Mike is going to be leaving starts wimmpering as he is still tired from stay invisible for so long. Orion could maintain his invisible state for a long time but unfortunately the longer he uses it the more tired he becomes until he passes out. Mike did not know that but seeing Orions expression Mike made an educated guess at what Orion was feeling. So Mike rubs Orion's head before promising Orion another whole ham to eat once they got back. With the promise of food Orion suddenly got a burst of energy as he wanted to do his part before they got back to the inn so that he could enjoy and relish in his reward.

They leave the room while Mike closes the door and leaves heading downstairs to the dining room once again. As Mike enters the room he hears the mayor talking about something with heavy passion and fervor that was quite boustourous.

"So I said to my men, "Do not fear these filthy beasts for we are stronger than them, smarter than them, and we are many while they are few" after that my men cheered on as we lead the assault towards the enemy on the field of battle," The mayor says with some boisterous laughter accompanying the end

Mike enters back and takes his seat back near Synthia while the mayor was about to continue the story before he noticed that Mike returned.

"Ah, your back at the perfect time I was just recounting my feats of my youth at the battle of Ulruck," The mayor says

"Well then I am sorry for missing it," Mike answers in an apologetic tone

"Ah he does speak, now that we know that use that mouth of yours to tell me something," The mayor asks

"Yes m'lord?"

"You master does not seem to be very forth coming on a few things and I wish to know a few things from you then," The mayor says

These words make Mike break out in a cold sweat as he thinks that the mayor is talking about Daniel, but he calms himself down before nodding his head knowing that the mayor should not have any idea about him and Daniel being in a master and student relationship.


"So I know the reason that the two of you are here and that you are just passing through, but may I ask what business you have in the capital as I recall there is no church of Dorthia in the capital?" The mayor inquires

"We are meeting up with some other brothers and sisters to partake in a reconasance mission of the Dragon to the north"

"Oh? A dragon you say why would you want to get mixed up with those despicable creatures?" The mayor inquires

'You are a despicable creature' Mike thinks to himself before answering with, "We believe that the dragon holds something dear to the church of Dorthia so we will search first to see if the item is there first before doing anything else"

"Ah, well that explains why there has been no word of the church moving some forces around yet as they are being overly cautious with this matter," The mayor comments

"Well we need to be m'lord we would rather prevent as much of the loss of life as possible," Mike answers

"But of course" The mayor says while also thinking 'I better get some people to follow after them so they can try to get some of the treasures'

"Well then I wish you luck with your endeavors," The mayor says once again before standing up

"I believe you should have recovered enough of your mana by now, so if you don't mind can you please help my servants?"

"But of course," Synthia says as she stands up as well with Mike getting up

"Oh where is Sedrick?" The mayor asks seeing that the guard that escorted Mike to the bathroom is not in the room and looking to Mike for an answer

"Oh he also had to go to the bathroom so he just escorted me here before going back to the bathroom"

"Ah that is completely understandable," The mayor says

Everyone leaves and enters the same room as before where Synthia cast the checking spell on everyone. This time no onw was there yet so they have to wait a bit.

"Excuse me for asking m'lord but do you have children?" Mike asks while trying to act as cordual and politely as possible

"Hm? Ah yes I do have two children but they are off at their aunts estate for the week, so they are not here, but why do you ask?" The Mayor asks a bit suspicious of the question

"Well this is a big manor and I was wondering if his lordship stayed here by himself that is all," Mike says

The mayor does not say anything and as their conversation comes to a close four people enter the room with three of them being servants and one of them being a guard of the mayors estate.

"I believe these are the four that are afflicted with the disease," The mayor says

"Yes they are but how did you know that?" Synthia asks

"After we left I had my headbutler ask everyone to figure out who was afflicted and these four confirmed that they were feeling a bit under the weather"

Synthia just nods her head as she approaches the four of them and starts chanting a spell presumably to cure them of the minor alments that are afflicting them. A few seconds pass by and a golden glow envelopes the people while Mike takes a look at the healing process through his mana sense just to see how heal through magic works.

Through his eyes Mike is able to see a golden light envelope the people before sinking into their skin and disappearing completely. Mike was not able to gain anything from seeing this happen just confusing him more than anything at the use of his new ability except for seeing magically invisible creatures and people it did not seem to have much use besides that.

"It is done" Synthia says

"Excellent, now then please take these tickets for the riverboat to the capital," The mayor says as he takes out two pieces of paper that are supposed to act as tickets for the riverboat

"Thank you and may th light of Dorthia bless your household," Synthia says as she gives a curt bow and they proceed to the exit

They leave the manor and exit the property through the iron fence before walking away to the cafe that Daniel climbed up two night's before.

"So did you find him?" Synthia asks

"No... but he was defiantly there as Orion led me to the mayors study," Mike answers as Orion turns visible and floops to the floor dead tired

"Arwoo" He wimpers

"Don't worry boy you can rest here for a bit before we go back and the you can get your ham," Mike tells him and gets a tail wag in response

"So what now? We didn't find him there"

"I know that so that means he is some place else, if Orion could not smell him leaving the manor than that means he must be some place where Orion's nose is useless, but where could that b-" As Mike was speaking he suddenly got an idea of where he might be

"Synthia?" Mike asks with a sweet voice prompting her to look at him

"How do you feel about sewage?" He asks kindly