Wake Up


My eyes opened slowly, and out of irritation I pulled the covers up to my chin, refusing to let my peaceful sleep end.


Reid's unmistakably deep voice filled my ears. I looked up to see him standing at my bedside wearing a stern expression.

"Oh? You're watching me sleep now? That's new," I rolled over and snuggled into my blankets.

"Don't ignore me," Reid demanded before ripping my blankets from me.

"What th-" I began to sit up, but in a swift movement Reid had gotten on top of me and pinned me to the mattress. I gasped.

"What are y-"

"-Why didn't you come into bed with me last night?" Reid cut me off.


"You heard me."

Reid leaned down, my arms were now pinned above my head, our faces only inches apart.

"Does it matter!?" I turned my head away, embarrassed.

"It matters to me!"

Reid switched, holding my arms down with one hand while he placed the other on my cheek, turning my head. He kissed me intensely and I felt my body grow weak.

His kiss was different from before. What was once gentle and soft had turned hungry, and lustful. I found myself returning it with my own hunger, feeling as though it were eating me up inside.

Suddenly my hands were released as Reid sat up, pulling his shirt over his head, revealing his upper body. He quickly crashed his lips back down onto mine and I pulled him into me. Our kisses grew faster, and hotter, with each second.

Reid's hand slid down my chest until his touch made it's way under my shirt. It felt like fire against my bare skin.

His hand traveled up my body, lifting my shirt until my torso was uncovered.

His kiss moved to my neck, giving my body shivers as he sucked and nibbled my sweet spot. I bit my lip, holding back a moan.

His lips made their way to my chest, taking their time on my nipples. I squeezed my eyes shut, holding in every gasp.

His mouth traveled down further, and further, until he had reached my waist band. He bit the fabric erotically, teasing me.

"R...Reid." I nearly whimpered, my entire body felt as if it were in flames.

He brought his lips back up to mine, and I was met with his piercing green eyes. They had a gleam in them I'd never seen before.


I felt Reid's hand slowly move its way down my upper body, the touch of his fingertips like liquid heat, before reaching into my pants. My back arched as I let out a loud gasp.


My eyes shot open as I woke up flat on my stomach in the pull out.

"Hey, he's finally awake!" Reid's voice called out from the other side of the room.

"You were breathing really heavily in your sleep so I figured you were having a nightmare and woke you up," Reid zipped up his hoodie.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes sleepily.

A nightmare? What was I-

I slammed my hand over my mouth, remembering what I was dreaming about.

I had a dirty dream about Reid... and that wasn't all...

I could feel it... in my pants.

I quickly grabbed my pillow and covered it, praying it hadn't shown through the covers.

My gaze fell into my lap, mortified.

What the hell do I do?

"...You alright?" Reid asked, approaching the pull out, looking concerned.

I shot my hand out, signaling him not to come closer.

"I-I'm fine! Just gonna take a sh-shower!" I turned my body so Reid didn't have the chance to see the situation in my pants before I booked it for the bathroom.

I quickly shut and locked the door behind me. I leaned against the door and looked down.

I have a hard on.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath.

I turned the shower nozzle all the way to cold, praying that the biting, freezing water would make it go down.


What the hell was that about?

Everyone has nightmares, it's nothing to be ashamed of, so why was Nolan so embarrassed? If he had gotten any redder I was afraid his head would've blown off.

I sat down at the desk, and pulled out my papers for the story plot I've been trying to work on. After what seemed like hours, I threw down my pencil and sighed. No progress.

I heard the bathroom door open and looked to see Nolan standing in the doorway wearing nothing but a towel. When I say I couldn't take my eyes off of him...

I'd seen him shirtless a few times when he rode through my neighborhood, so the fact that he had a nice body wasn't knew to me... but seeing him up close, his hair wet and messy from his shower, with water droplets pooling on his color bones and trickling down his chest, running their way down his abs, my mind couldn't focus on anything else.

"Sorry, I forgot to grab my clothes." Nolan walked over to his suitcase, he was turned away from me. I watched his back muscles work as he unzipped the suitcase. I swallowed.

This can't be allowed.

Without a thought, I got up and made my way over to him.

He had a shirt in his hand. I came up from behind and put my hand over his, lowering it.

"What do you think you're doing?" My voice was low, and deeper than usual. Nolan was bringing out a side to me that I didn't even know existed.

Nolan immediately let go of the shirt. I couldn't see his face, but the tips of his ears were glowing red. I had the desire to nibble on them.

"You come out of the shower looking as good as you do, with no clothes on, and expect me to feel nothing?"

Nolan didn't speak a single word, but his breathing had grown heavy, his body stiff. I was happy knowing I had an affect on him, but even more of what I was feeling was something not nearly as innocent as happiness - and it had completely taken over me.

Giving in, I lightly nibbled on his ear, my hands traveling up his arms, resting on his biceps. He let out a small gasp.

"Oh? Are your ears sensitive?" I chuckled.

Nolan hesitantly nodded his head, lowering it.

"Then what about..."

I pressed my lips to the nape of his neck, leaving a trail of french kisses down to his freckle covered shoulder. He shivered.

"Wake up..." it sounded like Nolan muttered it to himself.

I kissed his shoulder once more.

"This isn't a dream." I began playfully biting just above his collar bone, Nolan sharply inhaled in reaction. I licked, kissed, and sucked on the area until a hickey had revealed itself. I smirked.

Nolan tilted his head back.


My eyes widened. Did he seriously just call out my name using such a seductive voice? I was at my breaking point, and he was only adding fuel to the fire.

"Listen..." I glided my palms up to his chest, and let them slide down his upper body while I spoke, Nolan's heartbeat was racing, pounding against my touch.

"Saying my name normally is one thing, but calling it out in such a sexy way like that? I won't be able to hold back anymore."

"Th-This is you holding back?"

I brought my lips to his ear once more, whispering, "you have no idea."

I pressed myself against his backside and Nolan flinched, gasping. I smiled.

"...You're cute when you're nervous."

I don't know if I've ever been so bold before, I wasn't used to the feeling, but the words came out of my mouth before I even had the chance to think of them.

"I...I'm not" Nolan nearly squeaked.

"You are."

My hands moved down, further and further until they reached his towel... was this it?

I was cut short by Nolan grabbing my hand, preventing me from going further.


One simple command from Nolan felt like taking a stab to my gut.

"No...no more." His voice was shaky, and sounded laced with guilt.

I took my hands off of him, and stepped away. My heart suddenly feeling 10 times heavier in my chest.

He still hadn't turned around.

"I see..." I clenched my fists out of pure humiliation.

"I...I just-"

"-No, I get it," I began to put on my shoes, lacing them up, pulling tight.

"Where are you going?" Nolan asked.

I threw my hood up over my head, stuffing my phone in my back pocket.

"Food." I shortly replied.

"Oh, let me get changed real quick and-"

"No need. Text me what you want. I'll be back," and with that, I shut the door behind me.

I replayed Nolan's rejection over and over in my head as I walked down the hall.

Stop. No more.

Those were the words he used...

The first time I've ever really put myself out there, and for a guy I genuinely like, nonetheless, and I get turned down immediately. He didn't even miss a beat. Of course.

My jaw tightened and my fists clenched by my sides before I slammed the elevator door button aggressively.
