Chapter twelve

Michael wakes up with a start. He tries to stand up only to find himself strapped to a chair. As he looks around, he slowly begins to remember what happened to him. He remembers being kidnapped from the hospital and taken back to his house where he was tied up to a chair.

There were two guys that were wanting to know where Sara and the others were at. The only problem was that he had no idea where anyone else was. He doesn't have a clue as to how long he has been unconscious, or if Sara and the others were alright.

He can feel the knot in the rope and tries frantically to untie it. He almost has the first part loose when he begins to hear footsteps coming towards him.

"So what are we going to do now?"

Michael hears the footsteps getting closer. He tries to turn his head around to see who was talking but he can't.

"Its been almost two days now and he still hasn't said anything."

The voice is right behind him now.

"We must get rid of him," a second voice says, female in sound.

Michael can feel the fear beginning to rise in him.

"Even if he really doesn't know anything, we can't allow him to live."

His hands are almost free now.

"Where is Thomas? He should have been back by now."

"He said he had something else to take care of," the first voice says as she begins to walk around Michael.

He looks up but doesn't recognize the girl standing in front of him.

"Please help me," Michael whispers to the girl.

He looks into her eyes and sees that she is filled with the same fear and sadness that he is filled with.

"Please, just let me go."

"I really wish I could. I don't even want to be here myself."

She looks back at the other figure in the room quickly. Michael still can't see the man but he has a feeling he knows who it is, Sara and Julie's father.

"Please, I don't know where they are. I can tell you're afraid so please just help me," Michael whispers, begging the girl to free him.

The girl looks back at the other figure in the room once more before looking into Michael's eyes and smiling weakly.

She looks into his eyes as tears begin to roll down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I want to help you, but he will kill me if I don't do exactly what he says."

"Don't worry, I promise I won't let anything happen to you if you free me," Michael pleads to the girl. "I already have my hands free. Please just help me escape." He can hear the guy beginning to walk away from them. "Is he leaving?"

"Yeah but I don't know how long he will be gone though," she whispers, moving closer to him. "Look, if you really want me to help you escape just tell me what to do."

"First, I need you to help me get these straps off."

Michael quickly slides his hands free.


The girl kneels down in front of him and begins loosening the straps on his legs. Together they get the straps loosened, freeing Michael from the chair.

"Now I need you to go and check the hallway for me," Michael tells the girl, looking over towards the open doorway nervously.

She smiles and walks over to the doorway, peeking out into the dimly lit hallway.

"I don't see anyone I think it's safe," she whispers, quietly running back over to Michael's side.

He tries to stand, but as soon as he puts pressure on his left ankle he falls back onto the chair.

"What's wrong?"

She looks down worried, noticing the pained look on his face as he tries hard not to scream out in pain.

"It's my left ankle, I think it's twisted. You will have to help me, let me lean on you."

Michael winces as he tries to stand again.

She moves closer so he can put his arm around her shoulders. She picks him up and together they begin to make their way down the hall slowly.

"Can you drive?"

"I'm only fourteen, I've never driven before," she tells him as they reach the side door.

Once outside they head for the nearest vehicle they see, a beat up and rusted pickup truck.

"By the way can we hurry this up, you're kind of heavy."

She giggles slightly as she opens the passenger door for him. As soon as he is inside the truck they hear the guy in the house yell and start running through the house.

"Get in, we have to go now!" Michael cries out as the side door swings open once more.

The girl climbs into the drivers seat and turns the key. She then looks over at Michael, wondering what to do next.

"Okay, now pull this down until you are in drive and just get some gas," he points to the gear shift on the steering column. "Oh and please just try to keep it in the road." He jokes with her.

Soon they are speeding away from the house. Michael looks up at the rearview mirror only to see the man standing there watching them disappear down the street.

"So where exactly are we going Michael?" she asks as she drives down the street. "I'm not from around here so I don't know where anything is at."

"Just keep driving down this street until you come to an old country store then turn right. It'll take you out onto the highway," he pulls out his cell phone only to discover that the battery has been removed. "When we get to the highway I need to find a place with a phone and make a quick call."

"Here just use mine."

The girl pulls out her cell phone and reaches it to him. He smiles at her as he takes the phone from her and dials Terri's number. It just keeps ringing and ringing so he hangs up, sighing a little.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, it's going to be dark soon. We need to find a place to stop for the night," Michael looks out the window as he hides the worry on his face, staring up at the sky as the sun begins to set. "There's a hotel about two or three miles north on the highway. We will spend the night there."

"Sounds like a plan except what are we going to do if Jerry spots the truck or something?"

The girl turns right just past the old country store like he had told her. Michael looks over at her and smiles.

"Everything is going to be fine," he sighs as they drive past Terri's house. "I never did catch your name by the way."

She grins as she glances over at him.

"I really hope you are right, Michael. My name is Megan," she smiles as they reach the turn off to the highway. "Now, why don't you tell me who lives in that house back there?"

She looks over at him curiously, stopping the truck at the red light.

"A girl named Terri," he sighs and stares out the window again. "She's not there though, I don't know where she is at now or even if she's safe."

Megan can see how much he cares about this girl and lets the subject drop. For some reason, she couldn't help but to feel a little jealous. Michael turns on the stereo as they turn onto the highway. After driving down the highway for about ten minutes, Megan begins to slow down, pulling the truck over when they reach a place called the sunset motel.

"Well, I guess we are here," Megan shuts the truck off and climbs out of the drivers seat. "Here let me help you."

She walks around and opens the passenger door to help Michael out of the truck.

"Well, let's go get a room for the night."

They slowly make their way towards the managers office.

"Just let me do all the talking when we get in here," once inside he rings the bell and waits. "Oh, if anyone asks, you're my little sister." He whispers, grinning at her.

"Okay, big brother," she replies, grinning back at him and giggling.

After a few minutes of waiting, Michael is about to ring the bell again when a young woman about twenty-five years old walks over to them.

"Can I help you?"

She smiles sweetly at Michael as she walks behind the desk. Michael reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his wallet.

"We'd like a room for the night," he tells the girl, watching as she looks cautiously at him and Megan.

She smiles and raises an eyebrow at them curiously.

"That will be eighty six dollars for the room."

Her fingertips brush his hand as she reaches him a key card. He pulls out a hundred dollar bill and waits for his change.


"Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?" she asks as she reaches Michael back his change. "I know I've seen you before."

Michael and Megan stop in the doorway, looking at each other worriedly. The woman looks at Michael curiously, trying to figure out exactly how she knew him.

"No, I don't think we've ever met before."

Michael quickly rushes Megan out the door. Once they reach the hotel room, Megan has to swipe the card twice before the door finally unlocks. Once she opens the door she helps Michael over to one of the beds and helps him lay down on it.

"Let me take a look at your ankle."

She sits on the edge of the bed with him. She pulls his shoes and socks off gently and looks down at his injured ankle.

"It doesn't look like it's broken or anything. You should be able to walk on it by tomorrow."

She gently runs her hand over the bruise.

"Thanks. So what's your story? How are you evolved in all this?" he looks at her with curious eyes, trying to stay awake. "What happened to you, Megan?"

He tries to hide a yawn but Megan still sees it. For some reason, he suddenly felt really tired.

"You're welcome. I think we should get some rest. I will tell you everything tomorrow I promise."

She walks over and makes sure the door is locked securely before turning out the lights. Michael closes his eyes and just as he starts to drift off to sleep he feels Megan crawl into bed beside him.

It seemed like no sooner than Megan had fallen asleep, she wakes up and wipes the tears from her eyes. All night long she kept having nightmares about her past. She feels Michael's arm around her and smiles as she looks up at him. She lays there, not wanting to move. She finally rolls over and looks at the alarm clock on the bedside table, 8:30am.

"Michael," she whispers as she looks back over at him. "Hey you awake yet?"

She gently kisses his cheek and raises up. Michael yawns and opens his eyes to see Megan looking at him affectionately.

"Ahh, good morning Megan," he stretches as he yawns again. "What time is it?" He slowly raises up on the bed.

"Good morning," she says as she glances back over at the alarm clock again. "It's 8:37am." She smiles at him as she looks into his eyes. "I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything last night. I just didn't want to sleep alone, I felt safer snuggled up to you."

"It's no problem, I didn't mind."

She leans forward and kisses him on the cheek again. He suddenly pulls her close and kisses her. She closes her eyes as his lips touch hers. When she reopens her eyes, she finds herself looking right into his eyes, becoming lost in them. He gives her a warm smile.

"Do you want to go see if they have any breakfast made yet?"

"If you want to."

She blushes as she looks at him, smiling as she thinks about the kiss.

"Just let me take a quick shower first."

She climbs out of bed and heads towards the bathroom. She leaves the door partially cracked open accidentally as she strips and steps into the tub under the warm water pouring down from the shower head.

Michael lays back on the bed, occasionally glancing at the bathroom door and smiling to himself. He can't help but to think about Megan. How good she looks. How she had looked at him so affectionately. He was thinking about the kiss when he hears a gentle tap on the door. He climbs out of bed and cautiously makes his way across the room, pulling the bathroom door shut along the way.

"Housekeeping," he hears a woman's voice say on the other side of the hotel door.

He hesitates as he wonders whether it's a trap or not. He hears another tap on the door.

"Housekeeping," the woman outside the hotel room says again.

He unlocks the door and cracks it open a little. As he looks through the crack, he sees a young woman pushing a maid cart and opens the door to let the maid come in.

"Good morning."

She smiles at him as she enters the room and looks around.

"Good morning," Michael replies as the girl begins to straighten the bed, pulling off the old sheets and blankets and putting fresh ones on it.

She mumbles something in what sounds like Spanish and pulls out some towels and washcloths for the bathroom.

"Can you tell me if they are serving breakfast yet?" he asks as she sets the towels and washcloths down on the edge of the bed.

"Yes, do you want me to bring you something?"

She smiles sweetly at Michael as she pulls out a small menu and reaches it to him.

He hears the water shut off in the bathroom as he takes the menu from her. As he selects a few things off the menu and reaches it back to the maid, Megan steps out of the bathroom.

"I feel better now. So, why did you shut the door on me though? It got way too hot in there."

She looks up after drying her hair and blushes, seeing the maid standing there smiling at her.

"Oh, hello."

She feels a little embarrassed about wearing only a towel.

Michael just grins as the maid looks from him to Megan. He notices the look of confusion on the maids face as she looks at the young girl wearing only a towel. She hurries out of the room, leaving the door wide open as Megan and Michael stare after her.

"I wonder what she's thinking right now?" He wonders as he goes over to close the door, slightly limping on his injured ankle.

"She's probably thinking how cute you are and wondering what you're doing with a young girl like me in a hotel room," she laughs a little at the thought. "I mean, it must look pretty bad to see a fourteen year old in a hotel room, wearing nothing but a towel."

She looks up at Michael, waiting for him to say something, but he doesn't. He just keeps staring out the door.

"Michael?" she asks hesitantly, lightly touching his shoulder and making him jump slightly.

"I'm sorry, we may have a slight problem."

He steps aside to let Megan look out the doorway. She looks out the door curiously, trying to see what he was talking about. Just two doors down from them sits a cop car in the parking lot.

"Hopefully he doesn't know that we are here."

He pulls Megan back quickly and closes the door.

"What are we going to do?" she asks as they walk back over and sit back down on the bed, grabbing the tv remote and flipping through the channels.

"We should be safe, they don't know."

Michael feels frightened as he stares at the tv. She flips past the news channel quickly, but something on the news catches his eye.

"Can you turn it back a few channels, please?"

"Sure, just tell me when to stop."

She slowly begins going back through the channels. He tells her to stop when he sees the news channel.

"And in other news, the terror continues as three more bodies have been discovered late last night. The body of seventeen year old Thomas Bentley and his brother, nineteen year old Riley Bentley have been found dead in Arthur Creepsly's house. And a Jane doe was found late last night in a small field just off of highway I-19. That brings the body count to five dead and five missing." The news reporter brings up the photos of Sara, Lexi, Terri, Chris and finally Michael. "We have no more information about the killings at this time but we are urging everyone to be careful."

Michael stares at the pictures of him and his friends with sad eyes.

"Michael," Megan whispers in a soft voice, turning his attention away from the tv. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Its just that I hope my friends are alright."

He looks over at Megan and can't help but to smile. Before he can say anything else, she leans in and starts kissing him passionately. The door bursts open suddenly, causing them both to jump. They relax as the maid walks in, bringing them their breakfast. Megan glances at the tv, quickly turning the news off before the maid can see the picture of Michael on it.

"Thank you."

Megan smiles at the maid as she picks up a plate and begins to eat.

The maid smiles at her and walks out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

"This food doesn't taste too bad," she grins as Michael begins to eat. "How is your ankle feeling this morning?"

She looks over at him slightly concerned.

"It's still a little sore, but at least I can walk on it again."

He lays back down on the bed so she can lift his pant leg up and look at his injured ankle. Most of the swelling had finally gone down overnight. It was just beginning to heal, the bruise nearly gone now. As she runs her fingers gently across it, he flinches and tries to pull his leg away from her.


She reaches out and takes his hand gently in hers. He wraps his arm around her and pulls her close, letting her rest her head on his shoulder.

"So, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know? I have to try to call my friends again."

He picks up her cell phone and tries to call Terri's cell phone again. After letting it ring eight times he hangs up and looks at Megan.

"There's still no answer," he sighs and lets the phone fall onto the bed. "So, are you ready to tell me what happened to bring you into all this?"

He smiles as he rubs her back gently.

"Yeah, I'm ready," she kisses him and lays back on the bed beside him. "I guess it all started when I was about four or five. I lived with my mother then. I never did know who my father was. He left my mom as soon as she found out that she was pregnant with me. Anyway a week after my forth, or maybe it was my fifth birthday, this man showed up and they got into this big argument. He ended up shooting my mom and then he came looking for me. He never did find me, though. I was later taken to an orphanage. I lived in the orphanage until I was twelve. I couldn't take the abuse anymore so I ran away. I lived on the streets for around seven months before I met Thomas. His family took me in and raised me like I was their own daughter."

She pauses and looks up at Michael, curious to know what he was thinking.

"Why didn't I ever see you around school?"

"I was on home school. Thomas would always bring me my assignments and take them back to school for me."

She looks into his eyes and catches a glimpse of jealousy.

"And no, if you were wondering if I was dating him or if anything happened between us, it didn't," she pauses again, smiling affectionately at him. "I was brought into this mess on my fourteenth birthday, that's when Jerry showed up. He gave us all the choice to do as he said or he would kill us."

She lets a few tears roll down her cheeks.

"You don't have to say anymore if it's too painful to talk about," he tells her, holding her close and wiping away the tears from her eyes. She lays her head against his chest and closes her eyes. "You have nothing to be afraid of anymore. I am here for you now."

"Thank you."

She keeps her eyes shut as she lays there cuddled up to Michael. He leans down and kisses her on the forehead as she drifts back off to sleep. He turns on the tv, but he can't concentrate on what is playing as he begins to wonder about his friends.

"I hope they are all okay," he whispers to himself, reaching down and taking Megan's hand in his and wrapping his other arm around her.

She snuggles up closer to him and smiles.

I will see them all soon.