Chapter fifteen

"Sara's still not awake yet?"

Terri sounds worried as she enters the living room, looking around the room for Sara. It had been a little over twenty-four hours since Sara went to bed and Terri had a feeling that something was wrong.

"No, nothing appears to be wrong with her though but I have no clue why she's still asleep," Jeffery explains to Terri as she stares at him worriedly.

"Any luck trying to find Kendra?" Jeffery turns to look at Michael oddly and shakes his head no.

"No I haven't seen her. I have no clue where she went. It's like she just vanished."

Jeffery hears Julie sigh and looks over to see her trying to fight back tears.

"Maybe our dad got to her somehow."

Julie tries to hold back the tears that were trying to escape her eyes.

"Everything will be alright Julie we will find out what happened to her soon," Jeffery tries to reassure her.

"I hope so. I'll see you guys in a little while I'm just gonna go lay down for a little bit."

Julie stands up and walks out of the room before anyone could say anything else to her. She wasn't trying to ignore anyone on purpose, she just wanted to be alone for a little while. She begins walking down the hallway to find an empty bedroom, but stops when she gets to her and Sara's room.

"Julie where are you?" She hears Sara mumble, the first words she had heard Sara say in a little over a day now.

"Sara?" She hesitates momentarily, wondering if she had even really heard anything at all. I guess it was just all in my head. She thinks as she peaks into the room to find her sister still sound asleep.

"Julie!" Sara cries out as Julie begins to pull the door shut.

"Sara are you awake?" Julie whispers as she walks into the room.

"Please help me!" Sara cries out as Julie walks over and sits down beside her sister on the bed.

"I'm here for you sis," Julie reaches down and takes Sara's hand in hers. As soon as she touches Sara's hand she knows that something is wrong. "Sara."

A sudden cold chill runs down her spine. Sara's hand feels cold to the touch. Julie tries to pull her hand free from Sara's but Sara's hand closes tightly around hers.

"I have you both now. Sleep now and be trapped in the shadow realm with your sister," a voice echoes through her mind over and over again. Her eyes begin to close against her will.

"Fight it Julie, you must stay awake."

Julie looks down at her sister and tries to stay awake, forcing her eyes to stay open. But soon the drowsiness overwhelms her and her eyes close.

"She can't fight the spell, she is just as weak as you Sara. Now you are both going to be trapped in the shadow realm and I will soon be free once again!" The voice exclaims triumphantly as the person begins to laugh.

"Noo…" Julie manages to cry out just before she collapses onto the bed beside Sara.

As soon as she stops spinning she opens her eyes and finds herself still laying on Sara's bed. She doesn't feel Sara's hand anymore and begins to panic as she looks around for her sister.

"Welcome back to the shadow realm Julie," a voice behind her says. She flinches and turns around terrified. "This time there is no escaping the shadow realm."

The man laughs as he walks out of the room.

Julie begins running after him but as soon as she steps out into the hall the man is already gone. She begins walking down the hall cautiously, expecting the guy to reappear at any moment.

"Sara wherever you are I will find you sis," Julie whispers to herself as she walks through the open doorway into the living room.

As she begins to walk across the floor, she steps on something hard and leans down to pick the object up. It was the locket she had sent to her sister through Terri. As she looks it over carefully in her hands she notices that the chain has been broken.

Where are you Sara? She wonders.

As if in response she hears a blood curling scream.

"No please don't!" Sara's voice seems to echo all around Julie.

She puts the locket in her front jeans pocket and takes off running towards the screams. She bursts through the front door and sees her sister laying on the ground. She rushes over to Sara, trying to see if she was okay.

"Sara it's okay I'm here sis. Everything is okay now."

Julie reaches down and helps Sara sit up. Sara looks up into Julie's eyes, her own eyes wide with fear. She looks pale white as she shivers and looks around.

Sara sighs, laying her head on Julie's shoulder as she begins to cry. "Julie it's a trap, they kept me trapped here to lure you into the shadow realm. They need us both."

"Don't worry Sara we will figure out a way to get out of here," Julie's voice sounds calming as she begins to gently rub Sara's back.

Before Sara can respond a dark shadow falls over them. Sara looks up and gasps open mouthed at the figure standing over them.

"Hello again girls," the man smiles, lowering himself down in front of them. "Remember me?" He asks, smiling down at them wickedly. "You two stole something very important from me once. I want my book back now."

"We never stole any book from you!" Sara cries out as she looks up fearfully at the man staring at her. "I don't even know who you are."

"You really don't remember me?" The man stares at Sara curiously. "You were the one that stole my book of magical spells and sorcery. After you took that book from me I became trapped in this god forsaken land. Unable to return to the mortal world."

Julie wraps her arms around Sara as she stares hatefully at the guy.

"Just leave us alone we don't have your book!" Julie yells out.

The guy reaches his hand out towards the girls but something keeps him from touching them. "Interesting I'm still not strong enough to break her spell yet." He thinks out loud as he stands back up disappointed. "Soon I will be strong enough to finish this." He begins to fade away. "Have fun in the shadow realm girls."

He disappears, leaving Sara and Julie sitting alone.

"How are we going to get out of here Julie?"

Sara turns to her sister, trying to sound less afraid then she really was.

"I don't know sis but we have to find a way to escape."

Julie tries to sound brave as she speaks, standing up and helping Sara to her feet. They jump as a loud clap of thunder booms overhead. Sara looks up just as it begins to pour the rain.

"Come on sis, lets find somewhere to get out of this rainstorm."

Sara looks around them and spots the entrance way to a small cottage, beginning to tug Julie towards it. They stand there for what seems like hours, hoping the rain would stop soon.

Sara leans against her sister, laying her head on her sisters shoulder as she sighs. "How are we going to get home?"

"We will find a way out of here Sara," Julie tries to sound reassuring as they watch the rain continues to fall. "I didn't even know it could rain here."

Julie laughs as she watches the rain fall, trying to lighten the tension. They don't seem to notice when the door behind them opens slowly.

"Maybe I can help you," A soft voice says from behind them, causing them to jump with surprise. A streak of lightning flashes across the sky, illuminating everything around them.

"Emily!" Sara cries out with surprise as she stares at the woman standing in the open doorway. "How is this possible aren't you supposed to be dead?"

"Hello again Sara," Emily smiles down warmly at her. "I am dead but I haven't crossed over yet. I am stuck here along with everyone else that Jerry has killed."

"How many others are trapped here?"

"There are at least six others that I have seen, but there may be more then that," Emily suddenly looks around nervously. "We are all trapped here until he decides to release us."

"Until who releases you, are you talking about our father?" Sara wonders as she stares up at Emily. "How does he have you trapped here?"

"No Sara not your father. A man by the name of Griffin. He's trapped us here by some kind of binding spell. He said the only way to be set free from here is to find his book and get rid of the two of you."

A few tears roll down her cheeks as she stares at the girls.

"Emily, you said you could help us," Julie looks around nervously as she begins to have an uneasy feeling in her stomach. "Is there someplace safe we can go to talk?"

"Yes lets go inside. We can talk more freely then."

Emily holds the door open and quickly ushers Sara and Julie inside. Once the girls are inside Emily locks the door and leads them into the living room.

"So how can you help us?"

Sara looks up at Emily with hope filled eyes as she sits down on the edge of the couch. Emily hesitates for a moment before she reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a small, folded piece of paper.

"This is how I can help you," she tells the girls as she reaches the piece of paper to Sara. "I'm not sure what it says but I overheard Griffin telling Jerry that it was a power awakening spell."

Sara unfolds the paper and shivers as she stares blankly at the strange symbols and letters written upon it.

"Julie can you read any of this?" Sara looks over at her sister curiously as she reaches her the paper.

Julie sighs, folding the paper back up and reaching it back to Sara. "No I can't make anything out."

"So what are we going to do?" Sara begins to feel useless, putting the paper up and looking down at the ground.

"I don't know Sara I wish your past wasn't blocked. That way you could understand those symbols."

Julie wraps an arm around Sara, pulling her close.

"I know Julie but I don't know how to unlock any of my memories," Sara replies as she leans up against her sister. "Some of my memories are beginning to come back, but nothing about what happened to us that night."

She sighs and looks around. Suddenly looking towards the door alarmed.

"What is it Sara?"

"I don't know I suddenly have this feeling that something bad is coming."

She shivers as she looks up at Emily terrified. Before anyone else can respond they hear footsteps running towards the house. The footsteps stop just outside the front door and for a moment everything seems way to quiet.

"Is anybody in there please let me in!" A little girls voice cries out as something begins banging on the door.

Emily starts to head towards the door but Sara grabs her arm stopping her.

"Please don't open the door," Sara begs her. Emily looks down at Sara puzzled as the little girl bangs her fists against the door. "Something's not right."

Sara shivers again as she looks at the door. A high pitched scream fills the air followed closely by a laugh that sends waves of fear racing up Sara and Julie's spines. They try to listen to see if anything else happens but there is nothing but silence. Sara moves closer to her sister and wraps her arm around Julie's.

"You two are safe in here," Emily whispers as she walks over to the door.

Emily unlocks the dead bolt and cracks the door open a little to peak outside. At first she doesn't see anything but darkness outside. But as she looks up the street a dark figure begins to form. She slams the door shut quickly and looks back at the two girls terrified.

"What's wrong Emily?" Julie begins to panic as she looks up at Emily, shivering a little.

"It's Jerry he's headed this way," Emily looks from Julie to Emily frightened.

"Quick run upstairs we can hide in the attic." Emily tells Sara and Julie, leading them up the stairs to the small attic door. "Okay girls hurry up." She whispers once the ladder unfolds for them to climb up it.

They hear a loud thud against the front door and quickly climb up the ladder into the darkened attic. The front door slams into the wall as it is knocked open. Emily looks towards the staircase as she hears someone running through the house downstairs. "I'm sorry." She smiles as she quickly closes the attic door.

"Wait Emily!" Sara cries out as the attic door shuts, separating them.

For a few moments everything is silent. Sara and Julie look at one another as they try to listen for any sounds of movement from below them.

"Do you think it's safe Sara?" Julie whispers as she looks into her sisters eyes.

"I don't know, I can't hear anything," Sara replies, whispering to her sister. She reaches out to push the attic door down but freezes. "Do you think it's our father down there?"

Her hand hesitates against the attic door.

"Where are they?"

Sara jumps when she hears her fathers voice yelling below her. She can feel her heart pounding rapidly as she becomes filled with fear.

"I won't let you harm them!" They hear Emily cry out at him.

"You think I want to harm them, I'm being forced to do this!" Sara can hear the sadness in his voice as he speaks. "I just want to protect them."

"And how am I supposed to believe you I don't even know who you really are!" Emily yells back at him.

Julie grabs her sisters arm and looks at her with worry in her eyes.

"Give the girls to me!" Jerry cries out suddenly, his voice becoming harsher, almost like he was a completely different person.

"No I won't!"

As Sara and Julie listen they hear a loud thud as something falls to the floor. The girls close their eyes, trying to force themselves to wake up but it is useless. When they reopen their eyes they find themselves still hiding in the attic. Everything seems to be quieter though.

"Should we check to see if it is safe?" Sara places her hand against the attic door again and pushes down on it gently. "Be careful Sis."

"I don't think there's anyone down there," Sara whispers as she peaks through the opening. She slowly climbs down the ladder and looks around. "It's safe Julie there's nobody down here." She calls back up to her sister.

"Where'd they go?" Julie wonders as she climbs down the ladder after Sara.

"I don't know let's just try to find a way out of the shadow realm."

They head back downstairs slowly, cautiously. As Sara walks towards the front door a pair of hands grab her arms, holding her still.

"Julie Run!" Sara cries out as she turns her head around to look towards Julie but it is too late.

She gasps as she looks at the guy holding her sister. She stares blankly into Tomas's face as he smiles at her.

"Hello again Sara."

Thomas tightens his grip around Julie's arms, hurting Julie. Julie winces as she feels his nails digging into her skin.

"Please just let us go you don't have to do this!" Julie cries out as Thomas pushes her towards the front door, forcing her to walk.

Sara feels herself being pushed forward by someone and begins to struggle, trying to free herself.

"Stop it," a male voice cries out as he tries to keep a hold of Sara.

Sara manages to tug her arms free and starts to run towards Thomas, hoping she can free her sister.

"Don't worry about me Sara, get out of here while you still can!" Julie cries out as Sara runs towards her.

Sara hesitates for a moment as she stares into Julie's eyes.

"I won't leave you Julie." Sara begins to tear up as she looks at her sister.

"Just go Sara I will be safe as long as you remain free." Julie tries to remain calm as she speaks. "He needs us both to complete the ritual."

"I will come back for you Julie." Sara promises before running out the front door and disappearing into the darkness outside.

"Riley why did you let her get away for?" Thomas screams at his brother as he begins to pull Julie across the living room. "Come on lets take Julie to Griffin and then we will try to find Sara."

Julie shivers at the mention of Griffin's name.

"I hate shadow travelling."

Riley shuts his eyes, frightened as the darkness begins to form around them. Julie feels herself beginning to fall, but it doesn't feel like she was leaving the shadow realm. As soon as Julie feels herself stop spinning, she opens her eyes to find that she is standing just outside of an old manor.

"Bring the girl to me," Griffin's voice cries out from within the manor.

Julie shivers again as waves of fear wash over her body as she is dragged through the open doorway into the manor. She is taken into an empty bedroom and shoved to the floor.

"Welcome back Julie." Griffin's voice fills the room.

"I will find a way out of here," Julie whispers to herself as she looks around the room.

There seems to be no way out except the door she was brought in through.

"I doubt that you will escape Julie. There is no way to escape this room."

Griffin's voice fills the room again. He sounds much closer this time. Julie turns towards the doorway to find Griffin standing just outside the room. She looks up at him fearfully as she starts to panic.

"Don't worry I can't harm you Julie, well not just yet anyway." He laughs a little as he reaches out towards her.

"Please just let me go!" She cries out, staring at him with pleading eyes.

Suddenly she begins to feel really drowsy.

"I'm sorry but I cannot do that. You look exhausted, why don't you get some rest," Griffin raises his hand and her eyes begin to close.

"Nooo!" Julie cries out, trying to fight him but she can't.

Eventually she lays down on the floor and slowly begins drifting off to sleep.

I just hope Sara is okay. She thinks as she drifts off to sleep.