Chapter twenty two

Jeffery walks into the living room to find Kayla fast asleep on the couch. It has only been two days since everyone had gone into the shadow realm trying to find a way to free Sara and Julie. As he sits down on the far end of the couch and looks towards Kayla he can't help but wonder why she never went into the shadow realm with the others. He begins to wonder if he should wake her up or not. As he starts to reach towards her shoulder he hears someone running into the house.


Jeffery hears a familiar voice calling out his name and smiles.

"Kendra is it really you?"

Jeffery stands up and walks towards his sisters voice. Before he gets all the way across the room however Kendra shoves the door open and walks over to him, throwing her arms around her brother and hugging him.

"Yes it is really me I have been trapped in the shadow realm," Kendra smiles as she looks up at Jeffery. She can see the concern and worry across his face even though he tries to hide it. "How long have I been gone?"

"You've been gone for almost a week now," Jeffery looks at Kendra worriedly. "Tell me everything that happened."

"Well the day I first disappeared, I was going to go take a nap but as soon as I entered my room everything around me began to grow dark. When I finally came to I didn't know where I was. I was in some kind of park but no matter how long I walked, I couldn't find a way out. Then there was a little girl running away from something and then she was gone and everything went dark again," she pauses and looks up at Jeffery. "When I woke up again I was laying on the ground just outside of mine and Jerry's old house. I didn't realize what I was doing there until I reached the attic. But when I went to the chest it was empty."

"I found that chest a few years ago when everything was finally over with. I emptied the chest and hid everything in case Jerry was still alive and found the chest."

"Where is everything that was inside the chest at now Jeffery, there is something in there I need." Kendra's voice sounds urgent.

The way she was asking him makes Jeffery look at her questioningly.

"I have everything locked up in my room why?" Jeffery stares curiously at his sister.

"There's just something in there that I need in order to free Sara and Julie."

She frowns looking away from him. As Jeffery continues to stare at her he can see the hint of sorrow and fear in her eyes.

"What is going on Kendra what are you so afraid of?" Kendra looks down at the floor suddenly afraid to tell him what she had done. "Sis?"

He reaches out and gently raises her head back up. She turns her head back away from him.

"Please don't be mad at me," she whispers as tears begin forming in her eyes. "I kinda made a little deal with Griffin. I don't have much time left before he calls me back into the shadow realm."

"What do you mean you made a deal with Griffin Kendra?" Jeffery cries out as he stares at his sister slightly angered by what she had just told him. "How could you why would you make a deal with someone that has been trying to kill your daughters, my nieces, just to free himself from the shadow realm."

"I was just trying to buy us some time to figure out what to do!" Kendra cries, continuing to look away from him. "I need you to enter the shadow realm and figure out how to stop Griffin."

"Don't you think I've already tried that Kendra?" Jeffery cries out, startling Kendra. "Don't you think if I found any way to stop Griffin then I would have done so by now."

"Go into the shadow realm and find his wife Aylana. I heard him mention her earlier she may be able to help you," Kendra looks up at him with pleading eyes, smiling at her brother. "Now please give me everything that was in the chest."

"Fine just wait here and I'll go get everything for you."

He walks away from her and heads down the hallway towards his room. As he enters his room he can't help but to wonder what was in all the pages and other scraps of paper that could be so important that Griffin would want it. He hesitates for a moment before grabbing the small lock box he had put everything in and walks back towards the living room.

"Is this everything?" Kendra takes the box and the key from him and looks through it quickly.

"Yes, now do what you must. I will try to find a way to stop Griffin and bring you all home," Jeffery promises, pulling his sister into another hug.

She starts to say something but before she gets the chance to speak the darkness begins to envelope around her, pulling her back into the shadow realm. Jeffery just stares at the spot where Kendra was just standing at for a moment. He jumps slightly as a hand gently touches his shoulder. When he turns around he sees Kayla staring at him curiously. Kayla yawns as she looks around the room.

"What's going on, who was you just talking to?" Kayla asks, trying to hide another yawn. Jeffery looks at her strangely for a moment before shaking his head slightly.

"It was Kendra. She really didn't tell me much just that she needed something and that I had to enter the shadow realm and find a girl named Aylana," Jeffery explains as Kayla looks at him shocked and confused.

"If you are going into the shadow realm then I'm going with you. I need to find my sister I don't want to lose her again," Kayla stares up at him with tears in her eyes. "I tried going into the shadow realm earlier but so far I haven't been able to."

"I've never gone into the shadow realm but I'm sure we can figure out a way to," Jeffery smiles at Kayla, trying to reassure her.

She looks up at him and smiles weakly. "I hope you are right Jeffery, I do remember hearing Lexi screaming and telling Chris not to touch Sara. When I looked into the room to see what was going on, they weren't in there so maybe that's the way into the shadow realm."

Kayla sounds hopeful as they walk towards Sara and Julies room.

"Well here goes nothing," Jeffery says as he enters Sara and Julies room.

He reaches his arm out towards Sara's shoulder. As soon as his hand touches his nieces shoulder he expects to feel himself being pulled into the shadow realm. But nothing seems to happen.

"What's wrong Jeffery?" Kayla sees the confused and worried expression upon his face.

"Nothing happened, we aren't in the shadow realm."

"Well I guess we are just going to have to find another way to enter the shadow realm. Come on don't give up hope yet." She places a hand on his shoulder. "We will save them."

She smiles, her thoughts beginning to drift towards her sister as they begin to walk out of the room.


Terri looks over as Megan let's out a slight gasp. Before she can ask Megan if everything was okay she sees someone standing beside Megan. Megan looks alarmed as she stares up at the woman standing beside her. For what feels like an eternity no one says anything.

"Mom how," Megan starts as she looks up at the woman standing beside her. "How are you here?" She asks as her mom smiles down at her.

"I've been watching over you for a while now Megan. You've grown up so much sweetie," Megan's mom says, smiling at her daughter. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you."

"Mom why did you leave me for?" Megan cries out as she looks at her mom. "I thought that guy killed you but they never found your body or anything. You just simply disappeared."

"I didn't want to abandon you Megan I just thought it would be safer if I stayed away," her mom explains as she pulls her daughter into a hug. "I didn't have much of a choice."

"I was only four, how could I have been in so much danger if you stayed?" Megan begins to cry, trying to step away from her mom. She backs up towards Terri as she looks up at her mom with sad and hurt eyes. "And if you were really watching over me then how come you let so much bad stuff happen to me?" She asks, trying to choke back tears.

"Sweetie there is something that you need to know," her mom looks at her hesitantly as Megan stares up at her, tears running down her cheeks. "That man that you saw try to kill me was your uncle."

"Mom just tell me why you had to leave," Megan cries out, letting the tears stream down her cheeks now. "What are you keeping from me mom?"

"I'm not sure how to tell you this sweetie," her mom pauses and looks at Megan with affectionate eyes. "First off I'm not your real mom. You were brought to me after my sister passed away giving birth to you." Megan stares up at the woman who she had thought had been her mom shocked. "But just because I'm not your real mom it doesn't mean I love you any less."

"What else are you not telling me?" Megan's voice is barely above a whisper as she stares down at the floor.

"Look sweetie your mom was a witch and so are you. Your real father is a man named Alec," the woman looks at Megan and tries to smile at her. "That's the reason my brother tried to kill me and you."

"I'm a witch?" Megan whispers as she looks up at the woman. "How is that even possible?" Terri can see that deep down Megan is scared and reaches out, putting an arm around Megan, pulling her into a slight hug.

"Yes you get it from your mothers side of the family. All the girls on her side of the family are witches," the woman explains as she walks towards Megan. Megan is shaking slightly and Terri holds her close, trying to calm her down.

"Don't come near me!" Megan's voice shakes as she talks. The woman pauses and looks at Megan confused. "I'm sorry I just don't know what to believe right now."

"Sweetie I know I kept this from you and I'm sorry," the woman begins to fade away. "I have to go now I'm sorry I couldn't tell you more." The woman says, fading away quickly.

Megan turns suddenly and begins crying into Terri's shoulder.

"Megan everything is going to be fine," Terri whispers softly, her hand slightly rubbing Megan's back as she tries comforting her.

"Hey is everything okay?" Terri looks up to see Olivia walking into the living room. Neither Terri or Megan had seen her get up and leave the living room. "Megan what's wrong?" She asks, noticing that Megan had been crying.

Olivia walks over to where Terri and Megan were standing.

"Everything is fine," Terri smiles as Megan slowly turns around to face Olivia.

"Why did you have to bring me here?" Megan yells out at Olivia before she turns around and storms out of the room.

They listen as she storms down the hallway and slams another door shut.

"What's got Megan so upset, did I do something wrong?" Olivia seems saddened as she stands beside Terri.

"No, just let her be alone for a little while. I'm sure she will be calmer after she gets some rest."

"Well come on let's go get something to eat."

As the two girls begin to walk towards the kitchen Olivia can't help but to think about Amber, wondering if she would see her sister soon. Terri sees the worry in Olivia's eyes as she looks over at her.

"Are you okay Olivia?" Terri mumbles as she walks through the kitchen door. The smell of freshly baked pizza overwhelms her as she enters the kitchen. She hadn't even realized just how hungry she really was. "You just seem like you are a little distracted."

"Yeah I was just thinking about my sister," Olivia explains as the two girls sit down to eat.

"I'm sure you will see her again," Terri tries to reassure Olivia as she grabs a slice of pizza. It doesn't seem to take long for either of them to get full. Terri looks down at the leftover pizza for a moment. "I'll be right back."

She picks the plate of leftover pizza up and standing up. She grabs a can of soda from the fridge and walks out of the kitchen. She walks down the hall in the same direction Megan had gone. She pauses in front of the closed doors, leaning in and trying to see if she can hear anything. As she listens she can hear Megan sobbing quietly inside. She gently taps on the door.

"Who is it?" Megan calls out, continuing to sob.

Terri can hear the sadness in Megan's voice as she speaks.

"Its me Terri do you mind if I come in?" Terri asks as she opens the door slightly.

"Sure come on in," Megan quickly dries her eyes on her shirt sleeve. "So what's up?" She asks, noticing the pizza and soda in Terri's hands.

"I brought you some food I figured you would be hungry," Terri tells Megan, sitting the food down on the bed beside her. She reaches the soda out to Megan, smiling warmly as she takes it. "How are you feeling now?" She asks as she sits down on the bed.

"I'm still a little hurt and slightly confused about some things but I'm okay now," Megan picks up a slice of pizza and smiles. "Thanks for the food I guess I am pretty hungry."

"Its no problem you should be thanking Olivia she was the one that prepared the food for us," Megan pauses in the middle of biting her pizza to look back at Terri. "I know your mad at her for bringing us here but I think she really is just trying to help us."

"I know she is and I feel terrible for snapping at her earlier," Megan slowly takes a sip of her soda. "I was just hurt to learn that my past was all one big lie."

"I'm here if you ever wanna talk to someone," Terri places an arm around Megan.

Megan looks up at her and smiles.

"Thanks I'm glad," Megan yawns slightly as she begins to feel sleepy.

"I think we'd better get some rest," Terri picks up the empty plate and stands up. "Now get some rest and I will see you in the morning."

Megan yawns as she quickly finishes her soda. "Alright good night Terri."

"Good night Megan," Terri smiles as Megan lays back on the bed.

She waits until Megan crawls under the blankets before turning off the light and closing the door. She walks quietly back down the hall towards the living room wondering if everyone else was okay. It had seemed like forever since she had seen Sara and the others.

"Are you okay Terri?" She hears Olivia's voice and looks up to see her looking up at her from the couch.

"Yeah," Terri says slowly, shaking her head to clear away her thoughts. "I'm just thinking about my friends."

"I'm sure they are all fine now come on you need some rest. In the morning we are going to try and free my sister," Olivia smiles as she sees Terri yawning. Terri tries to fight it but she was to tired. She follows Olivia down the hall to another bedroom. "Okay this is where you will be sleeping at tonight good night Terri."

"Good night Olivia," Terri replies as she turns around but Olivia is already walking back down the hall.

She walks into the room and drops onto the bed exhausted. The last thoughts going through her mind was if everyone else was okay.