Chapter twenty five

"Sara are you okay?"

Sara wakes up and is suddenly blinded by a bright white light. She closes her eyes quickly and moans as she feels a sharp pain shoot through her back.

"Sara don't move so much."

Sara opens her eyes more slowly this time, letting her eyes adjust to the brightness of the room she was in. Sara can feel the pain in her back every time she moves even an inch.

"Kayla where am I?" Sara looks up to find Kayla standing over her, looking down at her with worried eyes. "What's going on?"

"Don't worry Sara you hurt your back but Jeffery found you," Sara looks around as images of what happened to her begins to fill her head again.

"What happened to Emily's ghost?" Sara looks around the room in fear, hoping Emily's ghost was nowhere around her.

"Sara there was no ghost around when we found you. If it hadn't have been for a bright flash we wouldn't have found you," Kayla explains, sitting down on the edge of the bed. She continues to look at Sara with worry. "So do you want to tell us what happened?" She asks as Jeffery walks into the room, reaching a glass of what looked like mountain dew out towards Sara.

"I was supposed to have shadow travelled to Haven with Chris and Lexi but something went wrong. I ended up landing in the forest alone. After walking around for a while I needed to rest. That's when Emily's ghost appeared in front of me. She was trying to warn me to run but I couldn't move. She began to change into something worse. Then she attacked me, clawing at my back wildly. I fell and rolled down the hill trying to run away. After that I'm not sure what happened then. I can remember her telling me to use the flames."

Sara looks at her hands afraid they were burned, but they appeared to be normal.

"Sara what attacked you wasn't Emily's ghost, it sounds like you were attacked by a ghoul," Jeffery causes both Sara and Kayla to look up at him curiously. "What, I studied mythology when I was in college."

"Oh," is all Kayla says before turning her attention back to Sara. "I want to check your back out if that's okay Sara." She stares at Sara with warm and affectionate eyes.

"Sure I guess that would be alright."

She takes a drink of the strange smelling liquid her uncle had given her then hands it to Kayla before she starts to raise up so she can roll over. But as she begins to move she let's out a painful scream and lays back on the bed.

"Kayla you're going to have to help me turn over."

Sara has tears in her eyes as she looks at Kayla. Kayla stands up and gently grabs Sara's right arm.

"Okay Sara take a deep breath."

As soon as Sara takes in a long deep breath Kayla pulls Sara up and helps her lay onto her stomach. Sara's back had been scratched so bad that the entire back of her shirt had been soaked. By now however the blood had dried matting her shirt to her back. Kayla can't help but to feel sorry for Sara as she grabs the bottom of Sara's shirt.

"Ah, it hurts!" Sara screams out as Kayla begins to pull Sara's shirt up. Kayla pauses and looks at Sara with saddened eyes.

"Sara I know this is going to hurt but try to relax."

Kayla tries to keep her voice calm as she starts to pull Sara's shirt up again.

Sara cringes, her hands balling up into fists and tears begin running down her cheeks as she feels the cloth being torn free from the cuts on her back. Sara cries silently as she feels fresh blood beginning to seep from the cuts on her back.

"How bad does it look?" Sara winces as she tries to turn her head to look at Kayla.

Kayla tries to hide the worry on her face as Sara turns to look at her. "I don't think it looks that bad."

Kayla looks down sadly, trying to keep her voice calm. But as she speaks Sara can hear the slight panic in her voice. Jeffery walks over and looks down at Sara's back.

"Sara you are going to be okay," Jeffery takes Sara's hand as Kayla gently wipes the blood off Sara's back.

" careful Kayla!" Sara cries out as Kayla's fingers touch her back.

Sara can feel a burning pain running up her back as she feels Kayla's hand press against the small of her back. She tries to scream but no sound comes out. The burning feeling becomes to much for Sara to take. Everything begins to grow dark around her.

"Just relax Sara everything will be alright, rest now," Kayla whispers, her voice calm and soothing.

Sara feels herself growing tired and closes her eyes, letting sleep take ahold of her.


"Sara its so good to see you again," Julie cries out, throwing her arms around her sister.

"Julie where am I?" Sara wonders fearfully, looking around nervously. Julie smiles as she looks at her sister.

"This is just a dream Sara," Julie replies, her smile quickly fades as she feels the wetness on Sara's back. "Sara what happened to your back?" Her voice suddenly full of worry and concern.

"I was attacked by a ghoul," Julie's face becomes a mask of panic and worry as she looks at Sara. "I somehow managed to get rid of it but I'm not sure if you will believe me when I tell you what happened."

"Sara how did you get rid of the ghoul exactly?" Julie looks at her sister curiously although she already has a pretty good idea of what happened.

"I'm not exactly sure one minute the ghoul was on my back and the next I was leaned up against a tree and my hands were glowing with white flames," Sara explains, expecting Julie to be confused.

But Julie just smiles as she stares at Julie. "So your powers are finally starting to unlock," Julie smiles brightly at her sister. "Is there anything you can remember about what to us happened that night?"

"I'm sorry Julie but everything that happened to us that night is still blocked. I still can't remember anything," Sara looks down at the floor and sighs. "I wish I could just remember everything."

"Don't worry Sara you will remember everything eventually it just takes time," Julie places her hand on Sara's shoulder, comforting her.

"Why can't I remember anything?" Sara mumbles to herself. She looks up at Julie suddenly. "Why can't you tell me everything that happened Julie?" Sara cries out frustrated as tears begin to stream down her face.

Julie looks away suddenly, slightly afraid to let Sara see the sorrow on her face. "Sara I don't know exactly what happened that night. I passed out as soon as our father took us to our grandma's." She explains, slowly looking back up at Sara with sad eyes. "You are the only one who knows what really happened that night."

Sara lays her head down on Julie's shoulder. "I really wish I could just remember Julie."

"I know Sara but like I said before it just takes time. You will remember though," Julie whispers, hugging her sister and smiling. Her smile quickly fades however. "Sara there is something else that I have to tell you." Julie looks at Sara hesitantly.

"What is it Julie?"

Sara becomes anxious as she takes her sisters hand in hers. Julie feels tears forming in the corners of her eyes and wipes them away quickly.

"I saw our mom. I thought she was a prisoner like me but she wasn't," Julie pauses as she sees the look on Sara's face. "She was helping Griffin."

"She can't be Julie, I know she's kept things from us but I don't believe she would help Griffin unless she was being forced to."

"I hope you are right Sara," Julie sighs as she looks away from Sara. "I'm afraid our time is almost up Sara."

"I will find you soon Julie."

Sara hugs her sister one last time before she feels herself beginning to awaken. She tries to hold on to Julie's hand but soon everything grows dark. She closes her eyes as she feels herself spinning through the darkness. When Sara opens her eyes again she finds Kayla staring down at her with worried eyes.

"Glad to see you are finally awake we were beginning to worry about you," Kayla feels relief forming across her face. "How do you feel Sara?"

Sara raises up slowly, expecting to feel pain shoot up her back. But as she turns herself around everything feels fine.

"I feel fine now Kayla the pain in my back is gone now," Sara is relieved that the pain had finally disappeared. "How exactly did you heal me Kayla?" She wonders curiously as she remembers Kayla's hand touching her back and the burning feeling just before passing out.

"I'm a healer Sara," Kayla smiles at Sara softly. "It wasn't until after I crashed that I learned I could heal myself. Soon after I discovered that I could heal others as well."

"So is that why Jerry kept you around for so long, in case he needed to be healed? Why didn't you ever just leave and go back home, why did you stay and help Jerry for so long?"

Kayla looks down at the ground, trying not to let Sara see the hurt in her eyes. "Look Sara I wanted to be back home every day but I couldn't. Right after my car wreck, when I first discovered that I had the power to heal myself I felt like I was a freak. I thought if someone knew what I could do then I'd be locked away or something." Kayla explains to her, her voice becoming weak as she speaks. "Honestly when Jerry found me and took me away he made me feel safe and I didn't feel like a freak around him."

"Well Kayla it doesn't matter what you did in the past. All that matters is that you are here with us now," Jeffery smiles as he wipes a tear from Kayla's cheek.

He is glad to see that Sara is finally up and healed.

"How long have you two been in the shadow realm?"

"I'm not really sure how long we've been here, two maybe three days now," Kayla shudders as she remembers when her and Jeffery first arrived in the shadow realm.


Finally we are in the shadow realm. Kayla thinks as she looks around. Nothing around them had seemed to change much.

"Well its good to see you again," a familiar voice calls out from behind her. A single cold chill runs down her spine as she begins to turn around. "Come we have much to discuss."

"Jerry I'm not going anywhere with you," Kayla cries out as she turns around and looks at Jerry with fearful eyes.

"Look Kayla I know we've had our differences and I've wronged you but I want to make all that up to you now," Jerry smiles as he looks at her.

"Wronged me, you tried to kill me!" Kayla cries out, backing up slowly, keeping her eyes focused on Jerry. "You tried to hurt my sister and her friends. Just stay away from me Jerry."

"Kayla that wasn't exactly me trying to harm anyone it was Griffin. Somehow a part of his soul attached itself to me a long time ago but ever since Sara and the others came into the shadow realm I've been trying to fight him for control."

Kayla looks into his eyes and sees the fear in them. She still doesn't trust him though.

"I don't care if you are telling me the truth or not just stay away from me Jerry," Kayla cries out at him.

"Kayla just give me another chance to prove that I've changed," Jerry reaches his hand out towards Kayla suddenly. "Please come with me Kayla."

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you!" Kayla yells at him. She turns to look at Jeffery, reaching out and grabbing his arm.

I just want to get out of here. She thinks as Jerry starts running towards her.

Everything grows dark suddenly and Kayla feels herself spinning rapidly through the air. She can't feel Jeffery spinning around with her but she hopes that she brought him with her. She feels herself start to drop, landing on the ground with a soft thud. Before she can roll over she feels someone or something slam down on top of her.

"I'm sorry Kayla," Jeffery whispers, slowly pushing his body up off of hers. "Are you alright?" He asks as he helps her roll over and sit up.

"Yeah I think so," Even as she speaks she knows she isn't fine. She can feel a sharp pain in her stomach. "Help me up please."

She raises her arm up for him to pull her up. As soon as she is back on her feet the pain in her stomach begins to feel worse. She tries to walk but falls back to the ground. Jeffery looks down at her worriedly as her hand moves to her stomach.

"What's wrong Kayla?"

He becomes worried, reaching down to remove her hand to see what she was trying to keep hid from him. She raises her hand up away from her stomach to reveal blood beginning to soak through her shirt.

"Something stabbed my stomach when I first fell. I can feel it deep inside the skin. I need you to pull whatever it is in my stomach out for me."

"Kayla are you sure that's a good idea?" Jeffery looks at her worried as he raises her shirt up a little to see what was wrong.

"Yes just do it please trust me," Kayla promises as she holds her shirt up some. As Jeffery gently runs his hand across her skin he can feel something sharp sticking into Kayla's stomach just above her belly button. "Owe, be gentle please." Kayla cries out as pain shoots through her body.

"I'm sorry Kayla on the count of three I'm going to pull whatever this is out okay," Jeffery wraps his fingers around the object embedded in Kayla's stomach and takes her hand in his free hand. "Okay just squeeze my hand Kayla."

"Come on just pull it out now Jeffery!" Kayla cries out, squeezing Jeffery's hand tightly. She closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath.

"Ready, one, two..."

Before he gets to three he grips whatever is in her tightly and yanks on it hard. She let's out a painful scream as she feels whatever was in her being removed. As Jeffery looks down at the wound on her stomach he is astonished to see that the wound is already beginning to heal.

"That feels a lot better now," she exclaims, sighing slightly as she tries to sit up.

"Easy Kayla."

Jeffery reaches an arm out to help steady her. Kayla looks up at him affectionately as his arm wraps around hers. She pulls herself up quickly, wrapping her arm around his shoulders to help steady herself.

"Thank you Jeffery. What exactly was in my stomach?" Kayla becomes curious as she looks down at the sharp object in Jeffery's hand.

"I'm not sure what it is exactly it feels like bone or something," Jeffery turns the object around in his hands curiously. "Its like some kind of horn."

Before he can say anything else they see a big bright flash of light not far from where they were at.

"What was that?" Kayla becomes frightened, looking up at Jeffery nervously. Her grip around his shoulders tightens as she stares at the bright light ahead of them.

"I don't know, come on let's go find out," he wraps his arm around Kayla and they begin making their way through the woods towards the glowing light. As they get closer the light begins dimming and Jeffery can see someone laying on the ground. "Sara." He cries out as he falls to the ground by Sara's body, seeing the back of her shirt is covered with blood and she is just barely breathing.

"What happened to her?" Kayla reaches her arm out and touches Sara, trying to heal her but nothing happens. "I can't heal her here." She mumbles to herself.

"I'm not sure, come on help me pick her up. We need to find a place to rest." Jeffery places his arms under Sara's body. Together Kayla and Jeffery pick Sara's unconscious body up and they begin walking through the woods.


"Kayla are you alright?" Kayla hears Sara's voice and shakes her head, looking around the room suddenly.

"Yeah I'm fine Sara."

Kayla quickly removes her hand from her stomach. She hadn't even realized that she had been clutching her stomach tightly. She looks up to Jeffery worriedly for a moment but he just smiles back at her.

"If you both are up to it I thought we could go try to find some of your other friends Sara," Jeffery smiles as he looks down at his niece.

"We need to get to Haven," Sara tells her uncle. As she stares up at him his face changes momentarily, twisting up in confusion. He looks away quickly, trying to hide the confusion on his face from Sara. "Uncle are you okay?" She asks him, looking up at him curiously. Even Kayla turns to look at Jeffery strangely.

"Yeah I'm fine, Kayla will you take Sara to Haven for me please. I will meet you guys there. There is something else I need to do first," Jeffery turns away from the girls.

"Jeffery wait..." Kayla cries out but before she can say anything else, Jeffery is gone. Sara turns around and looks at Kayla with a strange look on her face. "Have you ever seen him act that way before Sara?" Kayla asks as she takes Sara's hand in hers.

"Not that I know of can we please just get out of here Kayla."

Sara shivers, looking around nervously as she squeezes Kayla's hand tightly. Even though they were inside she couldn't help but to feel that someone was watching them.

"Okay Sara don't let go of my hand," Kayla warns, closing her eyes. She feels Sara wrap her arms around her waist, holding onto her tightly.

Take us to Haven. She thinks to herself.

She feels herself and Sara being lifted off the ground. When she opens her eyes she is glad to see the darkness around them. She hugs Sara tightly as they float towards what they hoped was Haven.


"Sara you can open your eyes now."

Sara smiles as she hears Julie's voice beside of her. She opens her eyes, expecting to be staring up into her sisters eyes. Instead of Julie she finds Kayla standing over her.

"Julie, where's Julie?" Sara mumbles as she raises herself up. She looks around, noticing that her and Kayla were standing just outside of a small town.

"Julie's not here, we still have to save her," Kayla looks down at Sara worriedly. "Is this Haven?" She asks, glancing towards the small town just ahead of them.

"I'm not exactly sure if this is Haven or not. I've never been here before."

Sara's mind is still replaying Julie's voice over and over again. She was certain Julie had spoken to her even if she wasn't physically standing there.

"Well I can think of one way to find out where we are," Kayla points towards the town. Sara follows her finger and sees a single house with a light on. "We could just go ask and find out." She smiles as she looks back to Sara.

"Are you sure that's such a good idea Kayla?" Sara looks from the town back to Kayla uneasily. Kayla smiles reassuringly at Sara.

"Yes, come on Sara, let's go see where we are," Kayla grins widely, pulling Sara towards the town.

Sara follows behind Kayla reluctantly as they walk towards the town. They slowly make their way across the deserted town streets towards the big two story white house.

"Kayla something doesn't feel right."

Sara stops in front of a small ally. Kayla pauses and looks back at Sara, seeing the sudden fear forming across her face. Sara stands there frozen like a statue as her eyes stare into the ally beside of them.

"Sara what do..." Kayla starts, turning to follow her gaze into the ally. Her voice falters as a dark shadow moves at the other side of the ally.

"Let's get to that house now!"

Kayla doesn't wait to be told a second time. The girls turn and begin sprinting towards the house. As they run they can hear something beginning to run their way. Sara and Kayla push themselves to run even faster. Soon they reach the house and dart up onto the porch quickly. An ear splitting shriek erupts a few yards behind them. Without knocking or waiting for an invitation, Kayla opens the front door in front of them and the girls dash inside, slamming the door back shut quickly.

"Sara, Kayla is it really you?" Sara smiles and turns around, wrapping her arms around Terri. Terri hugs her back, smiling as she looks at her friend.

"Terri what's going on?" They turn to see Megan standing at the edge of the stairs. "Sara!" She cries out cheerfully as she sees Sara standing just inside the room.

"Who else is here with you two?" Kayla looks alarmed as she hears a set of soft footsteps heading towards them.

"A girl named Olivia, come on I'll introduce you to her," Terri says taking Sara's hand and leading her through the house. As soon as they step through a doorway into the living room they stop. Standing just in front of them was a skinny blonde headed girl. "Sara this is..." Terri starts but she gets interrupted by Sara.

"Olivia!" Sara states hatefully, recognizing the girl standing in front of them.

Suddenly all of Sara's memories come flooding back to her. She could remember everything from the time she received the strange book all the way up to the moment right before she was put into a coma. It was all to much for Sara to take in at once and she feels herself falling forward. As soon as she hits the floor she passes out.

"Sara are you okay?" Terri's voice is filled with worry as she kneels down and takes Sara's hand in hers. She leans close, making sure that she is still breathing.

"Is she alright?" Olivia wonders as she stands over the two girls. Everything that has happened to her is because of me. She thinks as she kneels down beside of Sara. She let's a few tears roll down her cheeks.

"She will be alright. Come on is there a place we can lay her so we can rest?" Terri asks curiously as she looks over to Olivia.

"Yeah we can take her to my room. It's just through the door behind me."

Olivia stands up with Terri and together they lift Sara's body up. Once they make their way into Olivia's room they lay Sara down on the bed. Terri looks down at Sara worriedly.

"Go, I'll stay with her," Olivia says, giving Terri a warm smile.

"Are you sure Olivia I don't really mind staying with her," Terri tells Olivia, letting Olivia see the tears in her eyes.

"Yes I'm sure Terri, go, I'll be alright," Olivia smiles warmly at her, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Terri gives Olivia one last smile before walking out of the room. Once Olivia is sure that Terri is gone, she turns to look at Sara with pleading eyes. "Its all my fault. I'm the reason for everything that has happened to you. Please forgive me Sara." She whispers as she takes Sara's hand in hers.