Chapter twenty eight

"I gave you one simple task to do Michael" Griffin yells as he walks around the desk he was just sitting at.

"I'm sorry Griffin what happened wasn't my fault," Michael replies, sounding terrified as he speaks. "I couldn't hurt Megan or Terri. I don't know how you were controlling me but you won't do it again."

"You are going to do everything I tell you to do!" Griffin yells, raising his arm up, pointing the palm of his hand towards Michael.

"Michael just do what he tells you to," Michael hears his father cry out from somewhere behind him.

"No father, I won't!" Michael cries out defiantly. He begins to feel something like a small electric shock run through his body.

"Michael I will give you one final chance, either you do what I say or be locked up like Julie," Griffin demands, keeping his hand pointed at Michael.

The electric shock begins to get stronger inside of him. Soon Michael can't take the pain anymore and falls to his knees as he begins to scream out.

"Please stop Griffin," Arthur cries out, moving to stand by his son.

"Get him out of my sight!" Griffin orders Arthur, lowering his hand.

Michael lays on the ground, barely able to move. Arthur reaches down and picks up his sons body, beginning to carry him out of the room. "Do one more thing check on Julie for me." Arthur walks out of the room and up to the second floor.

"Dad please just let me go I need to find my friends," Michael whispers as he feels himself being carried up a set of stairs.

"I don't have a choice once your a ghost you can't do a lot in the shadow realm. Griffin can control you easier if you're a ghost," Arthur explains, pausing in the doorway to a small bedroom. He lays Michael down just inside the room and steps back out into the hall.

"Dad!" Michael cries out, trying to stand.

After falling several times he finally manages to stand on his feet. But as soon as he takes a step towards the door he falls.

"I'm sorry son."

Arthur pulls the bedroom door shut, trapping his son in the small room. Arthur then turns and walks on down the hall, stopping in front of another closed door. He reaches his hand out, slightly hesitating as he begins to open the door.

"Let me out of here!" Julie cries out, slamming her fists against the invisible barrier keeping her imprisoned in the room. Arthur stands there, looking at Julie curiously.

"You know that doing that is useless," Arthur says, smiling down at Julie. "Do you want something to eat or maybe something to drink?" He becomes slightly amused as she continues to beat on the barrier.

"What I want is to be set free," Julie screams out as she stares at Arthur hatefully.

"I'm afraid that is not going to happen any time soon." Arthur exclaims, slamming the door shut before Julie can say anything else to him.

Julie goes over and sits back down on the bed frustrated. No matter what she tried to do she was not powerful enough to break the barrier and escape. Her only hope was her sister Sara. She lays back on the small bed and looks up at the ceiling as she begins to drift slowly off to sleep.

"I hope you come for me soon sis," Julie whispers to herself, closing her eyes.


"Is everything taken care of?" Griffin looks up as Arthur walks back into the study. He smiles as he looks up at Griffin.

"Yes my son is locked away and Julie is still in her room. She is determined to break free though," Arthur tells him, going over and sitting in one of the two chairs in front of a large fireplace.

"Well she won't be in that room for much longer. Once Sara arrives we must be ready. As soon as Rebecca gets back from her little errand we must begin preparing for the sacrifice." Griffin explains as he sits back down at his desk. He smiles as he opens the lock box that Kendra had brought him.

"What is all of that?" Arthur becomes curious as Griffin begins emptying the contents of the box out onto his desk.

"These are all letters wrote between my daughter Olivia and Sara. It seems that she was teaching Sara the secrets of the spell book. Even letting Sara practice some of the spells from the book," Griffin explains as he begins going through the letters. He pauses as he picks up one of the final letters between Sara and Olivia, staring at it curiously. "Now this is quite interesting." He thinks, reading the letter to himself.


Things are beginning to change so much in the shadow realm. Somehow my father has found a way to regain his power. Every day he grows stronger. There is something I need you to do. I have taught you how to read the spell book. You have learned every spell I sent to you. Now I'm afraid I must ask you to hide the spell book in the mortal world for me. My father must never find it. He plans on breaking free of his prison and hunting down me and Amber so that he may be able to exit the shadow realm and return to the mortal world. I hate to have to give you this burden, but I don't know anyone else I can trust. Please help me Sara.


"What does it say?" Arthur wonders, trying to make sense of the amused expression forming on Griffin's face.

"It's just a letter telling Sara to hide the spell book from me," Griffin explains, folding the letter back up. So Olivia was teaching Sara how to read the spell book. He thinks, smiling slightly. "It's only a matter of time before she comes for Julie. As soon as she steps inside the house she will be trapped. So will all of those that enter this house with her." He leans back in his chair with his hands behind his head and closes his eyes.


Chris raises up and looks around, trying to figure out where he was at. Him, Lexi and Amber had been pulled away from Anubis's house, unsure of where they were being called to.

"Where are we?" He hears Lexi ask. Her and Amber were still laying on the ground. Amber had fallen on top of Lexi, unconscious. "Can you help me up Chris?" She groans, trying to slide out from under Amber.

"Sure hold on," Chris walks over and grabs Amber by the shoulders, lifting her body up slightly. Lexi wiggles out from under Amber's body. As Chris lowers Ambers body back down he rolls her over onto her back. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah thanks Chris," Lexi smiles up at him as she stands up. Before he can say anything she walks over and kisses him on the cheek. He blushes and looks at the ground quickly. "Do you think we made it to Haven this time?" She asks, looking around.

Just ahead of her, just past the trees, she could just make out the dark shapes of a few tall buildings.

"I hope so let's wake Amber up and find out what town we're in now," he squats down by Amber and shakes her shoulder gently but she doesn't budge. "Amber come on we have to go." Chris cries out, shaking her shoulder a little harder but she still doesn't budge.

"Can't you just carry her Chris?" Lexi asks as she looks around worriedly. She didn't feel safe being out in the woods.

"Sure I guess I'm going to have to carry her anyway she's out cold," Chris replies, slipping his hands under Amber's body and picking her up easily.

The two of them begin walking towards the town. Once out of the woods Chris and Lexi find themselves staring at a lot of small shops and houses. Further away, Lexi can see the tall buildings she had seen from the woods. As they start walking up the road, a sudden thought pops into her mind.

"Um Chris how are we going to know which house the others are in if this is Haven?" She mumbles, afraid to talk above a whisper as they walk past the darkened buildings.

"Well Lexi I'm hoping it will be the only house with the lights on," Chris replies jokingly as he laughs a little.

Lexi looks over at him and smiles slightly. As they keep walking, Chris begins to feel Amber start to move slightly. He pauses, holding her in his arms tightly as she begins to awaken. She looks up at him and smiles.

"We are close I can feel my sister close by. Let me down Chris," Chris helps her to her feet but once he let's go of her arm she staggers and starts to fall. He catches her before she can fall onto the hard blacktop. "I feel so weak." She whispers as she leans her head on Chris's chest.

"Do you want me to carry you?" He asks, looking at her curiously as she tries to stand again. She looks up at him and nods her head slightly.

"Yeah I can't walk but I can still show you where they are," Amber places her arms around Chris's neck as he picks her up once more.

"Which way do we go?" Lexi sounds annoyed, walking over to stand beside of Chris, looking at Amber skeptically.

As Amber turns her head to look at Lexi, she is puzzled by the expression on Lexi's face. She could have sworn she had seen a hint of jealousy flash across Lexi's face.

"Um let's see," Amber closes her eyes and tries to concentrate on feeling her sisters magical energy. "Go that way." She tells them, pointing to the right. For a long time they just walk down the street in silence, Amber trying to stay awake long enough to find her sister and Chris and Lexi's friends. She keeps her head leaned against Chris's chest as he carries her.

"How much further is it?" Lexi asks, noticing that the houses were beginning to get further and further apart. She begins to wonder if they were even going in the right direction.

"We're nearly there," When Amber closes her eyes she can see a faint white glow not much further up the road from them. As they turn the next corner Amber hears Chris chuckle and opens her eyes. "What's so funny?" She asks, looking up at him skeptically.

"I told you it would be the only house with the lights on," Chris smirks, smiling at Lexi.

Lexi grins as she sees the house. They hurry on up the road, trying to hurry and make it to the house as quick as possible. Once they are on the porch Lexi pauses in front of the front door, wondering if she should knock or just go on in. Before she gets the chance to do either the doorknob turns and the door swings open.

"We've been waiting on you," Lexi smiles as she sees Sara standing in the doorway. Sara grabs her friends arms, pulling Lexi into the house, pulling her into a tight hug.

"We did it Amber we're finally here," Chris looks down at Amber but Amber is already fast asleep.

"Sara I'm glad we finally found you," Lexi says, smiling brightly as she pulls Sara into another hug. "I thought we lost you for good. When we shadow travelled you just disappeared." Lexi smiles as she looks at Sara, glad that she hadn't been captured by Griffin. Sara turns around to lead them into the house. "What happened to you?" She asks, her voice full of worry as she sees the dried blood on Sara's back.

"Lexi I think we should go someplace so we can talk alone," Sara turns away slightly, trying not to let Lexi see the sorrow in her eyes. Lexi turns her back around and stares at her questioningly but Sara simply shakes her head. She takes Lexi's arm and leads her through the house as far away from everyone else as she could. "Lexi I have something to tell you." She pauses as she looks at Lexi.

"Sara what is it, what's wrong?" Lexi notices the hint of sadness in her voice. Sara takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly before speaking.

"When we got split up I saw your mom."

Sara pauses to see Lexi's facial expression. Lexi looks happy at the mention of her mother. She can't seem to figure out why Sara looks so sad though.

"What did she want Sara what did she say to you?" Lexi wonders curiously, the suspense killing her.

She wanted to know about her mothers visit to Sara. Sara looks up at her with sad eyes.

"Lexi your mom wasn't herself she was becoming a ghoul when she ran across me. She attacked me, clawing my back up badly. I had no choice Lexi," Tears begin flowing from her eyes as she looks at Lexi. "Your mom told me to tell you that she loved you and she would see you again one day. When the ghoul took full control of her I had to banish her."

"Sara..." Lexi begins, not sure what to say to Sara. She just looks into Sara's eyes with her own. She was both hurt and confused by what Sara had told her. She can feel her own eyes beginning to tear up.

"I'm sorry Lexi if I didn't do what I did then I probably wouldn't be here right now. Besides I couldn't stand by and let your mom suffer as a ghoul," Lexi looks up at her, trying not to cry.

Sara reaches out and pulls Lexi to her, wrapping her arms around Lexi. She begins to cry softly into Sara's shoulder as they stand there.

"It's okay Sara I'm not mad at you," Lexi raises her head and wipes her eyes on her shirt sleeve.

"Come on let's go see what everyone else is up to," Sara replies, wanting to go have a little chat with Amber if she was awake. The two of them head back through the house to the living room. Sara looks around the room for Amber but she doesn't see her anywhere. "Where's Amber?"

"She's asleep. I put her in the bedroom down the hall with Olivia," Chris explains, looking back at Sara, raising an eyebrow at her questioningly. She just looks at him and shakes her head slightly.

"Chris can you tell me how Amber got away from Anubis. The last time I seen her, her mom was handing her over to him in exchange for her freedom," Sara whispers, talking quietly as she walks over to Chris.

"Anubis wasn't trying to harm Amber, he is her uncle. He was trying to protect her. Amber is losing her magic. All he was trying to do was keep her from becoming a ghoul or worse."

"If all that was true then why is she here now instead of staying with him?" She raises her eyebrow slightly. "I know what I heard the night Aylana reach Amber to Anubis. She was trading him her daughters for her freedom."

"Look Sara I don't know what happened, all I know is what I saw. Anubis was protecting Amber," Chris reaches his arm out towards Sara but she shoves it away.

"Where is he now then?" Sara cries out, causing everyone to turn and stare at her curiously. "How do you know he's not the reason Amber is losing her powers?"

"Sara what's gotten into you?" Lexi stares up at Sara worriedly. She looks back at Lexi, a slightly hateful look on her face.

"I don't know what to believe anymore," Sara cries out, screaming at her friends. She raises her hands up, pointing them at her friends as they become enveloped by white flames. "Just stay away from me."

The flames begin to burn brighter as the anger builds up inside of her.

"Sleep!" Amber yells, pointing her hand at Sara.

She had woken up and heard the screaming and came to see what was going on. Sara falls forward, the flames extinguishing as she hits the ground. Lexi rushes over to her friend, kneeling down beside of Sara and flipping her over.

"She's burning up," Lexi places her hand on Sara's forehead as she becomes worried. Sara begins to toss and turn as she lays on the floor. "What's wrong with you Sara?" She whispers as she reaches down to take Sara's hand in hers.

She feels something in Sara's hand. As she opens Sara's hand the amulet Chris had tried to give Sara earlier falls to the floor beside her. She picks it up and looks at Chris suspiciously.

"Chris how did this amulet come to be in Sara's hand?"

"I didn't hand her the amulet I put it back in my pocket remember," Chris cries out defensively as he looks down at Lexi.

"This is all your fault," Lexi cries out, picking the amulet up and standing up quickly.

She throws the amulet back at him. It flies over Chris's shoulder and lands at Megan's feet. Chris and Lexi continue yelling at each other.

"Will the two of you stop fighting," Megan looks at the two of them and a sense of calmness begins washing over them. "You two are friends and with everything else going on we don't need to be arguing with each other." Megan walks over to them and places a hand on each of their shoulders.

"I don't know what came over me," Lexi looks down at the ground, feeling slightly uneasy. It was like something had been fueling the anger inside of her. "Chris I'm sorry." She says, not looking up at him, to ashamed of herself.

"Its okay Lexi, it was the amulet that made us act that way," Chris smiles as he walks over to where Sara is laying. "I still don't understand how she ended up with the amulet though." Amber slips past them and picks the amulet up, closing her eyes as she closes her hand around the amulet.

"Whoever cursed this is the only one who can remove the curse," Amber turns the amulet around over and over again in her hands. "Chris who told you to give the amulet to Sara?" She wonders nervously, sitting the amulet down on the table.

"I'm not sure who told me to give the amulet to Sara. All I heard was a mans voice telling me to take the amulet and hand it to Sara," Chris explains as he thinks back to when he had first entered the shadow realm with Lexi. "It must have been Griffin that told me what to do."

"Amber is it really you?" Olivia's voice enters the room before anyone could say anything else.

They look up to see Olivia standing in the doorway, smiling brightly at Amber.

"Yes sis I am finally here," Olivia's smile widens as she runs across the room, throwing her arms around her sister.

"What was all that shouting in here about?" Olivia asks, looking around at everyone else. There were two people in the room she didn't know. She feels slightly afraid as she looks at the guy though she didn't know why. "Who's that guy and girl standing over there?" She whispers to Amber, slightly nodding her head towards Chris and Lexi.

"That's Chris and Lexi, two more of Sara's friends. As for all the shouting, someone cursed an amulet with dark magic and when Lexi touched it she was affected by its power," Amber explains to her sister. "I think Sara got the worst of the curse though. The amulet was meant for her."

"Can I see the amulet please?" Olivia holds out her hand slightly. Amber turns around to retrieve the amulet from off the table but discovers that it was gone.

"It was right here, where did it go?" She wonders out loud as she looks all around the table for the amulet. "Its gone did anyone else pick it up?"

She looks around but no one else seems to know where it went to.

"Well you said the curse was meant for Sara right. That means the curse wouldn't affect anyone else until Sara touched the amulet first so where is Sara?" Olivia asks.

She hadn't seen Sara when she came into the room.

"She's laying on the ground behind Chris and Lexi. I had to put her to sleep after she touched the amulet," she looks at the spot where Sara had just been laying. "Where is she?"

Everyone looks at the spot where Sara was supposed to have been laying but she was gone.

"Well without the amulet or Sara I can't tell you who cursed the amulet," Olivia replies as everyone gathers around the spot where Sara had just been laying.

"I know sis but I have a feeling I know where she might be going though. I think she is going after her sister if she woke back up," she tells them, looking around at everyone as she speaks.

"So what are we going to do now?" Terri looks at Amber curiously and had a feeling she already knew what Amber was going to say though.

"We are going to go to Griffin's manor to save Julie and Sara," Amber smiles as she holds her hands out to them all. They all form a small circle around her and take each others hands as they begin to see the darkness forming around them. "We're coming Sara just hold on." Amber says as they begin floating through the darkness.