Chapter thirty

Sara begins to awaken she can feel herself being carried. The last thing she remembers was getting mad and yelling at her friends. She tries to remember how she had fallen asleep to begin with but she couldn't. She begins to panic as she tries opening her eyes.

"Easy Sara I'm not going to hurt you," Sara hears a woman's voice tell her. She begins to calm down, feeling safe in the arms of whoever had her. After a few more tries she manages to open her eyes a little.

"Who are you, where are my friends?" Sara asks weakly, turning her head slightly to see who was carrying her.

She feels a wave of calmness wash over her as she looks into the woman's eyes.

"My name is Rebecca and I took you away from your friends," the woman smiles down at Sara warmly.

"Why did you take me away for?" Her voice sounds surprisingly calm even though she still felt slightly scared on the inside.

"Look Sara you have been cursed. The amulet you touched had a dark curse that was meant specifically for you," Rebecca tells her. Sara looks up at her slightly afraid and confused. "See Sara the amulet had been cursed so that you would push your friends away and go after the only person who you thought you could trust, your sister Julie."

"How do you know so much about the amulet and its curse?" She feels herself being lowered suddenly. She hadn't realized that they were inside a building until Sara feels herself being laid down on a small bed. "Where are we?"

"We are safe here Sara please try and relax," Rebecca places one of her hands against Sara's forehead. As soon as her hand touches Sara's forehead she begins to calm down. All her feelings of fear and anger feel like they are being washed away. "Look Sara I was the one that placed the curse on the amulet. A man named Anubis forced me to. I don't know why he had me do it, but soon it will be removed."

Sara just lays there motionless as she feels the anger and fear continuing to leave her body. Sara closes her eyes and waits for some kind of pain or shock to course through her body but nothing happens. When she opens her eyes again Rebecca is sitting on the edge of the bed smiling warmly at her.

"Was that it?" Sara looks up at her questioningly. She no longer felt any anger or fear inside of her. She sits up on the bed slowly her eyes staying locked on Rebecca.

"Yes Sara I removed the curse from you," Rebecca says calmly. Sara can't help but to feel safe as she looks into Rebecca's eyes. "Now Sara there is something I need you to do." A smile begins to form across her face as she looks at Sara.

"What do you need me to do?" Sara asks, staring at Rebecca quizzically.

She should have felt leery or cautious about a complete stranger asking her to do something, especially one that claimed to be the one that had cursed her. But at that moment Sara felt that she had nothing to be afraid of.

"I need you to come back with me to Griffin's manor. I need him to think I captured you so that when the times comes I can stop him," she pauses to judge Sara's reaction. Sara just stares at her blankly for a moment before looking down at the bed.

"I feel like I can trust you but I don't know if I can. I want to go with you, to be able to see my sister but I don't want Griffin to win," Sara tries hard to fight the sudden mix of emotions beginning to form in her mind.

"Griffin is not going to win. I won't let anything happen to you Sara I promise. But I need you to come back to Griffin's manor with me," Rebecca's smile widens as she places her hand on top of Sara's.

"Okay but you will be sorry if you betray me," Sara says, trying to sound threatening. Rebecca just continues to smile as she looks at Sara. "I'm only going with you for my sister. I have to be with Julie again."

"Of course but first you need to rest. When you wake up you will be with your sister," Rebecca promises as she looks into Sara's eyes.

"No..." Sara cries out in protest, trying to fight the drowsiness that had suddenly crept up her body.

A part of her knew that is was Rebecca causing her to go to sleep but she wasn't strong enough to fight Rebecca's magic.

"Sleep Sara," Rebecca whispers into Sara's ear as Sara leans back on the bed.

She places a gentle kiss on Sara's forehead as she stands up. As she drifts off to sleep Sara can't help but to worry about her mom. She hoped that wherever her mom was she was alright.


Kendra begins to panic as she feels herself falling through the air. She hasn't shadow travelled much but the decent always worried her. She wasn't a witch like the others in the shadow realm so she couldn't really control how she landed. She slams down against the ground hard, the air being quickly expelled from her lungs.

"Here let me help you up," Kendra hears Jeffery's voice and smiles. She feels his hands slip under her arms, lifting her up off the ground.

"How long have you been in the shadow realm?" She asks groggy, moving her hand to her forehead as she starts feeling dizzy.

"I'm not sure maybe two days now. I came here with Kayla but I've been searching for you," he explains, helping Kendra sit down on the grass.

"So you were the one that called me here?" He shakes his head as he sits down beside her, looking to see her staring at him quizzically.

"No sis I didn't call you here. Actually I thought you called me here," Jeffery replies, looking down at the ground. "I was walking through the woods when a dark mist formed around me. It brought me here." He explains as he slowly looks over at his sister.

"If you didn't call me here then who did?" Kendra wonders out loud, looking around suddenly. She begins to feel like they weren't alone. "Come on Jeffery we need to find a way to save my daughters." She stands up and reaches her arm towards her brother.

"First we need to figure out where we are," as he takes his sister's hand and looks around he sees a faint yellowish orange glow off to his left. "Come on let's go see where we are." He turns around and begins walking towards the glow.

"Wait up!" Kendra calls out, running after her brother. They make their way out of the woods quickly, stepping out into a small park. "I know were we are at." Kendra looks around at the park they were in. "I've brought Sara and Julie here before."

She sighs, looking over at the swing set. She could picture her two daughters sitting on the swings when they were younger, laughing as they swung back and forth. Not having a care in the world.

"There's a light on in that house let's go see if anyone is home," Jeffery snaps Kendra out of her thoughts quickly.

They walk across the park as quickly as possible. Before long they are walking along the narrow street towards the house.

"So should we knock or just go in?" Kendra wonders as they finally reach the house.

As they step up onto the porch Kendra notices the front door is slightly open. She turns to look at Jeffery worried.

"Well I guess we could go on in," as quietly as he can, Jeffery pulls the front door open further and steps into the house. Kendra stands by the doorway, wondering if she should follow her brother into the house. "Come on Kendra, the place looks empty." Jeffery calls out to his sister.

Kendra hesitates in the doorway. Something felt wrong about being there. Before she could turn and leave the front door slams shut. She tries to open the door but it won't budge.

"Great now it seems we are trapped in here," she sighs and gives up on opening the door. She looks around as she walks deeper into the house trying to find her brother. "Could things be any worse right now?" She asks herself as she opens a door and steps into the living room.

"What are you doing here?"

Kendra jumps as she hears Jerry's voice. She hadn't expected anyone else to be in the house. She turns and looks to her left, expecting to find Jerry standing beside of her. Instead, she stares at the couch shocked. Jerry is laying on the couch, barely moving. He tries to raise up but screams out in pain and falls back down.

"Jerry what happened to you?" As she kneels down beside the couch and looks into Jerry's eyes she begins to see the man she had fallen in love with.

Whatever had caused him to go crazy and try to kill his own daughters seemed to be gone. She reaches out and gently places his hands in hers.

"Kendra I'm sorry for everything. Everything that has happened has been because of me. I was to weak to fight Griffin's hold on me."

"Shhh, it wasn't your fault. Now tell me what happened to you," Kendra whispers, smiling sweetly as she looks at him.

"I..." Jerry pauses, looking up at her confused.

He tries to think, but for some reason he couldn't remember what had happened to him.

"Anubis cured him. I brought Jerry here so that my brother could remove Griffin's soul from his own. I had no idea that Anubis was going to trap us in this house afterwards," Kendra raises her head slightly to see a woman standing at the end of the couch, looking back at her and Jerry curiously.

"And who exactly are you?" Kendra becomes angered, staring up cautiously at the woman standing by the couch.

"I'm Aylana," the woman says, smiling sweetly at Kendra.

She couldn't be certain but as she looks at Kendra, she could have sworn that she could see a hint of jealousy in her eyes.

"Kendra I am trying to make up for everything wrong I have done these past few years," Jerry's voice is just slightly above a whisper.

He coughs slightly, causing Kendra to look at him worried. She sees a little trickle of blood seeping from his left nostril. Aylana kneels down beside Kendra, reaching her the piece of cloth she had been holding. As Kendra wipes the blood away all kinds of strange thoughts began forming in her mind.

Who was this girl, what was really going on here?

"Your Griffin's wife aren't you?" Kendra asks, staring at the girl curiously. Aylana looks back at her and smiles.

"Yes I am," she sighs as she looks back at Jerry. "I'm so sorry all this is happening to your family Kendra." Kendra hears the sincerity in Aylana's voice as she speaks and smiles.

"Its okay I just want to get my daughters and return to the mortal world," Kendra says, looking into Jerry's eyes. More blood begins flowing from Jerry's nose.

"Kendra..." Jerry tries to speak but he can't, he is in to much pain. All he can do is turn and stare into Kendra's eyes as pain shoots through his body.

"He's dying isn't he?" Kendra looks over at Aylana worriedly. As Kendra looks at her, Aylana can see tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes.

"Yes he is. I've done everything I can to try to help him but without my spell book I can't fully heal him," Aylana replies, feeling sorry for Kendra.

"I know a way you may be able to heal him," Jeffery says suddenly. Kendra turns and looks up at him surprisingly. "We need to figure out a way to get out of a way to get out of here first then I think if we can find Kayla she may be able to heal him."

"Kendra you must stop Griffin. He doesn't want Sara and Julie trapped so he can be free he plans on sacrificing them so he can steal their powers," Jerry says to Kendra, his face twisting up in pain as he speaks.

"Shhh Jerry just try and relax. We are going to save our daughters and find a way to heal you," she leans down and places a gentle kiss on Jerry's forehead. All we need to do now is figure out how we are going to escape this house. She thinks, looking down at her husband with saddened eyes. "Everything will be alright soon."

Even though she says that everything is going to be okay, deep down she didn't believe her own words. She sighs and turns her head away from Jerry as tears trickle down her cheeks.

Will everything really be okay? She thinks about her daughters, wondering if she would really see them again.