Chapter thirty three

"Sara! Julie!" Terri cries out as she raises up from the ground.

She sees everyone else laying on the ground, slowly beginning to stir. She stands up and quickly runs across the park to hug Sara.

"Terri I'm glad to see your okay," Sara cries out, smiling at her friend.

It doesn't take long for everyone else to walk over to where Sara and Julie were at.

"So glad you all could join us," Sara shivers as she hears Griffin's voice behind her. "Now that you are all here the sacrifice can begin." He laughs as he picks up the magic book.

"I won't let you harm Sara!" Chris cries out, suddenly running at Griffin. As he nears Griffin however Griffin raises his hand and Chris freezes.

"You are such a brave boy it's a shame you couldn't do a simple task for me."

Griffin laughs as he looks around before raising Chris into the air. Sara watches fearfully as Griffin waves his hand and sends Chris flying away from him. Chris slams into the nearby swing set and the swings begin wrapping around him, holding him still.

"Chris..." Sara cries out as Chris looks at her helplessly.

Sara can feel the tears forming in her eyes as Chris begins screaming, struggling to become free once again.

"That's enough brother!" Rebecca cries out from the ground.

She tries to push herself off the ground but as she puts her hands on the ground small vines come out of the dirt and begin wrapping around her arms.

"Nothing is going to stop me from getting what I want now!" Griffin cries out, laughing as he looks at everyone around him. Griffin looks up as moonlight begins to illuminate the park. "Finally nothing is going to stop me now." He mumbles to himself.

Sara feels helpless as she watches Griffin moving towards her and Julie. "We're too late there's nothing we can do."

"Sara take my hand," Julie whispers, holding her hand out as she sees Sara shivering with fear. Griffin begins to chant as he stops in front of the girls. As he raises his hands to the sky the girls begin to feel weak.

"Father please stop this!" Olivia cries out at Griffin.

Olivia tries to move but her body seems to be frozen in place. She looks towards everyone else but they seem to be frozen in place as well.

"You're not going to stop me. I've been watching you for a while now. Your powers are almost gone and soon you will become just another ghost in the shadow realm."

Griffin laughs as he continues to drain Sara and Julie's magical energy.

"How can you not even care about us?" Amber screams, tears streaming down her cheeks as she looks at the man who was her father.

She can't help but to feel heartbroken and betrayed.

"I knew your mother was a witch from the first time I met her. I just had to stay with her and gain her trust long enough to get her spell book."

Griffin laughs as he stares at his daughters. For a brief moment he loses focus and Sara and Julie begin to feel relief as Griffin's spell stops. Sara grabs Julie's hand and begins to crawl away from him, dragging her sister with her.

"Father how could you..." Olivia begins, looking at Griffin frightened.

Before she says anything else a loud boom erupts across the park followed quickly by a bright flash of light. As Griffin turns towards the source of the light he steps back slightly, afraid.

"Leave them alone brother!" Rebecca cries out, illuminated by a bright bluish white light.

Somehow she had caught Anubis off guard and was finally able to knock him away from her.

"This is quite a surprise sis, I never expected you to care about anyone but yourself," Griffin slowly takes a few steps back. "Being locked away for centuries has changed you."

"I was always plotting against you brother. If Anubis hadn't locked me away I would have taken my revenge on you a long time ago!" Rebecca cries out, staring at her brother hatefully. "It was you that killed our family, it was you that used Aylana to become powerful, everything that has happened to me has been because of you. This ends here!" She screams, sending a bright ball of white light at Griffin.

The ball of light slams against his chest and he feels pain shoot through his body. He lets out a painful gasp as he falls to the ground, clutching his chest tightly.

"Is that the best you got sis?" Griffin laughs at her, slightly panting as he begins to stand up.

He tries to pretend like everything is fine but deep down he can still feel a slight burning pain in his chest.

"You have no idea how powerful I truly am brother."

Rebecca smirks slightly as she prepares to throw another ball of flames at him. Before she gets the chance to another bright flash of light flashes several feet away from them.

"Mom!" Amber and Olivia cry out together as they see their mom walking towards them.

Aylana turns to smile sweetly at her two girls before turning to look at Griffin with hate filled eyes. "Surprised to see me out of my little prison husband?" She yells, laughing menacingly as she stares at Griffin. "I'm finally free and my powers have been fully restored." She lets small flames dance along her fingertips as she begins to smile.

"I have grown a lot stronger since you imprisoned me here. I have been stealing the powers of every sorcerer and sorceress you first imprisoned here." Griffin explains, laughing as he raises his hands up. Little streaks of lightning fly up from his fingertips. "I have been waiting for the day you would finally be free. After I steal your powers as well I will reek havoc upon the mortal world. I will send the mortal world into an everlasting darkness."

"I don't think so Griffin," Aylana sends a burst of pure energy at him.

He tries to stop the energy ball but it strikes his shoulder, knocking him back to the ground.

"You have to do better then that if you are going to stop me!" Griffin shouts as he begins to raise back up.

"You aren't going anywhere."

Rebecca holds her hand over Griffin's body. Small vines begin snaking their way through the ground, growing bigger as they begin wrapping themselves around Griffin's body.

"This has to end now!" Aylana raises her hands and begins to chant. "Leave now and be forever trapped in the lands of darkness. Imprisoned in the deepest, darkest pit. Forever tormented till the end of days." She chants as white light flows from her fingertips and begins enveloping Griffin's body.

"Hahaha," Griffin laughs as the light envelopes him. "You still aren't strong enough to banish me." He cries out, continuing to laugh.

"She may not be strong enough but she isn't alone," Rebecca says as she raises her own hands up.

She joins in and begins chanting with Aylana. The light around Griffin's body begins to glow brighter.

"We have to help them," Amber whispers to her sister, dragging her across the park towards Griffin.

Sara and Julie look at each other for a moment before running to catch up to them. Soon they all join in the chanting, making the light grow brighter and brighter.

"This is not the end, you haven't seen the last of me!" Griffin cries out as the light continues growing brighter. With a loud pop the light explodes, causing the park to be enveloped in darkness once more. "I will return." Griffin's voice echoes around the park.

"Did it work, is it finally over?"

Sara stares down at the spot where Griffin had just been. She shivers as she looks at the ground, hearing his final words replaying in her mind. I will return. He promised.

"Yes Sara it is over," Aylana smiles sweetly at Sara.

Sara looks around to her friends and tries to smile but she can't. Something else still didn't feel right. She notices that there is someone else missing from the park.

"Where is Anubis?" She wonders as she looks around worriedly.

"I don't know Sara but we will eventually find him. After all I fear this is only the beginning."

"Sara, Julie, are you two okay?"

Sara smiles as she hears her mothers soft voice calling her name. She turns to see her mom standing behind her, staring at her worriedly. Sara and Julie begin to run over to her mom, smiling brightly. Their smiles quickly fade however as they see a second figure laying on the ground at their mothers feet.

"Daddy!" Sara cries out as she reaches her mother first. She kneels down on the ground and takes her fathers hand in her own.

"I'm so sorry for everything sweetie," Jerry manages to say, gasping slightly with each word.

Sara can't help but to let the tears in her eyes run down her cheeks and drip onto the grass.

"Please don't go daddy," she whispers as she tries hard not to cry. She feels a hand wrap around her and looks over to see Julie kneeling down beside her. "Kayla is there anything you can do to help him?" She looks towards Kayla with hopeful eyes.

"I can try," Kayla replies, kneeling down and placing her hand on Jerry's chest. She can feel Jerry's heart beat slowing down. She closes her eyes and tries to heal him, but nothing happens. "I'm sorry Sara there's nothing I can do."

"I can't stay any longer sweetie, it is my time to go. I love you girls."

Jerry takes in a final breath of air before closing his eyes for good. Sara let's his hand slip out of his before she stands up. Before she has time to react to what had just happened she feels herself being lifted into the air. Within seconds she begins to feel really sleepy and closes her eyes.


"What happened to Sara and Julie?"

Chris looks at the spot where Sara and Julie had just been standing. As soon as Griffin's body had disappeared Sara and Julie disappeared as well.

"The spell that Griffin had placed on them to trap them in here must have been broken the moment Griffin had been defeated."

"So why weren't we taken back to the real world as well?" Megan looks around as she begins to feel slightly nervous.

"Because someone else is keeping us held here," Olivia looks towards her mom suspiciously. "Mom are you keeping them here?"

"Yes sweetie but only because I want to warn you. This was only the beginning," Aylana warns as she wraps her arms around her daughters.

"What do you mean this is only the beginning?" Michael looks at Aylana curiously. "We defeated Griffin it's all over isn't it?"

"No Michael things aren't that simple. We may have beat Griffin but Anubis escaped. He is out there somewhere in the darkness plotting his revenge," Aylana tells them, looking around at everyone around her, shivering slightly. "I fear what is still yet to come."

"I'm afraid this isn't the last we will see of Griffin either," Rebecca says, looking at the ground with worry.

"I thought we just got rid of him?" Terri says, looking towards Rebecca as she becomes confused.

"He will find a way to escape it's only a matter of time," Aylana sighs as she looks off into the distance. "Return to the mortal world and be prepared for what is still yet to come." She replies, holding her arms out and closing her eyes.

A mist of darkness forms around everyone as they start to spin.


"Wake up Sara," a male voice says, almost whisper like.

She flings open her eyes quickly and begins to panic.

"Stay away from me Anubis," she cries out as she tries to wake herself up.

"Calm down I'm not here to harm you. I just wanted to say thank you for setting my fellow brothers and sisters free from the shadow realm."

Anubis laughs slightly as he begins to fade away.


Sara begins to scream out as fear paralyzes her body. The next thing she knows, she is sitting up in the middle of her bed with all of her friends around her. She decides not to tell them what had just happened. For now they were all glad to be back in the real world and she didn't want to ruin that happiness. She would eventually have to tell them but for now she had decided to let them enjoy themselves.

To be continued