Apocalypse Life

…..It's just another boring day same house, same room, same dull boring life.

"Emily!!" The android butler yelled at me. "it's time to get ready for school miss. please get out of bed.

"ugh I'm just a 17 year old girl why did father have to buy a robot to replace him while he's away at his lab?" I Jumped out of bed and quickly put on a simple white top and jeans, grabbed my brush and ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where a bagged lunch sat on the counter. I hoped it was not the a sandwich and juice box again. I've told that thing how much I hate sandwiches. I quickly put on my favorite pair of pink and black roller blades and grabbed the bag and rushed out the door. I looked around and noticed that the city was silent and I smelled smoke in the air then I looked up. What the hell is that!! A strange skeletal thing was moving toward me slowly. He was slouched and his head was hanging.

"Who are you?" As if a switch had been flipped his head snapped up to look at me. "Mr devins!!!" My teacher let out a haunting blood curdling screech. His eyes were red and a chunk was missing from his face as if something had taken a bite out of what used to be my teacher. I had to get to dad and let him know what's going on.

I arrive there and there were sirens blazing and there was white mist spewing out of holes in the pipes. Apart from the pipes and siren something did not seem right.

The security office was empty and that was very unusual…

I ran over to where my father's lab was supposed to be the window next to the big door was cracked but holding it was to clouded to see through. What the hell is going on?!?!

I Swipe my fathers spare id card that id taken a week ago through the security lock and remembered that father told me not to ever open this door.. Oh to hell with him and just as I'm about to open the door

"Emily what are you doing here?

" I cover my mouth to keep from screaming and spin around quickly thinking i was about to get in trouble only to discover the son of one of father's coworkers standing there pale and looking as if he'd just gotten beat up if I remember correctly his name was todd baker and fairly tall with blue eyes and black hair and I think 16 years old.Then I notice a wound on his left hand that's dripping a lot of blood and looks just like the one on my teacher's face I say we have to get you cleaned up come with me.I gingerly yet roughly take the hand that does not have the bite on it and half lead half drag him down the hall and into the medical room where I quickly started through the boxes until i found some bandages and disinfectant At which point todd was looking worse than ever and was breathing very heavily I quickly dumped the disinfectant all over his hand and bandaged it as best i could glancing up at him only to see him wincing.i tapped his shoulder and said I'm done he glanced at the bandage and said with a cocky half smirk nicely done in a sarcastic voice i smiled back and said well if you didn't want it arranged that way you shouldn't have gotten hurt speaking of which how did you get hurt todd?

Todd closes his eyes and sighs before looking at me and says slowly as if trying to remember what exactly had happened I was attacked...by a group of injured people at school and after that I don't remember anything except that I escaped through a nearby window and made my way here using a motorbike that I found left running in the driveway of a house nearby and made my way here thinking to ask my dad if he knew what was going on…I think to myself oh so we had that in common I guess.. Well it's decided then todd let's go take a look at that lab ok? K say todd and we make our way back down the hall and to the lab door where I again swipe my father's key card and slowly turn the door handle and slowly pull it open and both me and todd go inside it's dark? What the.. Then suddenly the lights automatically switch on and what I see makes me scream I turn and push my way back into the hallway todd following closely behind I'm crying I can't believe what i'd just seen todd did you see all those dead and bloody people in there.. Yes it looked like the emergency system was activated to prevent people from getting in..No that could be it the body's looked like they were trying to get out..Hearing this I can't help but think why would someone do something like this?what possible reason could someone have to be able to do something so horrible..as im thinking this todd always the reliable one rests his uninjured hand on my shoulder and says one more thing emily the emergency security system can only be activated from the inside let's go back in and try to find the reason for why they would activate a suicide emergency and security protocol.As he says this I am going over what he said and gripping his arm before wiping away my tears I say Ok lets go.

We make our way into lab avoiding the dead bodies of our fathers until we get to the door on the other side of the lab and in silent agreement we push the door open and find.. An almost completely empty room except for one glass cases in the wall holding a small syringe which had a name on it which was much to my surprise my name was on it.

Hey emily do you think we should touch those? Yeah I do todd and so i step forward and slowly open the glass door to the case and as i open it there's a hissing noise and the POP!! What the!! A secret compartment opened up in the the pillar inside the glass case I look at todd before i slowly approach the case once more and I peer into the compartment and find a folded note and above that there's a label "to: emily" I take the note out and unfold after walking over to todd so we could read it together in case any of its contents concerned him and his father.

The paper read:

to my dearest and most beloved daughter emily,

if you are reading this I am dead and you are probably wondering whats going on and why the lab was the way it was. well first of all you should know that I love you very much and thought of you as my own daughter and raised you as my own but I'm sad to have to tell you this in a letter but you aren't really my daughter exactly human either. the truth is we found you in a fallen star that fell to earth and was recovered from the ocean after i discovered it and when I took tried to cut this big stone inside I found you stuck inside a huge slab of diamond which when i studied closely. i surprisingly found you living inside. The diamond which is what I used to make this lab and studied you blood i discover that your body in fact can adapt to anything. so after 3 years i found a solution and made you take the drug that would suppress your abilities and strength..sweetie I'm sorry ive kept this from you so long. I was hoping you could live as a normal person and experience the pleasures of life on earth in peace but then someone found something in the fragments of the meteorite that was left behind and We discovered what we like to call the Z Gene. Z Gene stands for the zombie gene because of how fast it infects and multiplies and through accidental exposure to human blood craves to infect human blood. sweetie I know it's a lot to take in but there's still the fact that we the scientists are dead because we got infected. the fact of the matter is we were irresponsible and rushed into something that should never have been toyed with and unleashed something that will bring the human race to the brink of extinction and eventually the human race will be wiped out. at this point all I can do is ask for your forgiveness but it's up to you to save the human race because once you stop taking the medicine i gave you for the last 17 years and then inject yourself with the blue liquid that's in the syringe in the case it should allow you to access all of you abilities. Through some strange phenomena your abilities allow you to be almost completely immune to the disease but if one of the dead try to bite you be sure to take caution because once you are bitten you won't die ever and that will cause you to ruin everything we have worked to contain and that is you the sering will allow you to unlock all of your physical abilities which are practically anything you want but if you're bitten you're psychological mind could become very unorthodox. it's just a chance but not being able to die may cause you to kill things out of desire and then you will be the end of the human race so be wary of the bitten and most importantly don't let anyone find out about your abilities. they'll consider you the enemy. Remember I love you and will always be in your heart and we died for you don't let our deaths be in vain…..

My chest was burning. It felt like my heart had broken into a million pieces. I was not human. Everything i had been thus far have been lies- my life my school my friends. i deserved to know!!

"AAAAHHH!"I screamed out of rage,sadness the unfairness of it all. I slowly got to my feet my vision is blurred with tears if my life was a lie than I would make myself a new one, a life where i'm the hero, I grabbed the syringe and slowly inserted the needle and with it the serum that would unlock my potential I suddenly gasped. It was getting hard to breath. i heard a faint voice. Todd's looked at me worriedly. my body felt like it was burning.

"emily are you ok?" That was the last thing I heard before everything went blank.

I wake up to a brightly lit room I looked to the left to find a strange girl.

whats going on? where am I? how did I get here? These questions filled my head. I wanted to ask the little girl but as I was afraid of her running away, I instead said…. "Um excuse me little girl where am and wheres todd?"

Hearing my voice the little girl's eyes snap open and she gasps and says almost breathlessly i-i-ill go get some help.a few minutes later a girl around my age maybe older steps into the room followed by the girl I saw earlier todd!! And two young boys holding guns and machetes so i decide to take a chance and speak, um hello where are we and who are you I asked? Why should we tell you The older girl said in a mean tone I decided to get serious i sat up and got out of bed as i moved everyone but todd jumped back It's then i noticed that todd was unusually quiet are you okay todd i asked todd lifted his head and smiled yeah i'm fine he said as he limped over to me and helped me up but i could clearly see that every movement is agony for him so i helped him stand straight and he winced and whispered to me i'm sorry and then his eyes suddenly look vacant and I suddenly felt his heart stop what the hell is going on I screamed!!

Then I remembered todd's hand. it was bitten.as I remembered this suddenly todd's body moved on it own and his head suddenly swung toward me with those vacant eyes and he lunged I tried to evade his attack but the room was to small i could not evade and then i felt his teeth sink into my arm as he did this I suddenly remembered the note then everything once again went black.I was in a white blank world Images flashed by me I thought to myself am i dreaming? there's a bright light flashing in my eyes i heard a beeping noise and voices of men in white lab coats looking at me with fervent eyes as if speculating what i was i tried to speak to move to do something and i realized I couldn't move it was as if my body was frozen and then i saw more images a huge hand molding diamond as if it were nothing more than clay and then i heard a deep booming voice that said:one day you will be needed somewhere when that time comes help do whatever you can to save the lost.

I suddenly woke up this time I was in a dark dank place. I noticed my arms were secured to a chair and I heard a voice it was the girl from earlier the one who was so mean to me she was talking she was saying are you still human or are you a dead one I remember my father's note and silently pray he forgives me but the only way to gain these peoples trust was to become their leader and to do that i thought I had to show them my strength and tell them everything if I ever hoped to gain their trust so I responded with neither her eyes widened that's impossible she turns and yells she's still human but she's gone crazy!! No I haven't I've just come from a place far far away if you don't believe me watch this I stated and just guessing on how my powers work i thought only about breaking the leather straps that had bound me to the chair as I do this my body started to tingle all over not painful but not a good feeling either my eyes had however burned and before I realize what was happening i was free and both the belts and the chair were a pile of scraps on the ground and everybody was staring at my face and the mean girl slowly raised her gun to point it at me, w-what are you y-y-your eyes they changed color and the leather belts and metal how did u break them you're a monster.After she said that i smirked at her and said no actually technically i'm an alien.well if that's true you're too dangerous to have around, that was when i realized what they were going to do so I quickly envisioned myself as an indestructible god that can fly,and move faster than sound and whose hands burned through everything that I considered evil I felt my blood speeding up with the same burning and tingling just a lot more intense than when it happened earlier and then they opened fire and suddenly i had realized i had multiple wings, a tail and that I could clearly see the bullets heading toward me at what seemed like the speed slower than a turtle so i rushed forward and took every weapon in the small dungeon/type room and after breaking through the bars as if they were made of paper I decide to hide the weapons I grab her by the arms and pinned her to the wall and after I took a deep breath and focused for what seemed like a couple of minutes but was really a few milliseconds time slowed down and i whispered into her ear and said i'm on your side in response she just cowered in fear i looked at her and asked are there any other survivor groups out there?she said in response No there are not we lost contact with them when we tried to take over the prison and our scouts later confirmed seeing dead ones resembling them walking in the prison.oh so your little group of… I focused my mind and as i detected them i immediately knew the number of living people in the city 284 are the only survivors i asked in shock?she looked at me and nodded slowly and then she looked like she had just discovered the fountain of everlasting life and asked me you you could kill all of the dead ones couldn't you?my names liz by the way what's yours?shocked at how lizs/the mean girls sudden change in motive and mood shocked me… I do not know if I can and my names emily i told her.Ok emily you can stay with us until you're ready to decide.

Later that night after I had reverted to my human looking form I couldnt stop thinking about these kids situation a knock on the door suddenly interupted my thoughts come in i say the door opens and a group of about 23 kids liz included walked in wha..then it hits me I know some of these kids the short boy with long hair is billy, the tall girl with blonde hair is jessey and The rest look familiar emily...billy suddenly asked lizzy told us what you did and what you said you were but how do we know its really you and not an abnormal dead one pretending to be yo-i cut him off and said billy come here he slowly walked over to me after a breif hesitation I lean forward and whispered into his ear you peed your pants when the gym teachers goldfish jumped at you in 5th grade billys eyes widened and i couldnt help but smirk and then he whispered back you promised me you would never say anything about it again before he turns and nods to them and suddenly they all rush forward and start asking me questions before I could answer a single question liz raised her hands and they all fell silent,and she said as you know we need you to beat them because we cant do this alone you are the only one who can help us so please help us..and lead us.as she said that i slowly realized That I had a responsibility and I knew it wasn't my choice and that I had not asked for this but I'm the only one who could save the small amount of human life left.

I slowly got out of bed and stood up I accept once they heard this they all rushed forward and started asking me questions but before I could answer them billy who was only have my height gave me a bear hug.surprised I fell onto the bed and then everyone once again starts asking questions but then the room suddenly fell silent as everyone heard the rumbling of and felt the building shaking then there's a large crash and screaming as if in slow motion a creature broke through the window and crashed into billy who was sitting next to me then there's chaos as i had suddenly realized nobody was armed and because we were getting ready for bed and then I saw something that shocked me to my core It was as if the world stopped and all i could see was billy the loveable little teen who always acted like a child and always managed to ease any burden somebody could have getting ripped apart with his blood pouring out and his screams as he got torn apart and his pleading eyes as he screamed and cried for help as I had saw this I felt an Anger start to bubble within like a pot of water about to boil over and then i hear the last scream that leaves billy's body he screams save them emily.Once I had heard this something in me snapped and the rage at the loss of yet more people I was supposed to save bubbled up and then everything went black for what I thought Would be the Final time.

When I had woken up I found that I was lying in a bed and I remembered billys death and I asked what happened is billy ok are we still under attack whats going on.Liz gave me a weird look before she asked me:you mean you don't remember?no i don't remember anything after billy's death cry.oh liz said well to put it simply...you turned into what seemed like a god and your eyes glowed a vibrant blood red as you transformed and after that we only saw a red light moving faster than our eyes could follow.Liz rested her hand on mine you killed all the dead ones leaving only their ashes behind and you saved all of the survivors with only one casualty as she said this I saw sadness in her eyes and then she continued you granted billy's dieing wish emily you saved us and for that we'll always be grateful.I responded by saying thank goodness as I felt a wave of relief wash over me and then a.. Tingling sensation I had felt free and light almost like a feather what's happening liz asked in a panicked voice I looked up at her and then as i turned my head i saw billy,todd,and my father up in the sky with all the people that died.

In response to liz's question I whispered it time for me to leave and join the rest of the people who died so take good care of yourself and everyone else ok liz who know maybe I'll see you in the next life bye After I said these words everything went black when I next awoke I was with everyone and once we said our farewells and made our peace everything went black again and I knew that one day all of us would be together again and this time there wouldn't be any pain