It was a horrible morning when the creatures made their weird sounds. I jolt up from my carpet bed and got ready for another day in hell.
Walking down the streets made me feel secure for an odd reason. I twirled my staff making me teleport to my Radio Station which is located across hell.
As I arrived at the front gates, I approach the glass tinted windows and fixed my black bow tie before heading in. My breathing was slowly getting heavier by the second when everyone around me started to whisper.
I ignored everyone and headed to my station. As my way up the stairs, I realize that I hated this job. The pay was good but the atmosphere was pathetic. I gave out a sigh before making my way up the stairs and into my station.
"Well my darlings, I hope you have released your inner demon! Until next time, on station sixty-six points six" I finished recording and headed to the bar across town.
On my way over there, I noticed that the same young women on television were still being cast all around hell. I couldn't help but admire her beauty.
She looks just like her mother Lilith—I thought.
I approached the bar and the doors swung open from my presence. My footsteps were the only loud sound that surrounded the bar. My smile became a sharp grin as all the eyes in the room, were on me.
"Hit me with a whiskey on the rocks good sir!" I tell the bartender with the sharpest grin I had within me. He nods in silence and makes me my drink.
As I waited, my eyes wandered around the bar. The bar was slightly emptier than usual, making me question the demons presences. The bartender comes back with my drink and I ask him a question.
"How come no demon or monster is having a drink, except for me. What's the occasion!" I asked him with my grin becoming a smile. He slid the shot so I could grab it and then started to speak.
"It's the hotel next door. It has only been three days and it's already up and running!" he said, giving me a non-caring expression. I understood and nodded. I chugged the shot down my throat and left some dark coins.
"Why thank you, good sir! Have a wonderful afternoon" I said with my radio dials moving from side to side. He gulps and turns away, trying not to make eye contact.
I walked over to the hotel and admired what it showed outside. The walls were a nice shade of wine color, making me feel all nice inside. It had multiple windows spewing bright yellow in each one. The entrance was beautifully put together. The name was Happy Hotel and by the looks of it, I think it will be a great hotel.
I walk inside the hotel and it's surrounded by monster, creatures, and demons. I grin sharply and walk on the nice red carpet on the floor. I admired all the different details the inside do the hotel offers. Very nice.
I approach the counter and notice a lady behind the counter faced where the keys hang. She was putting everything in place when I spoke.
"Good afternoon my dear, I would like to—" I was interrupted by her beauty. She turned around with a smile on her face that showed excitement and joy. My grin turns into a soft smile.
"Welcome to Happy Hotel! Would you like a room?" She asked me, clicking on her pen looking at the registered notepad. I laughed evilly and grabbed her hand. She looks with confusion but slowly turns into being flustered when I kissed her hand.
"My name is Alastor. It's a pleasure to meet you, darling" I let go of her hand and grinned at her. Her cheeks became a light pink and she couldn't stop smiling.
"Nice to meet you Alastor, my name is Charlotte Magne. But please call me Charlie" She smiled showing her teeth and squinting her eyes. I bent my arm and placed my cheek on my hand and admired her beauty once more.
"I would be great full to help you with your endeavors, my darling" I bowed to her. I heard a chuckle come out of her mouth to only then feel a handshake my hair to mess it up. I got up rapidly and laughs nervously.
"Of course! You look like the kind of guy who gets what he wants" She said punching in some stuff on her skull laptop. I furrowed my eyebrows and sooner or later a key card came out with my name and face. As she was handing it to me, she noticed my name Radio Demon
"Where have I heard that name before?..." She hesitates for a quick second but then snaps out of it. She hands it over to me and smiles. I laugh nervously and as I was going to speak, Vaggie and Dust come up to the counter.
"Hey Charlie, we need more supplies because Pink candy cane over here broke and ate almost everything!" Vaggie said very pissed off and didn't give any shits about her responses if it harmed people or not.
"Again? Come on Angel Dust!" Charlie replied handing him over two buckets full of supplies. Dust notices me and chuckles.
"Alastor, don't get your taco in a twisted baby," Dust told me as he snapped his fingers that turned into guns. I grinned and nod.
"Was that you trying to be sexists or racist?" Vaggie replies to Dust's statement. I chucked and so did Charlie. Charlie and I looked at each other and we smiled.
"Ugh, whatever pisses you off more. Is there seriously no liquor here in the hotel?" Dust said as Vaggie threw the bucket at him, making him react accordingly to the situation.
"The liquor is for good boys, Angel Dust. If you finish, I will give you liquor alright?" Charlie said with a cheerful tune as she stretches her hands in the air. Dust smiled like he had never before and ran up the stairs.
"That idiot—wait, you two know each other?" Vaggie asks Charlie and I. We looked at each other and laughed. Vaggie rolled her eyes as she didn't get a response.
"We met a few ministers ago Vaggie, chill" she giggled before turning around to face the keys once again and arrange them. As I looked at her hair a felt a sharp stare from Vaggie. I turn around and grin at her meanwhile she gave me a death glare.
"She doesn't know your history" She whispered to me before she went to chase after Dust. I shrugged it off and crossed the right leg in front of the left one. I waited for her to turn around and give me instructions.
She turned to face me and the phone began to ring. She reached for it and talked on the phone. She expressed herself with her hands and with her facial expression. Different...—I thought.
"I'm sorry Alastor but I must go. Some guests are complaining about the "minions". You can start tomorrow if you want to" She said, as she rushed her way up the stairs.
Ain't she a doll?—I thought.
I turned around and laid up against the wooden counter. I looked around the hotel and saw many demons, monsters, and creatures sitting in the chairs waiting to be assigned a room.
I burst through the front doors and walk on the streets in hell. My footsteps were the only ring I could hear. My staff banging on the ground as I walked was also another thing that could only hear.
What about I overthrew the king again? My power has grown and I now have the opportunity. I can become king by wooing their only daughter, Charlotte Magne—I thought to myself.
I walk around the closest place to hang out as I bump into someone that used to work with me, my good old friend Husk.
"What the Fuck do you want A-Alastor? C-Can't you see I'm f-fucking busy?" Husk told me with a burp. He had in his hands a bottle of liquor and was dragging his wings on the ground. His ears were down and he wasn't purring.
"My boy, my man, my good old pal how are you! Haven't seen you in ages!" I exclaimed at him, throwing my staff in the air to catch it with my left hand. I opened my arms to him and he threw me the bottle of liquor.
"I asked nicely, Husk," I told him, turning into my Radio Demon form. His eyes widen and he hid behind his wings. My radio dials in my eyes kept moving side to side.
I felt the flames In my body pop out of me and showered me down. I played with my long fingernails and got closer to Husk. I threw my staff in the air once again in that time it was in the air, I picked Husk with both hands and then grabbed the staff with my right hand.
"W-what are you doing?" Husk asked me, meanwhile I de-transformed and laughed evilly. I look down at him and grin.
"Wanna get a drink old friend?" I asked him. He nodded and burped once more before hopping on my shoulder. I turned around and walked to the bar.
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