Chapter 5

I splashed cold water on my face and stared at myself in the mirror.

I couldn't sleep at all last night because of what had happen--"I love you." I splashed more cold water and kept splashing, but my burning cheeks won't cool down.

It can't be real...I must have misheard what he said because of how much I like him...Yes, that must be it. There's no way Kai would say something like that. Hahaha, who am I kidding? Of course, he wouldn't say something like that to a stranger! In fact, I'm certain that he must have said something in Korean, but the sounding made it look like he

I'm over-thinking this matter which I shouldn't. It's just my love for Kai that's been making me think such things. I better distract myself before I start to believe that Kai is my boyfriend...

Today, I have my book reading at New York public library. I'm totally hyped about it because there are gonna be more than a dozen people who are going to attend this event.

I got dressed as fast as I could since Cherry texted me to be there fifteen minutes before the reading starts. I made sure to place my key card in my wallet and left the room. With hasty steps, I went to the elevator and pressed both the buttons. One lighted, the other didn't.

I looked up at the screen and saw that only the lift on the left was working. The other had an exclamation on its screen which clearly meant it wasn't working and that it still won't work if you keep pressing the button...

I waited for the other lift to arrive but when it did, it was completely cramped. One of the kind old lady told me to come in (actually, she said to squeeze in) but I kindly refused and the doors closed; the lady looking back at me with much resentment for my refusal.

Waiting for the lift was going to be a waste of time, so I decided to just take the stairs. That way, I could reach faster, AND I could surely get some exercise for my stiff legs.

I pushed the exit door open and halted at the end of the stairs. Since I was on the seventh floor, it's only reasonable to stretch a little before doing some hardcore descending. I used up all the fitness techniques they show in YouTube for stretching. Of course, I only did it because there was no one around but that's what I thought.

I suddenly heard a girl laughing and as startled and embarrassed as I could be, I immediately stopped and looked around for the culprit who was indirectly making me look like a clown. My heart squeezed in dilemma when I saw three, three EXO members standing at the foot of the stairs.

They were Lay, Luhan and Tao.

Tao was the one still laughing on top of his lungs while pointing his index at me. I wasn't sure If I should be angry or mortified. Unconsciously, I kept staring at them; my mind had gone blank due to the sudden astonishment of three handsome-looking Chinese guys.

"Oh! Coke girl!" Luhan pointed his index at me and hurriedly approached with tiny steps.

"Coke girl?" I thought confusedly. How did he know that I like Coke?

"You know her?" Lay asked in surprise and looked at me. He bowed once, and I shyly smiled.

"Yeah," Luhan looked back at Lay, who was now trying to stop Tao from laughing by saying it was "Too mean for the lady."

What a gentleman...

"I met her the day before yesterday, right here," He then turned to look at me. "Remember?"

Wha--? When did I meet him...? Did I meet him? I don't remember, though...I hesitantly shook my head.

"We exchanged our cans." He said.

Exchanged our...

"Ah, if you want, I can give you my Coke, in return, you give me the iced coffee."

"And I also found your key card on the floor."

"Ah, so this is yours? I thought of giving it to the reception--"

Damn! That--that was Luhan?! That frickin scary masked guy was LUHAN?!

My eyes shot wide open and all I could do was stare at him open-mouthed.

"Hello?" He waved his hand in front of my face, making me blink twice before getting back to my senses. "You alright?"

I nodded. "So, that was you...? I--I didn't know--"

Just then, there was a loud commotion coming from upstairs. So loud, I thought a dozen people were coming down because of some emergency or something. But obviously, I was wrong. It wasn't any emergency or anything of the sort just the rest of EXO members coming down the...stairs...EXO members...coming down the stairs...damn...I'm--I'm getting breathless...What do I do? My cheeks are burning entire body is now frozen and hell, I guess I'm pretty red like a damn tomato now.

Do they have to look like models even when they are casually coming down? One by one each of them stepped down, stopped behind Lay and Tao in confusion and then noticed me.

"AH, Coke girl!" I heard a familiar voice yell but couldn't figure out from where it was coming due to such noise in the little, almost cramped area. But then, I noticed Chen pushing Tao aside and coming forward with a grin. "Morning." He greeted.

"Good morning..." My voice cracked but I tried not to show my nervousness.

"I'm sorry to leave you in hardship yesterday." He said, and I only focused on his voice because everyone in the back were talking. I glanced at Suho and he looked a little impatient for some reason.

Others were near the soda machine discussing what they want and what they don't like.

"Aha, Aaliyah!" Another voice called me but this time it was easier to spot the tall and striking Kris. "How are you doing today?"

I was about to reply when I noticed Kai come down and halt in the middle of the stairs because of lack of space. Behind him was Chanyeol repeatedly asking why everyone had stopped but no one answered him.

"I can't see her!" A screechy voice shouted. "So it's that girl Hyung talked about yesterday?" I think that it was Sehun who asked that.

Kai looked at me, I looked at him and everything around me turned blur. His hazel eyes were mesmerizing.

"I love you."

I couldn't keep contact with him anymore and quickly looked down.

"Aaliyah?" I heard Chen call me and glanced at him, "Did I say that right?"

I nodded with a smile and inadvertently looked at Kai. However, he averted his eyes at D.O once our eyes made contact.

"Can we please get going now?" Tao said loud enough for me and the rest of the members to hear.

"Tao's right, we gotta get going before--" Suho's words suddenly turned deaf in my ears and it was only then when I couldn't control my body did I realize that I was about to slip down the stairs. Respectively, since my mind didn't bother on suggesting things that could save my life or at least save me from falling, it ordered me to close my eyes as tightly as I could so that I wouldn't see the world spin around me when I do the embarrassing tumble. I was waiting for the fall and the body pains but strangely, nothing happened..."Did I die a peaceful death...?"

I was confused and a little wrapped up in anxiety, but I had to find out whether I was dead or not, so I slowly winked open my eye but was met with something blue. I looked up and my other eye popped open on its own. The cologne was strong under my palette and his breath nearly touched my forehead...

"Gwenchana-ah?" Chen asked softly. And yet like last night, I couldn't answer properly. I shook my head and he chuckled. "Seems like I need to catch you every time you fall." I saw a tiny glint in his eyes and the tiniest of the wrinkles surrounding it.

It wasn't long after, I realized that Chen was holding my waist. My cheeks were burning like volcanic lava and I wanted to take a million steps back and away from him because of my agitated heart but somehow, I couldn't or...maybe he wouldn't.

Suddenly, someone coughed, and Chen loosened his grip on me, "You are okay, right?" He asked again and this time, I nodded.

"Are you really okay?" Luhan asked worriedly.

"I'm really fine." I smiled assuredly.

We both took a wary step back and once more, I unintentionally looked at Kai. His expression was impassive, I couldn't understand what he was thinking, and I didn't know why I wanted to know what he was thinking but somehow, there was a slight daze on his face.

sporadically, there was obscuration between me and Kai. Everyone had started to head downstairs.

"Please take care of yourself," Kris said and walked away.

Kai wouldn't take his eyes off me.

"Take care, Coke girl." Lay smiled his innocent smile and followed Xiumin and Tao. Chanyeol kept telling Kai to move forward but he wouldn't.

"You didn't get hurt, did you?" Luhan asked.

"I hope you didn't," Baekhyun said.

"I didn't." I positively replied, and they left before giving me a see you soon smile.

"Goodbye then, Aaliyah," Chen grinned, "Don't fall." He then hastily descended the stairs while calling Baekhyun's name.

Chanyeol grabbed Kai's wrist and began pulling him because of his stubbornness. "See you, stranger." He voiced without looking at me and pulled Kai even harder. I could hear him breathing heavily and straining his muscles just to make him walk.

However, the only thing he focused was on me. He stopped for a moment inches away from me but because of Chanyeol's force, he was forced to descend. And as he was about to vanish into sight, his lips gave the sweetest smile any girl would want a guy to give.

It baffled me all. The words, the stare, and the smile.

What was he thinking...?

What did he intend to tell and why?

If what I heard him say last night is true and not just a damn Korean pronunciation...then why me? this even possible...?

Me and my ultimate bias.
