Chapter 20

I ate my breakfast and rushed out the door while mom was printing "Kai's" (ahem…Bai He's) full-sized photos so that she can see if the suit she will choose will look good on him or not. Like what the hell? How can mom see someone's size by printing their photos? Can someone explain that to me?

If you do, then a million dollars is on your way, sister.

I took a cab since Cherry went to her friend. Again. And went to the hotel the Vanilla members were staying in.

Fortunately, when I arrived, the Manager was in reception with some of the other staff members.

I walked up to him and asked him which room Kai was in. He told me the number and I took the lift to the fifth floor.

I stopped near room 504 and knocked on the door. A few moments later, Dai Ah opened. He was startled to see me, but I wasn't.

"Ari, what are you--?"

"Where is Kai?" I asked.

"In the bathroom. Kai was about to come and see you--"

"And Bai He?"

"Probably in his room…" He frowned.

"Which room is he in?" I asked tersely.

"He might be sleeping--"

"I don't care,

"Alright…" Dai Ah nodded. "It's room 507."

"Thank you and tell Kai to come there." I walked to Bai He's room and knocked on the door.

After a second or so, Bai He opened the door. He was surprised to see me. And for some reason, I was surprised to see him as well. Maybe I was assuming that Cao Yu would open the door, but that was not the case.

My heart thumped a little. Maybe it was anger that's all, nonetheless, I kept a straight and furious face.

"We need to talk."


I sent Cao Yu out of the room. Kai and Bai He stood in front of me, both glaring at each other like wolves.

"Okay, we need to settle this with mom once and for all," I said.

"If Bai He had told your mom about it after he realized the misunderstanding, then this wouldn't have been a problem!" Kai yelled.

"Excuse me, you have no idea how hard I tried--" Bai He retorted but Kai cut him off.

"Yeah, I can see very clearly how hard you tried." He scoffed.

Bai He took a step toward Kai and was about to attack when I quickly yelled. "Stop!"

Bai He and Kai looked at me.

"This is not the time to fight! Let's go to my house right now and tell my mom who is who."

Bai He and Kai glanced at me. Kai nodded too but Bai He's lips were pursed and he clenched his fists as if he wanted to argue something but held back.


We were now in my living room. I stood in between Kai and Bai He. Mom was across us, sitting on the couch. She glanced from Kai to Bai He confusedly.

"Mom, we have something we need to clear to you."

She attentively leaned forward.

"You misunderstood Bai He for Kai. When as matter of fact, this is Kai--"I waved my hand to the left and "This is Bai He." I waved my hand to the right.

"Yeah Ari, I know that that--" She pointed to my right. "Is Kai and that one is Bai He…? Did I say that right?"

I frowned and looked to my right when the sudden realization struck me that this time, I confused mom that Bai He was indeed Kai because Bai He actually stood to my left, and Kai was on my right.

"No No! I mean this is Kai and this is Baekhyun." I said correctly this time. But I stepped forward and checked their faces again, in case I got it wrong.

"Are you guys joking with me?" Mom asked seriously.

"No, mom! It's not a joke. You got confused and it's totally understandable, but please you have to listen to us. The one I love is this Kai!" I intertwined my arms with Kai's.

"Aunty, we must look alike to you, but I am Kai," Kai said. "And that's my friend, Bai He."

Mom squinted her eyes and glanced at the three of us suspiciously. "Is it true?" She asked Bai He.

At once, I and Kai looked at him. He looked at mom with a stern, yet soft eyes. I prayed repeatedly that Bai He would end this melodrama right this moment.


He suddenly began to laugh. "Oh Mother-in-Law, we played you well, didn't we?"




This isn't happening…

"Bai He…" Kai mumbled.

Mom chuckled and got up from her seat. "Yes, you guys got me good! I knew something wasn't right!"

"No, mom! Bai He's lying--"

"And you three know how to waste my time as well. I seriously have so much to do with all the wedding cards and stuff." She smiled. "Kai, are you free right now?"

"Yes, Aunty." Bai He replied.

"Then can we go out and get done some things? We are indeed short on time!"

"Of course, Aunty." He grinned.

"I'll get ready, until then, Ari, why don't you entertain our guest here." She glanced at Kai and walked away toward her bedroom.

"Bai He!" I yelled and he looked at me. "What did you just do?!"

"What did I do?" He asked impassively.

Unexpectedly, Kai jumped at Bai He and held the collar of his hood. "Why?" He asked angrily.

"Kai…" I held his arm presuming that if I didn't stop him, he would ruin Bai He's pretty face.

"Isn't it obvious?" He said. "I love Ari." And he looked at me with glazed, taut eyes.
