Chapter 25

I and mom sat across Kai and Bai He. I looked at Kai and he looked as confused as I was.

What was going on...?

However, somehow, I had a feeling that Cherry had planned something. Just then, she came downstairs with a pack of sticky notes and a pen.

She wrote something, pulled it, and funnily enough, stuck it on Kai's forehead.

KAI was scribbled on it.

Kai pulled out the sticky, saw what she had done, and promptly realized her concept. So did I.

On the other hand, mom looked as if she was watching a movie in another language.

She then scribbled something on another sticky and stuck it on Bai He's forehead. Surely, Bai He was scribbled on it.

"Alright," She threw the pen and sticky away and turned to mom. "Mom, you should've listened to Ari."

"About?" Mom confusedly glanced back and forth at Bai He and Kai.

Cherry instantly stood behind them both. "This," She pointed at Kai. "Is Kai. The one I showed you. The one Ari loves and the one who is going to marry her!"

Mom stayed silent.

"And this," She pointed at Bai He. "Is Bai He. Kai's friend. Nothing more."

Her eyes grew slightly wide and she opened her mouth to say something but ceased.

I got up, took a deep breath, and stood beside Kai. "Cherry's right, mom. The one I want to marry is Kai. Not Bai He. We tried telling you but..."

I glanced at Bai He and he looked displeased. I felt a little bad about it all but now, it was time for the falsehood to lose.

Bai He peeled off the sticky from his forehead, got up, and bowed deeply. "Aunty, I am really sorry! But what Ari and her sister are saying is all true..." He gradually straightened and caught a glimpse of me before turning back to my mom. "I'm not Kai. I'm Bai He. Just another member of Vanilla."

He smiled timidly but I saw pain in his eyes. I understood his feelings now...but unfortunately, I couldn't do the same for him. My heart belongs to Kai and only him. I can't even think of loving someone other than him. If only he hadn't felt this way...I wouldn't feel sorry for him.

Suddenly, Kai got up as well and bowed deeply just like Bai He had. "We are telling the truth, Ari's mom...This is not a prank."

Mom looked frozen. As if someone had just told her that she was pregnant.

We patiently waited for her reaction. My heart was beating fast and I grabbed Kai's arm. He looked at me and smiled assuredly. Finally, I felt the warmth of his hands and the tightness of his grip around mine.

I don't know about anyone else, but I felt at ease. I could finally breathe again.

"So..." At last, mom spoke. She got up as well and crossed her arms mindfully. "This was all my fault?"

"More or less," Cherry said coldly as she walked towards mom.

Mom let out a deep sigh and rubbed her forehead. "Well, I am so sorry...I guess I couldn't distinguish who was who..."

"It's okay, Aunty," Bai He chuckled. "It happens."

"But at the and---" She pointed at me and Bai He, "--looked close so I thought---"

At the airport?

I and Cherry shared glances.

"Wait," Cherry blurted. "You were at the airport when the band arrived?"

Mom grinned a silly grin and nodded hesitantly.

"Mom, seriously?" I rolled my eyes. But when were me and Bai He close? I don't remem--Ah!! Did she maybe see Bai He catching me when I tripped at the airport?!

"But now that the misunderstanding is clear now--" Kai said loudly. "Ari's mom..." He walked towards mom, gently dragging me with him. "Will you let me marry Ari?"

My heart stopped. My cheeks flushed red and my gaze was locked on Kai as he waited for mom's answer.

This is unexpected...

This is...

This is like a dream.

A dream I don't want to wake up from.

I didn't know Kai would be so bold to ask mom something like this. This is a side I or I doubt anyone else would have seen up until now.

Mom glanced at Bai He, then at Kai and then at me. "I will." She said.

I gasped and shared a quick glance at Kai. He let go of my hand and I quickly ran toward her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you so much for understanding mom!" I squeezed her harder.

"You're welcome," She laughed. "You guys did try to tell me but," She pulled away from the hug and looked at Bai He. "Why did you lie?"

He rubbed his nape apprehensively and grinned dumbly. I thought Bai He would say something that would ruin everything once again...I thought he would let out his feelings like a flowing river and once more, everything would end up in a mess.

However, I was wrong. This time, he said what had to be said. "I was just playing." He shrugged.

"Next time, dear, please don't joke like this with other parents. Lucky you, I'm not brutal and rough." She smiled and looked at Kai. "I'm sorry about everything."

"Ah," He slightly flinched. "It's alright, Ari's mom."

"Ah-uh, you can call me your mother-in-law from now."

Kai's happiness was evident. His body eased a bit, his expression had turned bright and he couldn't stop smiling. "Yes, mother-in-law." He tried to say and laughed shyly.

I laughed at his cuteness too and as I nonchalantly looked at Bai He, he was quite the opposite of Kai although he was still smiling.

"But," Mom spoke loudly to grab our attention. "The marriage won't happen this month. I know I was a bit too hasty but now, let's take things slow, shall we?"

"As you say mom," I said.

"No problem." Kai nodded.

"Long as you don't misunderstand anything else," Cherry said and promptly went up to her room.

"Right, will you stay for dinner?" Mom looked at Kai and Bai He. They both glanced at each other but in the end, Kai answered. "Yes, Aunty. Why not?"

I know I shouldn't worry about it, but the entire time Bai He was at my house, he didn't once look at me.

As if all of a sudden, I turned into this ugly beast he would rather die than look at.

It hurt me a little...But the injury was soon healed by Kai's glances.

Mom and Kai seemed to have been getting to know each other better which is a good thing because at least she will keep his face and voice in mind. She didn't leave Bai He out though. She talked to him as well and apologized for whatever took place. She also promised to talk to his parents again (which I doubt he will let her because mom didn't actually talk to Bai He's mom)

The kitchen was noisy and the delicious food was gone in seconds. I'm just glad that everything was now how I thought it would be.

All it took was a Cherry to solve the problem.

The only thing left for me to do is have one last small talk with Bai He...But now that I think about it, if he wanted, he could've lied once more as well.

But he didn't.

I should probably thank him, right?

Hopefully, he will talk to me.