Chapter Thirteen: Sects and Nature

Yi Lian turned his attention to Nie Asreal. "That's an interesting idea. It would be hard though because you would first need land to set it up and then hope that your status is high enough to gain both disciples and social standing with other Sect's."

Nie Asreal hummed in agreement, "How would one gain disciples if social status wasn't enough or reputation was low?"

Yi Lian though for a moment. Of course he had read all about it. He loved Sect history but it was hard to find books about it because if there was a scandal it was practically thrown out of the history books. He knew everything that could be known. He was just trying to figure out for himself which way was the best. "There are two ways that I can think of; either you gain a kind of immortality or simply take over other smaller Sect's and grow from there."

Nie Asreal, "Fascinating."

The room had sat in quiet awe but Sect Leader Yi was about to explode with anger. "Why ask such dangerous questions- Yi Lian go back and come for dinner later." He didn't want him in the room whilst he scolded everyone…

Yi Lian stood and so did Nie Asreal. Yi Lian looked at him in alarm.

Nie Asreal, "I'll walk you back."

Yi Jian was about to yell but his Uncle glared at him. He thought of a way to get both Yi Lian back and Nie Asreal punished. "You can, but only if you run thirty laps around Immortal Valley Top afterwards."

Nie Asreal, "Deal."

He reached out his arm for Yi Lian whilst the room stared with their mouths catching flies.

Yi Lian shook his head vigorously. "No. Nie Asreal, that will take you all night, I cannot accept-"

Nie Asreal sighed and stepped forward. He placed his hand on the small of his back and nudged him to the door.

Nie Ezran sighed, "Why do you have to be so embarrassing…"

Nie Asreal flicked his fingers. Nie Ezran's sleeve caught fire instantly and he stood up to frantically put it out.


When they were out of sight Nie Asreal offered his arm again which Yi Lian felt bad for not accepting for a second time. Also he would have last time if Yi Jian hadn't looked at the arm offered like he was about to stab him.

Nie Asreal, "So you practice Qinggong?"

(Qinggong= Lightness skill ie. when Yi Lian did a flip)

Yi Lian smiled, "A bit of everything but yes and you have fire Spiritual Roots."

Nie Asreal smirked and pointed towards the ground before them. In seconds small white flowers spouted up from the ground like the sea washing up along the shore. They circled around Yi Lian's feet and across the path.

Yi Lian asked in awe, "What are they?"

Nie Asreal reached down to pluck one. "Orchids. They grow around the Deserted Capital sometimes but the disciples go around burning them for fun. My Spiritual Roots aren't just fire like my brothers, I got my Mother's rare Nature Spiritual Roots. I thought it'd be funny if I could make them grow in their rooms and tell them the Orchid's wanted revenge so that they would stop."

Yi Lian laughed and took the Orchid from his hand. "Did they?"

Nie Asreal put his hand to Yi Lian's back so that he could stand closer. "No, but it did scare them for a long time. Do you like it?"

Yi Lian nodded. "They're so beautiful and delicate."

Nie Asreal smiled looking at Yi Lian's sparkling eyes. "Very beautiful and so, so delicate."

The Orchids on the path trickled away back into the ground except the one Yi Lian held.

Nie Asreal, "Can I sit with you tonight?"

Yi Lian nodded and continued to smile at his new gift as they made their way back to the cottage.


Nie Asreal had left Yi Lian at the door but he didn't leave quick enough for Yi Xien to miss him.

Yi Xien was panicking. "Where did you get that?"

Yi Lian put the flower behind his back and shuffled towards his room. He wanted to sit in his room for a bit before dinner but Yi Xien had other plans.

Yi Xien, "Your Highness… please can you give me it? Yi Jian will get angry at me if you keep one of Nie Asreal's gifts."

Yi Lian stared and bit his lip. He didn't want Yi Xien in trouble but he would also fight for this new joyous thing. "You never saw it."

"Your Highness?"

Yi Lian pushed open his door slowly. "You never saw this and you can call me Yi Lian."

Yi Xien was so shocked he froze, Yi Lian's distraction worked.

He slid the door shut and ran over to his desk by the window on the opposite side and sat down. His desk was kept strictly organised. Everything had its place and only him and Yi Xien could tidy things away. Once Yi Jian had been over and moved a brush and that was the first time Yi Lian yelled at his brother. It was also the first time Yi Jian had been afraid of anyone that wasn't their father. He had apologised profusely and swore never to enter his room again.

Yi Lian took the brushes from their pot and placed them onto the desk and arranged them a bit into a nice line. He then put the Orchid into the pot and sat.

"Come on…" He whispered as he concentrated his spiritual energy.

He wanted to fill the pot with water so he tried like he'd read. He closed his eyes and used his spiritual energy but when he opened them everything was a mess.

The table was frosted, the brushes were iced over completely and the Orchid was frozen in ice. The frost continued to climb across the surface and crawled across the floor. Yi Lian gasped and put his sleeve to his mouth.


(Spiritual roots is a person's innate talent)