Chapter Twenty Six: No Time To Die

The temperature suddenly dropped. A shiver chased down Yi Jian's spine yet he stood tall.

Yi Jian, "You haven't been in a proper fight before Yi Lian. You won't win if you choose to fight me."

Nie Asreal took the distraction and head butted Winters-Gaze hard. It was only a little bit of contact and meant Yi Jian leapt three feet in the air out of shock but it was enough.

Winters-Gaze started to thrash. It swung in the air as it fought under the weight of the large spirit and tried to get away from Yi Jian as much as it could.

Yi Jian, "You still won't fight me! You've never had murderous intent in your life!"

Yi Lian shrugged and started to walk towards them. "Maybe. Maybe not. Though even if I hold no murder intent who's to say a part of me doesn't?"

Winters-Gaze had extreme moods and even if Yi Lian didn't wish to kill, that didn't mean his sword didn't. Yi Lian was usually careful to monitor its emotions when it came to any killing intent but now, now he could finally clear his mind and let it do as it willed.

As soon as Winters-Gaze' controller let loose it's leash the iron clasp shattered as it blazed up into the sky like it's own ascension and into Yi Lian's hand.

Immediately Winters-Gaze came crashing down on Yi Jian.

He took Forcol and crossed them in front of him to catch the energy heaving sword between them. As they collided both brothers felt a shattering feeling in their hands that rippled through their bodies.

Yi Jian tried to kick out his leg but Yi Lian just retracted his sword to spin and smash into his side but Yi Jian was there to block.

His face seared in pain as Winters-Gaze's numbing frost emitted onto his fingers causing a mind numbing pain.

After all it wasn't getting stabbed he was worried about, it was one touch that ended it all.

He tried jumping back but Yi Lian advanced quicker. He threw blow after blow, hacking at Yi Jian's pride as his fear grew.

Every hit covered the mountain in blazing white light. This could blind Yi Jian momentarily but his cultivation was so high it didn't really matter. He could simply use his instincts to know where the blows were coming from.

Yi Jian was pressed further and further back. His options were running out. So he went on the offence.

After almost suffering a scratch from the sword he kicked forward at Yi Lian's stomach and hit him hard with his spiritual energy making it feel like he was being hit by a mountain. Yi Lian reeled back and started to cough. After swallowing a mouth full of blood he felt a piercing pain in his back.

Yi Lian dropped Winters-Gaze with a clatter as he saw the blood splatter ahead of him. He was immortal but he was still yet to experience a mortal wound like this. It was like his whole body let go and kneeled over onto the floor.

Yi Jian kicked Winters-Gaze away and then again kicked Yi Lian onto his back. He climbed on top of him and stuck one of Forcol into his chest, only a centrementre from his heart. Yi Lian groaned out but bit down on his lip to try and keep himself stable.

Nie Asreal, who had been originally bound to kneel, fell forward onto the stone ground. "Get away from him you senseless pig! So what if he doesn't pave your way with gold and watch with glistening eyes as you tell your petty tales of war? He has only ever admired you and it's your fault for being a donkeys ass that it changed!"

Yi Jian chuckled at him, "Oh Young Master Nie, did you really think I was going to kill him?"

Nie Asreal stayed silent.

Yi Jian, "No, no. That would be too easy. I really do love my brother. I'm simply going to bring him back."

Nie Asreal was confused. Yi Jian wasn't even immortal. How would he pull something like that off?

Yi Jian laughed again. "I'm just going to tamper with his memory. A good friend taught me, and the best thing is that all the memories I need to get rid of relate to you! I really do need to thank you for that. It makes this all a lot easier."

Yi Lian groaned and tried pushing Yi Jian away but he was too weak. "N-no. I won't let you…"

Yi Jian just rolled his eyes and grabbed one of his hands. He took Forcol from his chest and stabbed it through his hand and into the ground, nailing him in place.

Yi Lian let out a gurgling scream. Pain flooded through him again but as his bones and muscles were ripped apart it got unbearable. Blood flooded from his hand as if they were performing some kind of sacrificial ceremony.

Nie Asreal gritted his teeth together and tried to move in anyway, to get out, to do something!

Yi Lian used his last free hand and grabbed a hold of Yi Jian's chest. It was a long shot, and it would greatly harm his soul but he had no choice.

He used some of his connection to Winters-Gaze to grasp him with all his strength.

Yi Jian looked down to see ice growing up his chest and spreading slowly through his clothes like a spider's web.

Yi Jian, "You bitch-"

He brought his hand down hard across Yi Lian's face, knocking him half unconscious.

Yi Jian felt around inside his robes. Whatever he found set the fires burning in his eyes. He stuck a hand to Yi Lian's forehead and started to climb inside his mind.

Yi Lian panicked, "No! Please no. Stop! Nie Asreal- Nie Asreal if he does this-"

He felt his head and thoughts blur. "If he does this you must kill me. When I sleep tonight you must kill me. I cannot live like before, I would rather die and reincarnate as a bug! You have to promise me now, please."

Nie Asreal stayed quiet.

Yi Lian felt hot tears flow down his face. "Nie Asreal you have to promise me! I won't live- I cannot bear to think I will be around him, praising him even after this!"

Nie Asreal turned his head away.

Yi Lian cried out, "Nie Asreal! Nie Asreal please, please- help, promise me-"

He was cut off when his breath stopped in his throat and his eyes fluttered shut.