Chapter Thirty Two: The Stress of The Future

This didn't help Bai Hua's faint state. Yi Lian's eyes drifted to Nie Asreal and he felt himself relax. "My apologies to Sect Leader Nie. Yi Xien, may you fetch Sect Leader Bai some medical pills." He said in a short tone.

Nie Yang almost rolled his eyes but settled on whispering in Nie Zhou's ear. Yi Xien passed Bai Hua the de-stressing pills quickly and restrained himself from asking Yi Lian if he was alright.

Bai Hua received them. "Oh Lantern you didn't need to go to so much trouble. You must remind me to treat you next time you're traveling nearby."

Yi Xien shook his head. "It no bother really-"

Bai Hua interrupted, "No, no I know how hard these are to find. I must treat you."

Yi Xien, "No really I carry them for Yi Lian anyway-"

Yi Lian's eyes widened. "Yi Xien!" He shouted.

Yi Xien turned red. He couldn't believe he had said something like that so casually. He took a step back and almost tripped. Yi Lian was known to be calm, collected, scholarly and upright. For it to be the result of medication was scandalous. The Yi Sect disciples all bowed their head at the table. No matter what they did Yi Lian never yelled or shouted. Even Yi Vian at the table didn't know where to look.

The rest of the room carried on talking but Yi Xien took a step closer to Bai Hua who told him to leave back to his chambers for the night, ignoring the fact he was in no position to tell him such.

After he left a Nie Sect disciple came over and whispered in Nie Yang's ear. He sighed and nodded slowly before standing.

Everyone's attention shifted and the room quietened. It was time.

Nie Yang, "The results for the Spirits Festival have come in."

The room erupted into whispers.

Nie Yang cleared his throat. "The top individuals are as follows; Seventh place Nie Zhou, sixth Zhou Lin, fifth Bai Xi-Wang, fourth Fen Jin, third Yi Vian, second Nie Asreal and first," He sighed, "Sect Leader Yi."

The disciples all congratulated the people from their sect with varying levels of excitement.

Nie Yang, "The overall results are; forth place, The Bai Sect. Third place, The Zhou Sect." Zhou Chen did a mild clap as the Zhou disciples looked worried by the result.

The Yi and Nie Sect sat on the edge of their seats. This wasn't just a competition, this was for pride over all Sects. This was a competition to see who had the most strength, determination and knowledge. If one had all three then they were the best of the best.

Nie Yang, "Second place… The Nie Sect."

Yi Lian's disciples all jumped from the floor and started clapping and hugging one another.

Nie Yang, "So that means that in first place is the Yi Sect. Congratulations Sect Leader Yi..."

They celebrated louder and the Bai sect cheered them on.

Yi Lian cleared his throat. The Yi Sect immediately went a bit more quiet. Still clapping but slowly sitting down to look a bit more formal.

After a while things calmed down and everyone was eating again.

Yi Lian whispered to Bai Hua, "Excuse me." and got up to leave through the side door next to them. No one noticed except Nie Asreal who promptly got up and left to follow him.

As they were outside Yi Lian said over his shoulder, "Leave me be."

Nie Asreal stopped and said sternly, "Sect Leader Yi."

Yi Lian froze and felt a shiver down his spine once again. He turned to see Nie Asreal advancing towards him. He took a step back and another, until his back was against the wall of the alley between the Dining Hall and the pavilion.

Yi Lian whispered, "I'm sorry I'm just stressed…"

Nie Asreal took his hand and brought it to his lips. "No need to stress… you won remember?"

He slowly planted soft kisses along his hand and up his arm.

Yi Lian's breath shook. "Winning is just one less thing to worry about. When I get back there is so much to do, so much to sort out-"

Nie Asreal placed his hand over his mouth. "If you are to stress in the future then why stress now? Relax Yi Lian. Let me look after you for at least tonight."

Yi Lian closed his eyes. He lunged forward and embraced Nie Asreal, placing his head in the crook of his neck. "It's all too much and I can't handle it. Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to just leave and go live somewhere unheard of. To just live away from it all or not live at all and relax in my next life-"

Nie Asreal pulled him closer. "Don't say such things."

Yi Lian, "But it's true! To protect everyone, to have war or peace resting on my shoulders is not what I was meant to do and everyone knows it. There is no security being the centre of the sea, surrounded by potential enemies. It's all too much."

Nie Asreal swallowed down a tear and pulled him back ahead of him. "I know everyone relies on you but dear Orchid everyone has at least one person who relies on you being here. One loss and someone is plagued with sadness for several lifetimes. Remember what you said? You are the most powerful cultivator of our generation, not only that but of most who live today."

Yi Lian looked to the floor. "Embarrassing…"

Nie Asreal pulled back his chin. "Not at all. You are strong in power but you can also handle more than you think. You recognise you are overwhelmed. That is a perfect start to fixing things. Go though and fix them one by one. Take it one at a time and don't stress about the next. Please just for tonight forget all these things. Come with me. Please."

Yi Lian looked into his eyes and raised a slender hand up to Nie Asreal's face. He wiped away the tear threatening to fall and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Of course I'll follow you Nie Asreal."