Chapter Thirty Five: Adventure

Nie Asreal cleared his throat. "Not possession Thorn."

Thorn looked Yi Lian up and down. "Why not? If you don't take him I will."

Nie Asreal glared him down, clicking his finger joints to calm the years of rage.

Thorn leaned over towards Yi Lian and did a small salute. "I am the Sixth Prince of The Demon Realm. You are?"

Nie Asreal sighed, "We have rules Thorn."

Thorn didn't even give him a look, he just smiled. "Hm, Master Nie is right. Many apologies Sir. One should introduce thyself, a gentleman should never ask in here." Yi Lian noted the information into the 'This place is definitely harbouring lies' pile.

Thorn placed a hand on Yi Lian's shoulder and turned to Nie Asreal. "I have information for you Master Nie, I forgot to tell you but the situation has escalated beyond my forgetfulness."

The old man placed down four bowls and a large jug of strong smelling liquor.

Nie Asreal, "Four?"

The Old man sat down and Nie Asreal rolled his eyes.

Nie Asreal, "I will only hear about it if Sect- if this Orchid wishes to hear it. This is his trip after all."

Thorn scoffed. "You must have permission from a fairy to hear my gossip?"

Yi Lian took a long blink and flushed. Fairy. Fairy....He took a breath and just let him speak, "Say what you like Demon Prince."

Thorn grew a smug smile and leaned a little closer to him as he explained to the group: "Jia Yin, Princess of this damned city, as you can probably imagine she has immense protection and guard in the upper tier.

Well, we know that she has little social life as it's very monitored and she rarely ventures outside. This was until the story began; Her father throws a party and she meets a boy. He's a famous weapon's smith's son; a nice boy called Lai Jun. They become friends, close friends, behind her Father's back. After a while, Lai Jun starts to have feelings for our princess Jian Yin. It's obvious and everyone knew including Jian Yin but she was too nice to blatantly turn him down because she really did hold him as a dear friend."

Nie Asreal, "Romance stories are boring, tell me another story."

Thorn, "No, no. This is where it gets interesting. Mo Sun, Lai Jun's best friend, decided to hold a party but he needed help organising. He asked Lai Jun to help and ended up meeting Jian Yin and they hit it off instantly. Mo Sun was more mature, more well read than Lai Jun, and Mo Sun found the princess better company as well!"

Nie Asreal, "And who is Mo Sun?"

Thorn pointed at him. "We know him."

Nie Asreal squinted. "I don't know a Mo Sun, is he handsome?"

Thorn, "Yes! Quite. It's Ragnor."

Nie Asreal almost broke his bowl as his hand fell to the table. He grabbed onto Thorn's arm. "Ragnor is here in the mortal realm? I would have seen him arrive!"

Thorn, "Your eyes haven't been looking, also he is not in his skin, but another."

Yi Lian interrupted, "The Demon Ragnor is here, in what could be his original skin or a false one?"

Thorn leaned next to his ear. "Yes, and what does this fairy know of Ragnor?"

Yi Lian almost threw up the information on the spot he knew so much. His time in private study wasn't just filled with hundred year old books but intercepted letters the Sect had captured that were filled with gossip and things of scandalous nature. "He challenged the demon realm's northern King- he went rogue fifty years ago, no one has seen him and it would take the best cultivator in the five regions to spot him even if he were standing in front of their very eyes! He has power beyond power, knowledge beyond knowledge-"

Thorn, "You sound like a fan.

Yi Lian was about to agree when he caught himself. "He is a demon. I do not hold him at such an idelic height."

Nie Asreal chuckled under his breath. "So when is this party the three supposably organised?"

Thorn, "Like I said, it has gotten to the point that I cannot forget because it is tonight. It is a masked dance at the highest tier, very strange. It's liken to something in the demon realm if you ask me."

Nie Asreal looked across at Yi Lian. "What do you think?"

They made eye contact and Yi Lian's mouth quirked upwards. "I think you want to go."

Nie Asreal smirked. "I will only go where Orchid wishes me be."

Yi Lian thought. No one had seen Ragnor in years. He never harmed anyone of this realm but he was still a demon but so was Thorn and he seemed to be suitable company. Yi Lian had only visited the Deserted Capital in this region so being recognised would be almost impossible. Of what he heard, the King was just a god worshipping drunk. However one would need to drink so much if the gods ignored you so much.

It was interesting and that may have just been enough to bring forth an answer.

Yi Lian, "Alright. Let's go then. Will Thorn be joining us?"

Nie Asreal rose from his seat. "I cannot control where he steps however if his feet somehow get bolted to the floor then that is a true mystery."

Thorn rolled his eyes. "I was already invited. You need me to get in."

Nie Asreal walked around and offered Yi Lian his arm. When he stood and took it Nie Asreal leaned close to his ear. "Some in here may seem nice but we still have to be careful okay?"

Yi Lian nodded. "So you know the way Thorn?"

Nie Asreal stayed calm.

Thorn, "Yes! Come, follow me. My people will follow too so you can blend in with them."

Yi Lian smiled.

A few tables all evacuated the secret Tavern and piled onto the streets. They all spoke and laughed so loudly as they went, ignoring any disruption they may be causing to those who slept.

The moon hid behind a cloud, a tune soon arose, guards of the middle tier watched on, as chaos rapidly neared.