Chapter Thirty Nine: eye to eye, heart to heart

Jia Yin was sat with Ragnou. An on looker would not see any issue yet Yi Lian was more than familiar with the uncomfortable drab and excessive jewelry. She looked beautiful, hair perfect, yet she sat among such chaos.

She sat close to a man who looked her age. He was alright looking with a big smile and slightly formal looking clothes. Through deductions Yi Lian concluded this was Lai Jun. Yi Lian wanted to give so much credit to Jia Yin for noticing and befriending a commoner like him at her status. Yi Lian at her age would have ignored every person in sight, especially dressed like this. Though he could not praise her in time for him to notice where her eyes truly drew to, Ragnou or Mo Sun as she knew him.

This was a problem because Yi Lian had been staring and as his eyes followed Jia Yin's his met with Mo Sun himself. He was engulfed by an immense cloud of black smoke, weaving and thrashing like a moving storm. He seemed to whisper to someone at his side, a demon of course.

Yi Lian, "Nie Asreal I accidentally-"

Nie Asreal shook his head slightly as if to indicate it was no problem. "As you see his Aura he sees yours. You must be almost blinding him." Yi Lian looked again and it was indeed true, Mo Sun was squinting, turning away slightly to most likely shut off his third eye ability. Obviously after a moment of discomfort Jia Yin tried to tend to him.

Nie Asreal commented, "She must like him a lot."

Yi Lian shrugged. "She is young."

Nie Asreal scoffed, "So are you. Only three years apart I believe." Yi Lian shook his head. "There can be no comparison regarding my feelings for you and hers for him." Nie Asreal almost choked on air. While this state continued Thorn came over. "Stick to the shadows if you can. If your flower is spotted you'll have more than choking to worry about."

Yi Lian thanked him and instantly they were hidden. When Ragnou looked up,


"What does my Orchid wish to do?" Nie Asreal asked. Yi Lian smiled and looked around. He was never one much for parties yet with him this all seemed alright.

"Let's dance then. I've never done it before."

Nie Asreal offered his hand. "What a surprise. I thought such an attractive prince like you would get offered a hand at every occasion."

Yi Lian shook his head. "If I didn't attend, who could ask?"

Nie Asreal chuckled and brought them out to the centre of the floor.

Yi Lian thought aloud while they moved. "I do wonder about their situation. So many odd things have led to this moment. I feel as if we were meant to be here, yet we are here upon a whim therefore this feeling is extremely strange."

First the invite, then the guard, then the odd woman. It all seemed weird. His brother had been here very close to his death which left a bad taste in his mouth. Why would he be at the hub of all demon exchanges with humanity?

Yi Lian wrestled with the need for answers and enjoying his time with Nie Asreal.

Niee Asreal saw his face and read the situation. "Strange indeed. Maybe the esteemed sect leader should greet his hosts?"

Yi Lian smiled.

They walked together over to the corner where Mo Sun sat with Jia Yin. They were talking yet Mo Sun didn't look as engaged with the conversation as before.

Yi Lian lightly cleared his throat and cupped his hands in formal greeting. "Princess Jia Yin, an honour to meet you."

Jia Yin was very well educated, far beyond her peers, so when she turned and paled there was much confusion.

Lai Jun came forward and asked in a very deep voice, definitely akin to a good weapons smith, "Does this man bother you?"

Jia Yin even in her faint state managed to haul him back away from the situation and smiled with many bows. "Sect Leader Yi! What an honour it is to meet such a talented cultivator- I have read many books about you and your magic."

Yi Lian scratched his head. He laughed awkwardly, "I- I never knew they were actually printed, let alone sent as far as here."

Jia Yin offered him a seat opposite her. "Your books are very popular in this kingdom. Most even see them as myths."

Yi Lian, "And you?"

Jia Yin blushed. "I- I just thought it was an interesting read. Validity doesn't matter in my situation."

Yi Lian's heart ached for a moment. She wasn't allowed out as a princess, let alone able to witness a cultivator's practice.

Yi Lian grabbed Winter's gaze from his side and placed it on the table. Onlookers stopped to take a look. He placed a hand upon the sheath and frost crawled out. It glistened in the low light, reflecting in the eyes of the wondered.

People gasped and watched in aw, especially Jia Yin. "The famous Winter's Gaze… and I get to lay my eyes upon it."

Mo Sun cleared his throat and sat down next to her. His voice came out deep and rough and a trained ear could even hear the slight echo that engulfed ones mind. "Elemental magic… and you?"

He was directing his question at the quiet Nie Asreal who now leaned forward to copy his stance and lay a hand upon the frosted blade. "Mind and soul."

No one present had heard that before so they started to whisper among themselves. Mo Sun, "Two powerful cultivators… tell me: how does one grow to such power?"

Nie Asreal said with a smile, "Deviation."

Gasps were heard yet Mo Sun just chuckled. "Then you should be dead."

Nie Asreal, "Well look where we are. You have an extensive knowledge on cultivation I see."

Yi Lian didn't quite know what to do in this situation. He had come across many different demons in both person and book yet at this level it was different. Rahgnou had challenged demonic kings, he had used powers unseen before.

It must have been strange for a demonic prince however to find the most powerful cultivators of all time come to you. It was either terrifying or interesting and Nie Asreal couldn't quite figure out which one Rahgnou was feeling.

Mo Sun disregarded the comment. "Hm. what would a pair of such powerful beings be doing here?"

Nie Asreal shrugged. "In the area, heard there was a party, here we are."

Mo Sun looked deep into Nie Asreal's eyes. A second later Mo Sun's eyes blew open.