Chapter Forty One: Knowledge Of Happiness Will Set You Free

Yi Lian picked up Winters-Gaze and threw it into the air. It stopped to levitate, ready for the getaway. Yi Lian brought Nie Asreal into his arms and held him close to his chest. "You'll be okay." He whispered before shooting out of the palace and sawing over the kingdom.

He flew as fast as he could back towards the sect. Yi Lian could hear his heart beat in his ears. He could feel Nie Asreal's pulse get weaker and weaker as they flew, his body even started to get cold.

The same day he got to see his love properly was also the day he was dying. Yi Lian couldn't cope with it. No power of his could help. He was meant to be the greatest. The strongest. Yet here he was, helpless.

As soon as he saw mountains it was the beginning of the blur. Thing's in this memory seemed to happen in slow motion. As if the memory itself didn't wish to return.

It started when he landed. Things happened around Yi Lian. On closer look he was yelling. Yelling for the god's know who, into the night. Healers, bystanders, all rushed over after the call. Someone tried to take him from his arms but he refused.

In the next moment he was inside with Nie Asreal laid out on a bed. There seemed to be chaos behind him which turned out to be Sect Leader Nie's arrival.

"What happened?" He was yelling.

After no reply he grabbed Sect Leader Yi by the collar and yelled the question.

Yi Lian, "I found him like this while I was walking in the woods."

He was released.

The father fell to his son's side. The healer put a hand to his forehead. "He will be fine. He just needs rest. Send him to his room." She told Sect Leader Nie.

He nodded and motioned for some to carry him away.

As they were leaving Sect Leader Nie leaned in. "You better stay away from my son. I will fight if I have to."

Yi Lian didn't even look him in the eyes. "If I am to fight then you will lose. So for the best interest of all parties… do not test me."

He then walked out towards his own room. Yi Vian was there and tried scolding him.

"How could you turn around and walk out like that. Yi Xien created one of the biggest scandals of the century saying you take medication- and yet you return like- like this. "

Yi Lian was not in the mood. He couldn't help yelling, "Yet you speak to me like this? You are scolding me? I own you. I own most of this world without their knowledge- I do not care for your words as I know better. I know what I have done and I know very well the consequences but for them I care not. You know not of what matters in the context of the fate of this world therefore cannot speak. The burdens I carry with this knowledge dictates my actions. Leave."

Yi Vian turned bright red and hurried out of the room. Yi Lian felt bad but he quickly unsheathed Winters-Gaze and pointed it at the window. Soon the ground vanished beneath his feet as he was brought into the air once again, flying up sword first towards the sky. He flew around the stone walls and towards another window. "Do not fail me friend." He whispered to Winters-Gaze.

Soon the momentum became a curse and as he was flung towards the window he did not slow down. The elegant Yi Lian came in stumbling and falling across the floor.

It was a nice room. The curtains were a fiery orange much like the ones that surrounded the bed. The room was only lit by candle light. It felt so peaceful in it's elegant silence.


Yi Lian quickly got up and dusted himself off while throwing Winters-Gaze somewhere. "Nie Asreal! You are awake… How?"

A chuckle followed by coughing echoed from the bed. "The only way to survive a demon's last hit is to absorb it."

Yi Lian frowned. "But that would mean you have demonic Qi flowing through you."

There was silence. He took a step towards the bed but movement from within halted his step.

"When I lost you… I lost everything. There was only one goal and that was to have you again. I didn't care about the method. I couldn't bear the thought of you being manipulated by your brother without knowing. After a while I simply stopped caring whether it was pure or demonic, I read every book, heard every myth. The only way to cultivate the path of the mind and soul was to…"

Yi Lian walked over. "To use what corrupted your own mind against others… to be able to invade the mind as a deviation does by becoming it."

"I'm sorry-"

"It's genius."

Pulling back the curtain Yi Lian saw Nie Asreal laying back with his hands above his head like he was taking a carriage ride. "You are faking the illness to retain normality?"

NIe Asreal gave him a faint smile. "I don't think I'd class myself as normal but you are right. Less suspicion. Also I knew no one would bother me unless it was urgent… Like you."

Yi Lian blushed. "I- I'm sorry I actually don't have an emergency- I just wanted to see if you were alright."

Nie Asreal smiled. "You wanting to see me is always a matter of urgency for me."

The two gazed at one and other. Yi Lian sat on the edge on the bed. "I leave tomorrow." He said quietly. Nie Asreal frowned. Genuinely frowned. His heart started to ache. It was hard for them to meet. Even as commoners it'd be hard but along with the status it was almost impossible. They both knew it would be a long time until they would meet again but neither could say it aloud. Nie Asreal sat up and placed his hand through Yi Lian's silky hair. There was some white streaks coming through it.

A second of hesitation later they both leaned in. They kissed lightly as a comfort but the need to suppress tears caused the kiss to become more passionate. They came back for breath and pressed their foreheads together. "I don't want to go. I can't leave you here." Yi Lian whispered. Nie Asreal caressed his face. "We shall meet again. I promise."

Yi Lian kissed him this time. Hot tears rolled down his cheek and to the others but it didn't matter. Yi Lian climbed onto the bed and over him. He broke the kiss to kiss his forehead then rested his head against his chest in a hug. "I trust you. I will wait for you."

The night took them. Yi Lian passed out from the emotion while Nie Asreal continued to stroke his head. Happiness is such a precious thing, and Nie Asreal fought for it and he will continue to, for the rest of his days.

A long story that tells half a tale. Once true happiness is found it is truly worth holding onto.


The last part of this chapter is actually based off of a true story. I have fought for 8 months to see my partner since covid made it so difficult. Love kept me going and finally I got to see them. These days have been the best of my life. To find something that gives you such freedom is… I hope I have conveyed it well in my work. They left today to go home and there is truly a gap in my heart and a loneliness that cannot be filled.

Like my story, this one will continue. I will work on book two a week from now. Obviously there is a lot to be uncovered still. I will read back everything. I already have a plan on everything that's going to happen it's just maybe that I sat and made something up in one chapter at 4 am for whatever reason haha… I hope you are well. Thank you for reading. Goodnight. I will rest now and I hope you do too.