After making our way through a small forest they made it to the village.
Hudson village was entirely encapsulated by a wooden barrier that formed the shape of a square from an overhead view. The only way to get in was through the gates that were guarded by two men, on either side of the giant open doors. They were armed with metal spears and shields. However, unlike their weapons, the guards wore only leather armor over their clothes. The one on the left had short brown hair, similar to a buzzcut. The one on the right looked much more ferocious. His lengthy white hair drooped over his face, which had a scar that ran down from his forehead, through his right eye, and ended at his cheek. When Emilia and Damian came near, the guard on the left greeted them with a kind smile.
"Welcome back, Emilia." He said cheerfully. His accent made him like a pirate.
"Hello Richard"
"I see ya brought a guest with ya this time." Richard turned to me. "What strange clothes ya have. What's ya'r name, son?
"My name's Damian Lotus."
"Lotus? What a coincidence, There's a tree down there that has the same name as ya'rs. Pleasure to meet ya Damian Lotus. The name's Richard Hemeldon." He extended his hand.
Damian did the same and the two shook hands. From besides him, specifically from his right side, Damian felt an ominous aura creeping up his spine. He glanced over to see the source of the aura and was greeted by the intense glare of the right guard.
"Did I do something to piss him off?" Damian asked in fear that he had unintentionally offended him.
"No, ya're fine. That's Timithus Orlun. He's always like this to new people, very untrusting. Don't worry though, he'll grow used to ya." Richard explained before returning his attention back to me. "So, what are ya here for Damian?"
"He's here to see Frank." Emilia spoke up for him. "I found him under the Lotus tree."
At the mention of 'under the Lotus Tree', both guards' eyes opened wide.
"I can't believe it. Emilia, did ya really find him under the Lotus tree?"
Lotus tree? The tree I woke up under shared the same name as my surname?
"Yes. He was sleeping when I found him."
Richard suddenly was jumpy. He turned his head towards Timithus, whose expression had become even more intense, but now with more surprise than anger.
"I have to let the chief know immediately! Timithus, stay here, I'll go tell him the news." Richard ordered as he ran into the village.
After those last parting words he disappeared into the village. Damian was incredibly confused. So many things were happening very fast. He was having trouble keeping up.
"What's going on?" Damian whispered to Emilia.
"I told you Frank will answer all your questions. I myself don't really know much other than that you would be under the tree one day." She shrugged
Emilia stared into Damian's eyes. Her own curious eyes seemed to be trying to understand what exactly was standing in front of her.
"Who exactly are you, Damian?"
Emilia attacked Damian with an unexpected question. Who was he? Damian couldn't say for sure he knew the answer.
"I don't understand...I'm just a normal guy and I've never been here before." He confessed. "Why are they making such a big fuss?"
Damian could still feel Timithus' glare from behind his back, but he was too strung out by the whole ordeal to care. His brain kicked into overdrive to piece the puzzle together.
[Judging from what Emilia said and the guards' reaction, they must have been waiting to find someone under this "Lotus Tree" for a long time. And they had found me. But it must have been a coincidence right? But how do I end up waking up under a tree that has the same name as me in a country I didn't know existed? Ahhhh this doesn't make any sense!!!!]
After a few minutes of suspenseful waiting, Richard came back accompanied by a burly looking man. His black hair was slicked back just like Damian, but it was more smooth and it was from all sides, opposed to Damian's top only. On his chin was a goatee that was fairly large. He wore a black, oversized, and sleeveless leather jacket that was held by a large belt. The jacket overshot his waist and instead ended a little past his crotch, giving the appearance of a miniskirt. Inside his v-neck jacket, he wore, presumably, another sleeveless shirt, as his gigantic arms (that could probably pop Damian in two) were bare. The collar of the shirt stuck out and rested on the outer layer. His pants were beige and he wore black boots that were folded down but still managed to reach his knees. The burly man approached Damian and stared him down with his scary eyes.
"He's the one, chief" Richard told the burly man.
That's the chief? But I thought Emilia told me that he was a nice guy? Wait, maybe this is just an appearance thing. After all, I shouldn't judge him based on his look.
Damian smiled and prepared to greet the nice but scary looking man in front of him.
"Hello. You must be-"
"Are you fucking with me?" The man growled.
Sweat began to pour down Damian's forehead.
"Did you really wake up under the Lotus tree? Or are you playing a prank on us?"
"Y-yes I woke up under the tree, sir" Damian stuttered in response.
[Waitwaitwaitwaitwait, wasn't he supposed to be nice? He looks and talks like he wants to kill me!!!]
The village chief continued to stare down Damian. His overwhelming malicious aura convinced Damian that he would die if he stayed there any longer. Just when Damian thought the chief would grab his neck and snap it in two, the big man backed off.
"Follow me." He walked into the village without looking back.
Damian meekly followed behind the village chief. He glanced at Emilia and made eye contact with her as he passed her by. I'm in this situation because of you!! Help me!! Take responsibility!! Damian tried to convey this to Emilia through their eye contact. She gave him a thumbs up and waved at him with a big smile on her face, as if nothing was wrong.
I'll definitely get you back for this! He thought with a tear in his eye.
As he timidly followed the chief around, Damian got stares from the villagers. He could hear them gossiping about him as he passed them by.
"Who is that kid? What strange clothes he is wearing."
"Uh oh, looks like he made the chief mad!"
Damian heard these kinds of gossips until the chief finally stopped walking. They had stopped in front of a house. The house itself looked no different than any other house in the vicinity. They looked like the ones portrayed in medieval times. The chief fished for something in his pockets. A jangling sound could be heard from whatever it was. He suddenly turned around and threw keys to Damian. Damian managed to catch the keys but not before bouncing them around a few times.
"You'll be staying here" He grunted "Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served to you everyday."
The chief attempted to leave when Damian stopped him.
"Wait a sec. Emilia told me that you would explain everything to me."
Frank's cold eyes pierced into Damian's heart, but Damian wanted answers and he wouldn't give up from just a stare.
"I apologize, I was so worked up about your appearance that I seemed to have forgotten my manners." He finally answered. "My name is Frank Ferguson. I am the chief of Hudson village."
His expression slightly softened.
"Do you really know nothing?"
Damian nodded his head.
"If you will" Frank gestured to the door. "Let's talk inside, you have a lot to learn."
Damian stepped forward and unlocked the door. He made his way inside and Frank followed, closing the door behind him. The interior of Damian's new home was not too shabby. It was certainly an improvement from the dingy apartment he used to live in. There was a spacious living room, complete with tables and chairs, that was connected to a bedroom with a comfy bed, separated only by a wall and a wooden door. There was also a small bathroom that had an actual toilet and bathtub in it, which surprised Damian.
[So even this place has toilets. What a relief. I wouldn't exactly be ok with doing my business in the woods.]
The only thing missing was a kitchen. But that was to be expected as Frank had told him that meals would be served to him. Frank took a seat at the rectangular table in the living room and beckoned for Damian to join him. Damian complied and took a seat at the opposite end of the table.
"Get comfy." Frank warned. "This is gonna take more than just a while."