Where are you?

I am seething. Saraphine is telling me the story of her beginning and when the last bomb dropped of who her father was shocked. Yes, we're wolves but only half. It's like there's two people in one body. Me, Adam, and my wolf, Xander. We live in harmony together most of the time. Sometimes, though, the man isn't strong enough to keep ahold. Sometimes, they don't live in harmony, and the wolf takes over. Usually, these individuals become rogues. They run with no pack and have very little to no humanity left in them. Usually, they are killed on sight because they kill for no reason other than their own enjoyment. Some rogues, though they go and live a pretty normal life on their own. Their human battling with the wolf.

I can feel my sweet Luna with drawing from me, and I quickly squash any negative thought and pull her back to me. It was getting late, but I could let her go. Not yet. Not when I still don't know how to find her.

"Saraphine my Luna, my queen. I do not hold the past against you. What that man did to you and your family is not your fault." I paused and pushed my love for her through our connection. "This man made his choices and mistakes. You did nothing but be born, and for that, I am so thankful that you were born and that the moon goddess gave me you."

I can feel her relax as my words sink in. A thought came to me: "Luna. What was the name of the man? Your father?"

Her mind stilled and then started running. "His name was Ron Falcon."

I was seething when she told me the name. Ron was a man from our neighboring pack. Closer to the Canadian Washington border. He was the alpha of the Young Moon Pack. Until he was challenged for his position by a young wolf with alpha blood. The whole pack sided with this young wolf because of how horrendous Alfa Ron had become. He was weak and cruel because he never received a Luna to help guide him. Alphas are strong, hard-headed, and stubborn. Their Luna brings love, kindness, and fairness to not only their alpha but to the whole pack. She becomes the voice of reasoning.

When he was over thrown, he went into a rage. His wolf took over, and he was banished from the New Moon Pack. Unlike most rogues, his human came back to the front. There was word that he bought a piece of land and was living a quiet life in America near Oregon. To hear he did something so horrible made my blood boil. My Luna is hurting and in danger because of him. On the other hand, I wouldn't have her at all if not for him. My conflicting emotions are shown in my restless hands.

" Adam? Are you still there? What's wrong?" The concern in my Lunas voice apparent.

"My Luna, I will never leave you." Taking a deep breath, I decided to wait to tell her about Ron. "I know who your father was. I'll tell you about him later, but just know I don't care who he was or that you're half blood. The moon goddess made you for me. The last I heard of Ron was that he was living in America near the the Washington, Oregon border, but its been a long time. You said the house you live in is large, so I'm hoping I can nail down your location based on that." I could feel her relief as I said my last words. " Now, my love. Go to bed; it's late." Her worry stepped in. "Don't worry, love, I won't leave you. Sleep. Think of me. Join me in our dreams."

I could feel the buzz of her link fading. I left my mind open for her connection. Now that we were done talking, I opened my eyes, seeing it was getting late. My heart was warm, from connecting with my sweet Luna and angry at her mother and father for everything they've done to her. Looking around, I decided I would camp here tonight and start my walk home in the morning.

Grabbing my little pack, I pulled out my dads old military blanket. He called it his wobby. It keeps the heat in very well and is lightweight to travel with. I spread it out near where I was sitting and laid down on it. Throwing one arm behind my head as a pillow resting the other on my chest. I mind linked to my Alfa and let him know I would be staying in the woods. Closing my eyes, I thought of my green eyed queen again, feeling the need to be with her stronger than ever. Now that I talked to her, I just wanted to feel her soft skin beneath my hands. Even though I yearn for her so badly, I still felt calmer then the night before. Taking a deep breath, I could sense my body falling into sleep, so I focuse harder on Saraphine. I am hoping to share a dream with her. Very soon, my breathing evens out, and I am sorryfast asleep under the white bark willow.

The dream is vivid. I'm walking the forest to the white willow. The sun is high in the sky, and there is a slight breeze. Flowers of all colors line the path. As I get closer to the great White Willow, I can hear a soft song being sung. Looking around, I search for the source of the sound. It's beautiful. It's soft and sweet.

"Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme

Remember me to one who lives there

She once was a true love of mine."

As I walk closer to the tree, the song gets louder.

"Tell her to make me a cambric shirt

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme

Without no seams nor needle work

Then, she'll be a true love of mine. " I reached the front of the tree, holding back a few branches. Stepping under the canopy. Looking around, my eyes fell to the sorce of the song. She was sitting with her back against the willow. Her bare feet in the grass, her hands twisting and turning leaves and twigs together in a ring.

"Tell her to find me an acre of land

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme

Between the salt water and the sea strands

Then, she'll be a true love of mine. " Walking closer, she finished her crown of earth and placed it in her head. She is beautiful. Her long blond hair resting just above her waist with her flower and leaves crown. Wearing a light blue dress that flowed around her. Her arms were wrapped around her knees. Walking closer, I can feel my body pulling to this angel as she keeps singing.

"Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme

And gather it all in a bunch of heather

Then, she'll be a true love of mine. " Stepping closer, a twig snaps beneath my foot, and her head snaps around to look at me.

"Adam?" Her voice questioned.

At the same time, I whispered, "Mine." She stood and watched as I stalked closer to her. Leaning back into the tree, Her eyes were worried. Reaching for her, I pull her into my arms, plunging my face into her hair. Holding her tight breathing deeply, taking in her scent. My whole body relaxes as the connection to my Saraphine collides with hers. Her arms lift and wrap around my waist. Any trace of doubt erased from her eyes. Tangling my hands in her beautiful blond hair, I life my face to hers. Looking into her pale green eyes, I sigh just happy to be holding her. "Hi," she squeaked out as I held her close.

"Hello, my love." I can't believe she's in my arms. The happiness I feel is in explainable.

Saraphine is more beautiful than I could ever imagine. She's tiny, maybe 5'2" standing about nipple height to my 6'1", with light emerald green eyes. Her long blond hair hit just above her waist. She has a little button nose and thick pouty lips that are soft pink. Her milky skin with no blemishes or sun kisses. Running her hands up my arms to my neck, she pushes up on her tippy toes and places a soft kiss to my lips. Growling, I pull her face back to me as she starts to lean back. Deepening the kiss, giving her plump lips a little nip asking permission to enter. When her lips don't part, I slip my tongue out, sliding her lips a part. She sighs softly as my tongue invades her mouth. She's sweet, like the nectar of a beautiful flower. Feeling the need running through my body, I break the kiss before things go too far.

Breathing heavy, we stair into each other's eyes. Pulling me to her once more, she hugs my neck tightly. Lifting her bridal style, I walk back to her spot by the White Bark Willow and take a seat setting her in my lap. Leaning my head against the Willow, I look down to my queen, resting her head on my chest l can't believe how lucky and blessed the moon goddess made me.

We sat like this for some time with her sneaking peaks up to my face. I cupped her little chin, forcing her to look up to me. I kissed her softly, and she lets out a little moan. "My sweet Luna, tell me about you. What do you like?"

Looking down, a small crease forming between her brows as she thought. Reaching for her face, I smoothed it out, feeling the familiar tingling sensation that happens every time I touch her. Finally she speaks "I like to read. I read a lot. Mother taught me at a young age to read and write."

"What do you read, baby?" I ask as I rub her arm.

"Well, my favorite has been Pride and Prejudice. I also really like War and Peace and Frankenstein." I think about that for a moment. Such classics with such depth.

"What else for you like?"

"Um.. What else do you want to know? I haven't experienced much."

"Here, I'll ask a simple one. What is your favorite color?" Simple enough, right? But thinking back, I remember how void of color and life her little prison is and can't help to feel bad. However, her eyes light up at the question.

"I love the color yellow. It's so soothing and beautiful." Goddess, she's amazing. We chit chat a little more, finding out little simple things about one another before I feel her relax in to me more. Sensing her mind shifting, I run my hand through her hair, not ready for this night to end. Lifting her head, she kisses me lightly again and then rests her head back on my chest.

"Rest my love. I am here, and when you wake from this dream, I will still be there with you. Just call for me anytime and I will answer." I hesitate as I add the next part. "I think I know the area your father settled in. I'm going to my alpha in the morning and hopefully getting the answers to bring me to you. I will let you know how it goes."

With a soft smile, she leaned up and kissed me again with her plump light pink lips, and then she was gone. The dream was over. After a few more minutes, I awoke ready to head down to my alphas house.