Chapter 1: Late

The crips morning air nipped at my cheeks as a boy raced through the streets, a layer of goosedown rising to his skin as he shivers a bit. The morning light of a winter day shone through the grey clouds as a rather plain-looking guy dodged and weaved through the crowd of people that didn't seem to end, the male tried his best to not crash into people but he bumped and pushed a few rather serious adults. He got a few looks, a few yelled at him, and then there were the ones who cursed him, those were the ones that were closer to his own age but they had a few years on him though there was no need to curse at a highschooler who is RUNNING LATE! The boy picked up his pace as he thought back to less than fifteen minutes ago where he laid in bed but his dreams took him elsewhere. He could feel the warm wind cusping against his skin as the sun beat down against his skin as the smell of wild wheat, crisp saw grass and a fresh wind made him smile but it wasn't the scene set before him on the ground. No, what drew his gaze was the beauty that looked like a clip out of a movie as few clouds dotted the sky, the beautiful dawn sky like a masterpiece from an artist whos life work was spent gazing at the infinite expanse. A swirl of oranges, yellows, and reds accented by the gentle undertones of the blue that rise above it, truly it was a scene to behold as a shadow began to cascade across the meadow and the shadow hit him. As he looked towards the source the abrupt distraction the blaring of an alarm startled him as the waking world quickly made the dream fade, his conscious forcing him to open his eyes and confront the hell of a waking world, another day another nightmare. That was then but what currently had his attention was the beeping of the watch on his wrist, giving him a stark reminder that if he didn't step up his pace it would be a teacher chewing his ass instead of some undergraduate on their way to work. His steps were heavy, his breathing fast as he continues to race towards his objective, 4 blocks away and he had less than ten minutes. His heart dully thumped in his chest as he pushed his way through the crowd, the sight of the gates finally met his eyes as he smiled a bit, this was it, the last stretch as he began to hurry. The ringing of a school bell signaled his demise as the heavy tone carried through the empty courtyard, shock washing over him as the hazel brown eyes blinked in disbelief. He was so close, a road away, and there stood his prize of not being late. He took a step out into the street, his heart beating in his ears as shock gripped his heart like a vice. The outside world ceased to exist for a moment as he continued to take another step, the automatic gates slowly closing like the doors of paradise on a sinner's soul. All seemed perilous until he felt a jerk by his collar, a force pulling him out of the street and back into the unfair reality as a horn blares. As he regains his senses a semi barrels past him and he realizes it wasn't just a random force that pulled him back but a hand. This wasn't any good samaritan wanting to keep the life of a youth cherished but it was actually Addam Tress, the worst person he could owe a life debt to because this guy was willing to take it himself if he saw it fit. The five foot eleven male was like any other high schooler, his raven black hair was an unkempt mess but looked to be styled that way. His face was solemn, a plain looked seemed as if it held hate and resentment as the bright sky blue marbles that people call eyes met the males.

"Well well well, if it isn't my good pal Florence. Watch where you're going, you almost ended up a blood mist and a damn therapy visit for me. I think neither of us wanted those two things though it seems we are both late, if that's the case why don't you take me for some food as thanks for saving your life. It's the least you can do, Pal" His voice was a bit rough like dragging feet across gravel and the request sounded less like asking and more like a forced social obligation as Florence looked up at him. An audible gulp slipped from him as he took his eyes off the bigger guy, gnawing his lower lip as he gently nodded. Florence's mind raced a bit as he scrambled to think. There was little escape as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, he fumbled with it a bit before pulling out a twenty and handing it over to Addam.

"I uh, can't. I am already late and an absence isn't something my dad would be okay with. I appreciate you saving my ass but I need to get to class. We have a big test today in math and sociology so maybe don't skip all day. I uh will... I'm gonna go now" Florence was a firm however nervous as this guy was three inches taller and definitely more built. Florence was skinny, lean, and quite standard were as Addam was more built, dense, and what you'd expect from a wrestler who had a speckled history with trouble. Before Addam could get a word out Florence skips out, heading towards the gates of the school. Addam is left speechless as Florence pushes through the check-in area, a teacher there chewing him out as he signs his name and sighs, seems like he was gonna have to feel the wrath of his dad even still as he began his day of school. The only thing everyone could talk about was some stupid game, something about G.I.D. He knew little about it but everyone was on the edge of their seats for its release. The game was supposed to be a choose your own path, there was no linear story and it was going to be an MMORPG, something that excited everyone to the point where even the teachers were talking about the release. As everyone sat down at their desks and booted up their screens everything seemed to flow like an endless ocean, a current that didn't seem to end until the last bell rang. The splitting headache that bordered Florence's mind was a pain in the ass as he stood. There was no reason to rush home as he knew his father wouldn't be home, he never was but what's new. As he walked back home all everyone was on about was this damn G.I.D., stores were advertising its release and the new model of the full dive VR the EX23R7. For the most part, people found the dumb mix of numbers and letters just that but it was also called Exert 2. Florence's mind was a mess as his head continued to bang like two jackrabbits in the spring, those tests took a toll on him and the near-death experience was not much more help as he sighed and yawned, the walk home much more lucrative than the run to school as he tried to tune out each person's drabble about the new game. As he passed a storefront there in the window was a count down, three hours and fifty-two seconds. Florence sighed, another thing for everyone to click about and ramble on about. This meant that he would be excluded once again for not be invested in a dumb game, not wasting his life on a stupid not to mention pointless drabble that wouldn't help him gain any life skills. He shook his head as he got home to see something he didn't expect. The home was small because of the area, a three-room, two and a half bath with a small upstairs, the off white cream color of the house accented by the faded and chipping paint of baby blue. The small gate that leads to the front yard was open as a group of movers continued to haul things in and out of the house. Florence had a curious look on his face as he continued towards the house, the movers not even blinking or batting an eye as he made his way into the house. There in the living room was an American-African woman that seemed to be mixed with something else that he couldn't put his finger on, she was speaking to the movers as she looked over a clipboard in her hands. She was quite pretty, her light brown hair which was curlier than a pig's tail, locks flowing down to her shoulders, a solid pair of thick-framed glasses rested on her nose and her body, to be frank, was rather slender with curves but she was quite a few years out of his league. As Florence tried to slip by the woman looked up and smiled,

"Ah, Florence! It has been so many years since I've seen you and look at what a fine young man you've grown into!" Her voice was rather smooth and sweet, she quickly lost the business demeanor and came towards Florence with open arms, her heels clicked on the tile floor as she pulled him into a rather tight and loving hug as if she knew him. Well obviously knew him if she made that comment about a long time but he didn't know how or why, her attention was quickly pulled away from the hug as the clanging of something made her demeanor return.

"Aye, what the hell! That equipment was expensive and lets go! Two hours and launch is up, we have orders to have him set up and in-game now get a move on!" She pulled away from the awkward hug as she clapped, looking through the glasses with a smug smile. She was on a mission as Florence tried to slip away while she was distracted only to get a hand on his shoulder and a tight grip as he was dragged back to her. She wore a smile, a sinister one that sent chills up his spine.

"I have a message from your father that you'll want to hear"