Chapter 8: Skills to Pay the Bills

Florence looked over each skill starting from the top, Beginner Elven Bow Arts.


Beginner Elven Bow Arts: 4%

This skill is taught to the Elven children as part of their curriculum, allowing for the agile, nimble, and smooth movements of a graceful elf to translate into their archery. This beginner skill teaches children to first learn the grace and elegance that follows suit with the bow, letting them grasp the natural abilities of the weapon as well as their own. This is the basic foundation of the bow, teaching a child to properly notch, aim and release an arrow before an opponent is able to get the drop on them. Bonuses: Bow draw speed is increased by five percent, Bow familiarity at a 10 percent increased rate, active ability Quick Draw locked until prerequisites are met.

Beginner Elven Sword Arts: 0%

This skill is taught to the Elven children as part of their curriculum, allowing for the agile, nimble, and smooth movements of a graceful elf to translate into their blade work. This beginner skill teaches children to first learn the grace and elegance that follows suit with the sword, building the foundation for the ability to correctly combine a vicious onslaught of blows with elegance and a prowess unmatched. Thus allows them to grasp the natural abilities of the weapon as well as their own, learning the basics and drilling it into their head. It is best to end a fight before it begins. Bonuses: DEX & AGI determine the damage of the blade over the typical STR, Attack speed is increased by five percent, Combo set 1 available, Flurry of Strikes locked

Falling: MAX

Falling is a normal part of life, maybe your ankle rolls, or maybe you are pushed off a cliff! But to have this skill maxed out is a feat to behold as it seems you've had quite a fall indeed but worry not as falling is now act of elegance, something most people are unable to obtain. Bonuses: Falling 100 or less automatically negates the damage, Falling more than 100 feet damage received is cut in half, you will always land on your feet

Subpar Mana Circuits: 35%

Not all creatures are born with the innate ability to wield the arcane arts and honestly neither were you. Having Subpar Mana Circuits means that you are able to wield magic to an extent though the consumption of MP is higher than usual, it is true that you are able to increase your mana capabilities but this is a chore as improving mana flow through circuits is a rather difficult task. Bonuses: active skill Meditation, decreased magic proficiency by fifty percent, mana consumption increase rate of fifty percent

Chaos of Man: 0%

A Half-Elf exclusive skill. This skill is the opposite of Elven Grace. Being a mix of human and elf is truly a birthright of its own, the collaboration of the two races allowing for a crossing. This, however, does not come with its own drawbacks as the inner natures are constantly doing battle with each other. The rash and impulsive actions of man can sometimes cloud your judgment and force you to act on emotions rather than logic. This is feared by the elves and shamed due to their nature to think before acting.

Elven Grace: 0%

A Half-Elf exclusive skill. This skill is the opposite of Chaos of Man. Being a mix of human and elf is truly a birthright of its own, the collaboration of the two races allowing for a crossing. Elven Grace allows one to keep a cool and focused mind in times of uncertainty, fear, and decision.

Everyone's Friend: 0%

Being a cross between two of the most social races means that you are able to have an easier time in social environments. People have an easier time talking to you and don't feel threatened by your composure, allowing you to have a much easier time in situations such as these. Bonuses: ten percent EXP gain when dealing with social interactions, a twenty-five percent increase in people's positive emotions towards you.

Simple Appraisal: 1%

This skill is a staple in any MMORPG, allowing players to gain better insight into structures, plants, animals, weapons, stats, etc.

Lower Extremity Magic: 0%

This skill is when you better gain access to your body's mana circuits in the lower half of your body. The flow of mana better allows your legs to make use of this as magic used to enhance movement, kick power and even a few other things becomes available. Bonuses: Active skill Enhanced Speed, active skill muscle buff

Backstepping: 0%

Someone who is able to backstep well and put some distance between themselves and danger gains this skill. Have you ever almost stepped into a trap and barely escaped it at the last second? Has an opponent's blow almost landed but you back stepped just in time for you to dodge the blow and land one of your own? This is the skill for you then! Active type, using it will make you put a five-foot gap from where your starting point was.

Foraging: 0%

The ability to gather things such as herbs, berries, mushrooms, etc. Bonuses: Gain more items based on your WIS stat


All of these actually are useful even as each one provided different bonuses and as embarrassing as the falling skill was it still negated any fall damage between that 100 and less. The landing on your feet was awesome as well but the damage cut was by far the most interesting of the bonuses for sure. The Elven Arts would be useful but needed to be leveled up in order to actually make use of it, fortunately, he had all the time as he had to spend as eight hours multiplied by three would be a full day in-game. A sigh left him as he yawned and looked at the forest before him, thinking of what his objective should be other than finding civilization. The forest was quiet, the sun hidden by what he assumed was the leaves but there was a hint of moisture on the air, it seemed rain might be on the cusp of the day and he wasn't sure just what that spelled for him. A sigh left him as he headed in a random direction, hoping it leads him closer to civilization though his mind wandered on the last words of twenty-two,

"And lastly I am giving you a seed, cherish it, put your heart and soul into it as it will grow and become something you cherish and will become useful to you. Think of it as a trump card"

a light sigh left Florence rubbed his head a bit as he continued to walk down through the forest with light steps. It didn't take long for him to find trouble as another wolf seemed to track him down, a growl leaving the creature but this one seemed different from the one before, less blood-soaked and more ferocious. The wolf was a typical Grey-Wolf but the ferocity behind its eyes hinted at it being much stronger than the last as it snarled and stepped closer. A howl left it as more wolves seemed to step out from the sea of trees, as his eyes danced around, he was surrounded and that didn't spell fortune as they all stepped. This was sure to be fun for sure.