Chapter 11: Wolf Bound to a Tree

Florence's head boomed as the voice sent a chill to his very bones, the forty-kilometer tall wolf was threatening, the creature was wound by a chain that gave off a sense of being incredibly strong as well as giving off a sense of magical energy. It was terrifying, to say the least as the wolf salivated at the presence of a meal being so close to him yet not in his gullet as he growled in protest, his chains tensing as he struggled to try and break them with no luck only to sink back against the tree with a pant.

"Damn those dwarves for making these chains and damn those gods for tying me here! I swear I will fulfill my promise to those insufferable ingrates and devour them all as I ate that damn Tyr's arm! I will make them all pay with blood!"

He growled and looked down at Florence again as he snarled.

"I see you're nothing more than a filthy half-elf, not near as delicious as your full-blooded counterparts but you will due for now. Become my meal you muddled blood bastard!"

The wolf seemed to almost smirk as an overwhelming pressure pushed down on him, his mind's resistance began to fade as the suggestion became a command as he stepped closer, his mind fading and his body walking closer. As he got closer to the tree a slew of buffs popped up.

"You have entered the territory of the World Tree Yggdrasil! You are the first player to make it to the tree and this is an accomplishment not achieved by any other player, your name will be added to the leader board and the site's info. Your seed's growth has been affected by the territory you have entered and the situation, beginning growth. Caution, due to the immense power of your seed it will require sustenance, Yggdrasil has offered some of its power to fuel the seed as well as two items to continue to allow you to grow."

Power surged from Florence's hand as it glowed with a bright light. The chains binding the wolf lashed out and sank into his hand but not freeing the wolf as it still bound him tightly. The wolf's eyes went wide as he was no longer bound to the tree but were being dragged towards Florence, trying to fight the power that pulled him closer.

"What the hell you stupid half breed! You're dragging me into that damn seed you harbor in your soul, you can't contain my power you damn idiot now tell these chains to free me so I might finish my vendetta! If you don't then I will make your damn life a living hell here and whatever another world you might be connected to!"

The wolf howled out as the chains dragged him closer and into the left hand of Florence, his being dissipating quickly as the air had cleared. Everything hurt on Florence as the unnatural phenomenon had taken quite a bit from him rather quickly as he fell back on his ass with a pant. Another system notification popped up,

"Your seed has taken the power of Yggdrasil, Fenrir, and Gleipnir. Due to the powers of the items absorbed you will be unable to advance your seed till you become worthy of what has been granted to you. Until then user IllFang will be restricted and advancement will require larger lengths than what recently was required, Yggdrasil and Fenrir's power has been forced down, they have been locked. Gleipnir has limited power due to the little power you hold, you will be able to use the chains as a weapon, binding foes, and a few other things."

He was astonished by this, the three things his seed had become a formidable weapon even if the majority of it had been locked under prerequisites. His body and mind hurt as he slowly drifted to sleep rather quickly as he closes his eyes. Everything faded to deep darkness, he looked upon the scene as he seemed to be in another dream sequence that wasn't like the last. No streams, no ding, no system as those smoldering eyes opened and stared him down.

"You damn idiot! You dragged me into your soul and forced me into it and made me apart of it! I swear I will not let you peacefully rest till I have my redemption and freedom! If you die and make me wait I swear I will devour whatever I can of you! I will devour every last one of those gods even if I am apart of you now awaken and get your ass to work!"

He started awake, ravens flying away as Florence starts up, his heart racing as he had escaped the maw of death and more damn wolves continued to drag him down! These damn pain in the ass creatures were a pain and kept him from progress as he looked up at the world tree with wonder, he knew this was important but if it had a creature as mighty as the wolf he just encountered then there would be the problem of stronger creatures. With a deep breath, he made a mental note that big tree had death in it so it was best to avoid until he gained more power. With a sigh, he began to once again walk, no longer wanting to dwell on the beast inside him as he once again walked a random direction before a map was thrown up.

"The nearest civilization is half a day's trip, head west to reach a road and the road will lead you to an elven city but be on guard, the path is not an easy one"

Of course, it wouldn't be easy but at least he could get to a city and finally get some more knowledge on this game. He took a deep breath and yawned as he began to head to the west as he was told. His footsteps were quiet and light yet the skill Path of the Wolven Step allowed him to move with the haste and endurance of the creature that he slaughtered. On his way there he happened across six more wolves, none of them as challenging as the pack when together and each only took an arrow to put down. He managed to harvest them all rather quickly, each taking twenty minutes each as he shoved the acquired materials into his inventory, this game was becoming more fun with each passing hour he spent in it. The wolves had become easy prey and experience was no longer on the rise as he stepped onto a dirt road cleared of trees as he took a breath and saw the grey clouds hand in the sky. A drop of water pittered on the leaves as a downpour began to come down more, just his luck as he heard a commotion and a loud roar that was unlike the others he heard from the wolves. He turned the to the left to see a rather large bird with its claws sunk into the top of a caravan, a man was waving around a torch as he yelled.

"Get away from my cart you damn featherbrain! There's nothing here for you!"