Chapter 4: New Day

Mike wakes up from the bed and stops the alarm, he goes in the bathroom to take care of his morning needs then wash his hands and his face. While doing all of this his mind is still full of memories from last night and what he did to his sister Irina, thinking that this feels surreal for him.

After finishing with the personal hygiene he leaves the bathroom and goes back to his room to change the clothes. Mike makes the bed, open the windows to let fresh air, refreshing his room and then he starts walking out towards the kitchen for the breakfast.

Mike arrives at the door and stops for a little bit thinking about what he's gonna do next now that he has the system "I should start mending my relationship with my mom, of course now that I have the hypnosis skill, I'm going to make her just like my sister to listen to me and do my biddings, hehehe".

He opens the door to the kitchen and enter inside where he sees his mother and sister preparing for the breakfast, Mike moves to the table take a sit and says"System". After a few seconds Mike is surprised by the notification he receives from the system.

-System Notification-

"Congratulations to the host for collecting 500 HP and can upgrade the system level"


"Do you want to upgrade the level of the system?"


"Yes", Mike immediately says in his mind.

After a few minutes he hears the sound in his mind telling him that the system has finished upgrading. Curiously Mike looks at the notification to see how many points he got from his crazy night with his sister.


"Because the host hypnotized a target with more willpower than him, you received 150 points"

"You received 50 points, for the order given to the target "Irina" to undress in front of you"

"You received 50 points, for the order given to the target "Irina" to undress you"

"You received 50 points, for the order given to the target "Irina" to give you a handjob"

"You received 100 points, for the order given to the target "Irina" to give you a blowjob"

"You received 50 points, for the order given to the target "Irina" to drink your semen"

"You received 150 points, for the order given to the target "Irina" to have sex with you"

After looking through the system notification Mike was taking a deep breath because he didn't expect to get that many points from last night and he says "System" to see if he got something new.

-System Panel-

System level: 3

Points for next level: 100/1000

Hypnosis Points: 700


Name: Mike Reed

Age: 19


Health: Healthy

Will: 10


Inspect - Inspect a person and see his details, host must see the target.

Hypnosis - "Host can hypnotise a person at his choice, host need to look at the target in the eyes or to touch them when he usses this skill, the skill is based on the host will, the more will host has the better chances are to succed, if the target has lower will than the host hypnosis will have a 90% chance to work on the target. Host can rise his will by puting his HP (hypnosis points) in will stat." -"Host can make the target to remember the order and execute it as if it were normal for the target to do such a thing!"

- Trigger for waking up the target: clapping your hands

*NEW* - "Host can use [Hypnosis] on the target of his choice without looking at them in the eyes or touching them, but the host needs to be close to the target"

Looking at the new addition and reading what it does, Mike is shocked that he no longer needs to touch or look into the eyes of the targets, with the new addition his life is much easier because he only has to be in close to the targets he wants to hypnotize.

Checking his sister using [Inspect] a blue screen appears in front of his eyes and he sees something new added to Irina's details.

-Target Details-

Name: Irina Reed

Age: 18

Health: Healthy

Will: 13

Note: "Target is already hypnotised by the Host and no longer needs to put in a trance, by using the trigger the target will be under the Host commands and will do as you order."

Mike is happy about the discovery of this new thing, which it is only necessary to use the trigger and not hypnotise her again. After eating breakfast Mike goes back to his room and calls Ryan to set up a date with him because he wants to help his best friend with the relationship between him and the girl he likes.

He pulls out the phone and calls Ryan *Ring* *Ring*..."Hey man are you awake? or did i wake you up?"

"Nah man, it's 9:30 AM I'm awake don't worry, what's with the call?"

"Ryan, I wanted to ask you if something happend between you and Denisa, did you talk to her?"

"Well I don't know what to say man..."

"What do you mean you mean you don't know, did something happend?"

"Yes, something happend, I don't know why but it looks like I called her yesterday because I saw the call in my phone... but the thing is that i don't remember calling her"

"Don't worry about it man, let's go out and drink the morning coffe and we can talk more about it there, ok"

"Yeah ok see you at the usual sopt, bye"


In 20 minutes Mike arrives at their usual place, this being a cafe and finds Ryan already at the table looking on the phone and waiting for his best friend Mike. Mike approaches the table where Ryan is sitting, pulls out the chair and sits down in front of him saying "Hey man I'm here, now you can tell me what happend".

Ryan starts telling Mike about the call, but just like Ryan told Mike on the phone that he has no memory doing such a thing. Mike knowing what it's about, he consoles Ryan by telling him that maybe he called by mistake without knowing and if he needs help with her he's here for him.

Mike suggests Ryan to call Denisa and ask her if she's coming for coffee. After a few minutes of thinking Ryan puts his hand on the phone and calls her number *Ring* *Ring*... he waits a while for her to answer his call, thinking she might be mad at him for the call he made but couldn't remember.

Ryan is ready to stop the call but before he could presses the button he hears her voice on the phone and start talking to her. "Hi Denisa, how are you doing?", Ryan waits a few seconds for her to speak with him.

"Hi Ryan, i wanted to talk with you about what happened yesterday if it;s alright with you?"

"A... yes i called you because i wante to invite you to coffe, if you can come tothe coffe sotre on the street XX i will be waiting you there"

"Ok i will be there in a few minutes, see you there, bye"


Ryan closes the call and the looks at Mike and tells him "Man she is coming here but... I don't know what to say to her if she ask me about the call yesterday, do I tell her that it was a mistake? I'm not sure if she will believe me". Mike doesn't want Ryan to lose his chance to be with Denisa so he tells him he'll help him talk to her.

"Don't worry man i got your back, when she is here i will be helping you with her, believe me when I say that you two will be together"