Chapter 10: Thoughts

8 hours has passed without Mike knowing when, but he his happy because the system finished upgrading long ago and that he is close to finish his day at work.

With a thought a blue screen appears in front of his eyes and he looks to see if he got something new.

- System Panel -

System level: 6

Points for next level: 3430/5000

Hypnosis Points: 3430


Name: Mike Reed

Age: 19


Health: Healthy(tired)

Will: 17


Inspect - Inspect a person and see his details, host must see the target.

Hypnosis - "Host can hypnotise a person at his choice, host need to look at the target in the eyes or to touch them when he usses this skill, the skill is based on the host will, the more will host has the better chances are to succed, if the target has lower will than the host hypnosis will have a 90% chance to work on the target. Host can rise his will by puting his HP (hypnosis points) in will stat." -"Host can make the target to remember the order and execute it as if it were normal for the target to do such a thing!"

- Trigger for waking up the target: clapping your hands

- "Host can use [Hypnosis] on the target of his choice without looking at them in the eyes or touching them, but the host needs to be close to the target".

- "Host has a quest tab"

"What a bummer I got nothing new, aaa man this sucks, o well I got the quest tab at lvl 5 so maybe at 10 I get something new, I can't wait to lvl up the system to lvl 10, I need only 4 lvls and boom baby lvl 10 hehe".

Thinking that he got nothing new, Mike prepares to go home, eat dinner and maybe have some fun with his sister if she is home, of course.

Mike goes towards the back of the store where his boss office is, walks to the door and enter without knocking because he knows that Maria is still under his hypnosis.

"Hey Maria, we finished cleaning up after the customers and Dan already left going home.

I came here to tell you that today I successfully made 3 customers to buy some expensive clothes and to remind you that when you pay me for the first time don't forget about this".

"Master don't worry I won't forget this, when I pay you I would add a little bit more and I hope you will reward me with your cock", she ends her sentence with a sexy smile ready to serve Mike with her body.

Mike smiles at her and kisses her lips going further invading her mouth with his tongue having a duel with her tongue back and forth loosing a few more minutes in kissing her.

After they breakup Mike starts walking on his way home, remembering to call his best friend Ryan and speak with him. Taking out his phone he starts the call.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Hey man how are you doing, I heard that you got a job how is it, it's hard?"

"Hey Ryan, nah it's oke a bit boring but I have some who helps me out when I'm bored so no problems there", snicker Mike with a smile thinking about Maria on his cock bouncing up and down.

"How is your relationship with Denisa everything oke?, did you slept with her already or are you still waiting?", asks Mike knowing that his friend can be a little bit shy when it comes to relationship otherwise he wouldn't be waiting so long to ask her out.

"Uhhh... I, umm didn't do it", with a small voice he replies to Mike.

*Face Palm*

Mike sighs, he knew he was right about his friend shaking his head he tells him "Maaaan what are waiting for,....her to take the first step. You gotta step up man go for it".

"I know Mike, I know that I have to take the initiative but-", "No "buts" just do it, I think she wants to anyway, she just waits for you to make a move, don't make her waiting to long otherwise you may lose her", of course Mike knew that with his hypnosis she will never leave him, but Mike wanted to help his friend and motivate him.

"Oke Mike, tomorrow I will go with her on a date and after that I will make my move on her at night, I won't hesitate anymore".

"Good that's what I like to hear, well I'm almost home, so... goodnight Ryan and good luck"

"Thanks again for the help Mike and goodnight".

Closing the call, Mike opens the door and enter inside, leaving his shoes at the entrance and make his way to the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen, he sees his mom seating on a chair with dinner prepared already waiting for him to come home and eating together.

"Hi mom, I'm back from the work and starving, let's eat", while taking a seat he looks for his sister.

"Hi, well let's start eating, there's no reason to wait any longer, your sister is not coming tonight, she is at a friend's birthday party".

"Oh, oke then bon appetit", Mike and his mom talks about their day while eating.

After finishing their dinner, Mike tells her "Mom you can leave the washing to me, you can relax and leave it to me", Rebeca looks at her son for a few seconds and then she nods her head saying "Oke Mike, I will take your advice and do to my room relaxing a bit and maybe fall asleep. I'm feeling a bit tired".

"Have a goodnight mom", "You to Mike, don't stay up for to long".


"What a bummer that my sister isn't here, I wanted to have some fun with her tonight, kinda sucks, now I don't have anything to do... or maybe I can try to hypnotise mom, hmmm...I think I will try that tomorrow".

Wasting some time on his PC, surfing the internet a thought enters his mind "Now that I think about it, everything started here with me looking for information on the hypnosis subject and then getting that ad with the book, wired that I never took my time to think about this. I'm happy but, how can all of this be real, like the system and it's power... maybe I'm not the only one having a system or a power, I don't know if there's someone out there having something similar to me. Tomorrow I need to complete the quest or at least to complete halfway through the quest there's no reason to make it all in one day. Oke I will Hypnotise 2 targets tomorrow and after that another 2 the following day, I need to make some tests and learn to avoid the painful headache". Done with surfing the web Mike feels like playing a few games of League of Legends. His main role been that of a support and his favorite champion been Pyke for his ultimate that steals the kill but shares the 💰 with his teammates. Mike spends 20 minutes in the first game trying to win and carry the team but in the end he still lose the game with a KDA of a 8/3/10. Mike sighs at the lost but still que for another game, after waiting for 2 min he founds a new game picking Pyke again, this time the match last 45 min and Mike wins the game with a better score than before his KDA looking 10/0/20 in this match. He is happy that the time spent on this last match wasn't for nothing, winning it with a perfect score.

After thinking all about that and playing the 2 matches of LOL, Mike turns off the PC, goes to bathroom to wash his teeth and then going to sleep.