Three years later!!

"Dear don't you think it's high time, Chengru had started practising her powers?" Yi qui asked Chilanziua who was busy writing down some medicine compounds.

Chilanziua stopped what she was doing and faced Yi qui thinking.

It's true, it's time for her to start learning but what if this affect her. She really isn't like other children. We need to focus more on her well being but she also has to protect herself and the sect.

Yi qui looked at his wife who was in deep thought knowing what she might be thinking stood up and sat beside her.

"I Know she is different but we can't change the fact that one day, she'll have protect the entire sect from harm."

Chilanziua looked at her husband and rested her head on his arm as she silently nod her head.

Later in the day Chilanziua went to meet her daughter in her room and as she approached the room she heard soft and hushed voices.

"Are you sure it's going to work? Don't you think mum will be mad if she sees that I'm learning what I'm still not supposed to learn." Chengru said in a whisper with a mischievous grin on her face

Bai qian, Master Bai zi hua's son was having a really angry look. He was already furstrated with his friend who kept on asking him if what they were doing was right or not.

"Can you stop being a scarry cat. No one will catch us." Bai qian replied angrily

"Are you even sure that what you are doing is correct? This looks toxic. If the teacher really taught you this then the whole class must have blown up!" Chengru said giggling silently

"You!! just wait and watch and let's see who is the great master. If I manage to make the peach petal perfume then you'll call me the great master three times and no more bluffing, you hear me!" Bai qian said reassuring himself that he'll win for sure

"Ok and if you fail, you'll be my slave for three good days." Chengru said laughing cheekily and im mediately whatever Bai qian was doing splashed in his face and the whole room was filled with a repugnant smell.

"Hahhhhhahhhh...that was so funny. Bai qian did u see your expression. Hahaha" Chengru laughed so hard that she clenched her stomach while rolling on the ground

"Fine...I wasn't really listening in the class but you really didn't have to make jest of me." Bai qian said feeling sad

Chengru looked at him feeling guilty of what she did.

"I didn't really mean to do it. I'm sorry Bai qian, don't worry we'll learn together. I just hope I start my own learning soon."

Chilanziua was really surprised that her daughter that she thought was really young to start learning how to use her powers had already started practising with Bai qian. She was taken aback and couldn't help but feel proud of her child.

She cleared her throat and walked in, Chengru and Bai qian we're surprised to see Chilanziua walk in.

Oh no!!! Did mum hear all that we said. I really wish the ground could just open and let me fall in. She won't let me off today.

"Mum, I'm sorry I practiced at your back. please forgive me!" Chengru said looking down

"Your majesty, it wasn't Chengru's fault. it's mine, she wanted to learn what I learnt in class since I'm two years older than her, she isn't allowed to but instead of me to stop her. I supported her, I'm sorry. please don't punish her, punish me instead."

Yi qui said as he bowed down. As Chengru heard what her friend said she immediately shook her head and also bowed down.

"Mum, don't punish him. punish me instead, please mum."

Chilanziua was really surprised at how good their friendship bond was and couldn't help but be happy.

"You two can stand up."

The two kids were surprised as they stood up to face the queen.

"I can't help but feel proud of both of you. I was thinking you weren't old enough to practice but seeing all this makes me happy. Chengru you can start your classes as from tomorrow and Bai qian, you and Chengru will be having a special class with me every Saturday."

Chengru couldn't believe what she heard she was so happy so as Bai qian and the two of them bowed down and thanked her while Chilanziua made her way out of the room.

"Bai qian, mum has allowed me to practice now. I'm so happy, I'm really happy." Chilanziua said as she jumped and hugged Bai qian who almost fell due to the impact of the hug.

As Chengru hugged him, Bai qian felt as if an electric shock passed through him and his heartbeat started pounding faster as his face and ears flushed.

What's this? Why do I feel this way. Bai qian said silently while Chengru was in her own world of thinking of how she was going to start her classes.