Chapter 7 : Love is complicated

With the help of her aunt and High God Ren, she escaped her disciplinary punishment. The First Lord interference was a shock because it was very well known in the three realms the former master of the universe doesn't take interest in any affair but if he had himself said anything that would be followed like law, even the heavenly Lord himself won't dare to go against him. Until her parent's anger come down she took refuge in the peach forest in High God Ren's hut. It was not a problem, half of her life she was raised here, she even has her room here. She was spoiled the most by the medicine king. High God Ren is the best friend of Hong Liu's grandfather the Emperor of the Green Forest and to High God Ren Hong Liu was a daughter he and his wife might never have, so he spoiled her rotten and no matter what she did, she was always protected by him.

Things were falling in the Green Forest with the little prince return but back in Nine Heavens, the situation was the exact opposite. Crown Prince Xian Yu was denied entry in the green forest, at first sight, he can't meet his love nor he can ask for the forgiveness and his son his only will to live was taken away but he thought after everything that happened how can he expect forgiveness he return to Nine Heaven and back to his palace, depressed and drain of any life in his eyes. He is ninety thousand years old and he fought in many battles and come back ever-victorious but today he sat there alone in his room defeated.

His mother, the First Prince wife Royal Consort Feng was fussing over his son worried as he sat there silently.

"It was her heavenly trial and nobody can do anything about a trial, it was fate," She said trying to comfort his son.

"No nobody can do anything about that but we can always choose our karma," That was his only reply. He has to find a way to get back his Xiu Wen, no her name is Bai Changxi and she is fine...alive. This should be enough for now and he would find a way to get her back.

Bai Changxi, however, no matter how she tries to dissolve her sorrow in the laughter of her son. She couldn't forget about anything. When she was not with Li she was sleeping or drinking wine, raiding Ren's wine cellar.

Hong Liu again seeing her aunt like this was worried.

"I thought if she had Li back she would be fine but she is doing nothing just sleeping and drinking except she is only fine when Li is with her," Hong Liu sigh.

Ren smiled sadly, Hong Liu was too young to understand the sorrow of love. It might be a trial for Changxi but the relationship she went through was real and her feelings equally scatter now.

"Your aunt is heartbroken," He said softly, they were walking the peach forest while Changxi was sleeping again after drinking too much.

"Heartbroken? But I thought, she hated crown prince," She looks at Ren puzzled.

"It is not easy to love someone and then hate him," Ren said.

"But she was so angry with him..."

"Of course, she is angry, her trust is broken but that doesn't mean she doesn't love him anymore,"

This theory goes over her head and she frowned adorably. Ren chuckled at her expression.

"Does that mean GuGu wants to go back to him?"

"Yes, but she can't trust him and she held a lot of resentment against him but she also misses him too," Ren said.

Ren looked back at the hut where her aunt was sleeping.

"Love is so complicated," She shook her head confused. To Hong Liu, you either want something or you don't. It's straight forward.

"It's a complicated matter and Lord Father is not handling this delicate matter as he should," The Second Prince Huan Ling rambled to the First Lord while they play chess in the lounging area of Ocean of Bliss palace.

"Ho?" The First Lord raised his eyebrow indifferently looking at him resting his chin on his palm.

"Yes, He said to him that love is weakness anyway that's why he was trying to get him away from Mortal Xiu Wen," Huan Ling said.

The First Lord look down and concentrate on his next move.

"Look who I am rambling too, you must think just like my Lord Father, right? You have never taken a queen, you are reserve to monkhood what do you know about love?"

"I have no opinion on the matter and you are losing," He said making his next move.

Huan Ling sigh, why he even try? Love is not the word The First Lord Dong Hai would ever understand.