Chapter 10 : Lotus, Lily and Ocean of Bliss

Huang Ling idea seems simple in the starting the East Gates of the heavens where the sun shines bright on the break of dawn had only two guards, that entrance was solely was for to get into the Ocean of Bliss Palace since the First Lord lead the life of seclusion those gates were deserted and with the help of The Second Prince access it was easy because he is the person who frequently visits him. As Hong Liu and Huang Ling reach the white pearl East gates of Heaven, Hong Liu shapeshift herself into a little butterfly and landed on Huan Ling shoulder.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I can't afford detection just take me straight o the Crown Prince Palace," She said from his shoulder.

"Oh," He nodded

Fairy maides in white simple robes were rushing in the palace and Huang Ling with Hong Liu on his shoulder passed them at the same time a man was rushing down to First Lord's courtyard, his hight was average, with small back eyes and his face line was almost triangle shape but his chin was little rounded, this man in official blue robes was the Fate Lord Ming Zhu was clutching a scroll in his hand and sporting a worried frown on his forehead as he rushes.

"Aye! Ming Zhu!" Huan Ling stop him, Ming Zhu turn and bowed.

"I apologize, Second Prince, I didn't see you were passing by," his breath was little heavy.

" You look worried, what happened?" Huan Ling asked. Hong Liu, on the other hand, slapped her forehead in annoyance 'this is not the time for gossip!' she thought.

"The Red lotus form First Lord's lotus pond is gone,"

Ming Zhu's words stop Huan Ling in his tracks, his eyes widen.

"No!"He exclaimed in shock.

"That is not the end, he didn't utter a word regarding it," Ming Zhu said.

'What is this about the red lotus? It just a lotus! Can't they talk about it later?' Hong Liu thought but her disguise will be revealed if she spoke, what Hong Liu didn't know is that the white lotus pond of the First Lord was quite famous was it eternal Red Lotus, the white lotus whiter away in time except for that one, the lotus was blood red nobody knows why the First lord was attached to it but if there was something he cares about in this universe it that red flower, now since it disappearance and he didn't even utter a word was more terrifying than anything. That's why the whole ocean of bliss Palace was on edge today and even Huang Ling was worried.

"How did it happen?" Huan Ling asks.

"Don't know and it not like we can ask but today everybody is extra caution around him," Ming Zhu said.

"Second Prince Huang Ling! We have to go fast or I won't be able to help," Hong Liu whispered earnestly.

"Don't worry maybe he knows what happened to it that's why he didn't say anything I will come and talk to him in a few hours I have something urgent to do," Huan Ling said trying to comfort his friend.

By the heavens will May your words come true," Ming Zhu prayed.

Huan Ling feets now gained speed and they reach the Moonlight palace in Crown Prince's courtyard and Hong Liu took the human form again.

"Alright, here we are, now what?" Huang Ling asks.

"Now just take me to him and as soon as I bind this pill in his aura, he would be able to enter the Green Forest," Hong Liu materializes a small pearl size golden pill in her hand, the surface was transparent while the inside golden liquid was swirling inside it. Huang Ling didn't know how this works but as long it can brought back his nephew, he was ready to go with it so he leads Hong Liu inside Xian Yu's study where he was sitting a lotus position in his dark green robes and his jet black long hair open and spread on his shoulder.

"Alright step aside," Hong Liu directed and he did as she told.

Hong Liu sat in front of Crown Prince in lotus position on the ground and her wrists cross on her on the centre of her chest, where the heart chakra resides. she regulates her breathing, concentrating she went into a deep trance touching her fairy essence she took it out and a glowing light started to come out of her chest filtering through her crossed palm and the pill ascendant in the air between her and the Crown Prince, the two golden ribbon of rays that was coming out of Hong Liu's chest enveloped the pit and drive towards the Crown Prince soon it disappeared in his chest.

While this was all happening, Huan Ling was looking at it with the batted breath, it's not like he never saw magic like this before but it is said that the magic from the Green Forest being is a sight and he was capitative by the golden aura that surrounds Hong Liu at this moment.

"Its done," Hong Liu opens her eyes slowly and with swift moment hop up on her feet beaming at her handy work for a second there she thought, she won't be able to do it but she did it!

"So now he can pass the barrier?" Huang Ling asked.

Hong Liu nodded excitedly.

"Now he can enter the Green forest whenever he wants alright? So tell him to come tomorrow I will lead him to GuGu's cocoon," she said and turn to leave.

"Wait, don't you need to disguise now?" He asked as he followed her.

"No need, I would just fly away now swiftly," She was giddy at the fact she successfully did very complicated magic and open the door that would eventually make her aunt happy, Today's day was very productive now she is hungry! But as soon as she stepped out of the courtyard pain shot in her chest, so painful that her knees buckle, she falls on her kneel and she coughed, spitting blood.

"Princess Bai Hong Liu!" Huang Ling went to help her up and he looks at the blood worriedly

"What happened?" He asked.

'Crap!' Hong Liu thought, flinching as pain deepen in her chest.

"It backfired," She said weakly to him as he holds her arm so she won't fall.

Huang Ling looks at her confused.

"It is heavenly retribution, Green Forest magic is ancient. It is forbidden to bind its essence to an outsider, I knew it would happen I didn't know it will be so quick but don't worry it won't affect Crown Prince" She said hoarsely.

Huang Ling looks at her in just admiration at her selfless act.

"Would it get worse?" He asked concerned.

"Don't think so," She said, her voice low as she started to feel dizzy.

Huang Liu offered to take her to the guest palace to she could rest but she refused, the longer she stays here the worse she will get so Huang Ling help her to the East Gates as they were passing, Fate Lord Ming Zhu stepped out of the Main gates of Ocean of Bliss Palace and bowed to the Second Prince.

"Greetings to the Second Prince, Heavenly Lord has been asking of you, Your Stewart was looking for you everywhere," He said.

"My Lord Father doesn't have good timing," He murmured to himself and Hong Liu coughed.

Ming Zhu looks at the girl in red whose face was not clear to him, her hairs were falling from her hairstyle and she was bent in awkward position leaning into the Second Prince arms, curiously he bent to see clearly while Huang Ling was thinking what he should do. Ming Zhu eyes widen as he realizes who was the girl in red was, Princess Bai Hong Liu of Green Forest, how she get in here? Ming Zhu was a famous gossiper of the Nine Heavens there was nothing in the Nine Heavens that Fate Lord didn't know that, of course, means that three months ago Hong Liu's grand entrance was very well known to everybody by now in Nine Heavens. The gossiper and storyteller were buzzing out in him.

"How she get in here? And what happened to her?" He did say the last part with genuine concern.

"She...well it's a long story and how urgent this business is that Father Lord is asking for...?" Huang Ling asked.

"He has been asking for you for a while now," Ming Zhu informed.

His Father Lord was a strict man but not because he was the Heavenly Lord and he was supposed to be like this but its reasons were entirely selfish that he wouldn't like to think about or nor he feeling like going and answering what he was doing because he wouldn't care. What choice does he have anyway?

"Ming Zhu, this is Princess of the Green Forest, she did a great favour to the Crown Prince make sure she returns home well," Huang Ling was serious and the fact was enough to drive the message that this was important to the Fate Lord because Second Prince Huang Ling is never seriouse.

Hong Liu listens to them and gains back little of her sense, straightening herself, she regulates her breathing.

"It's fine, don't worry I will be fine I can go myself," It was hard to not show weakness when the pain in her chest squeezing her lungs but she was Princess of Green Forest, one day she will become a queen. She will have to leave the nine heavens with dignity.

"Your Highness, I have to implore that you should rest you look pale," Fate Lord bowed.

"I am going to be fine but I don't think we have even been introduced?" She asked curiously.

"Oh no I never had the Pleasure, your highness I am the writer of Mortal Fate, Fate Lord Ming Zhu," Ming Zhu bowed.

"Accept my gratitude for offering to escort me, Fate Lord Ming Zhu but as you can see there is no need I will be fine," She said, making sure there was no heaviness in her breath when she talked but her paleness was not hidden from both men, blood was drained from her cheeks and lips.

"Thank you to Second Prince as well for his guidance, I will take my leave now," She nodded at Huang Ling but as she steps forward to leave a dizziness wash over her at the same time First Lord was on the threshold of his palace when he saw them and stopped. Hong Liu went limp and collapse, her raven hairs got free from their binding and scattered around her head like waves with red lilies on the marble ground. A red lily falls on Dong Hai's feet as he looks at her unconscious figure with a blank expression, Before Huang Ling and Ming Zhu can react they met the black stone cold eyes of Dong Hai.

"What happened here?" He asked coldly.