Chapter 16 : Karmic Debt.

It was a few minutes later that she realized what the First Lord said, ' I can't send the magical missive? Then how was I supposed to find out what is happening back home,' She rubbed her temples in annoyance and having a slight headache. She can't impose on the First Lord this long its strange because she doesn't know him personally and until know he helped her so much. First, he helped her get back little Li home then he healed her, almost saving her life and then letting her stay here. It is almost saving her life all over again, this way she just ends up owning him already so much if she stays longer. How will she pay back his kindness? Didn't GuGu say that if someone did something good for you, you should always pay back their favour? Its called the cycle of Karmic Debt.

Facing this new dilemma Hong Liu walk back to her guest chambers, now she is just not recovering from heavenly tribulation but she owns a debt to the most powerful god in the universe and she had no communication from the back home, a normal message won't be able to pass the barrier and she not fit send a magical one. Thinking all of this exhausted her enough that she spread eagle on her bed, 'First Lord was right I am so easily exhausted,' this was her last thought as drift away into slumber.

In the evening while she was still asleep, her chamber doors open and the white hair diety enter it without any reservation putting a folded thin paper by the bedside and left closing the door behind him silently.

When Hong Liu gave a little yawn and stretch as she woke up in the evening, looking outside of the window you can't say much about the evening apart because in Nine Heaven sun never sets and winter never comes, it always the eternal day and eternal spring. She turns to slide off the bed when she saw the folded paper on her bedside, she picked it up curiously and lean-to headrest as she unfolded it to read.

Little Liu,

This time you leave me speechless, you take a really big risk sharing the essence of green forest with the Crown Prince, first, how did you accomplish a such a complicated magic art? the second why did you did it? But I can guess the answer for the second. It was all for your dear aunt, in regards of that you are in big trouble your father is furious with you and your aunt...well just say don't come here until everybody's anger is under control. Crown Prince is here, he mostly spends his time with Little Li and Bai Changxi avoids him as much as possible. He is nowhere near in getting her heart back but the good news is Bai Changxi stop drinking and sleeping now is most active, mostly in anger but I consider it a good sigh than being depressed. So just stay where you are personally I never thought in my long immortal life that I will ever say this to anybody but I am telling you this. For now, there is no place better for you in this universe where you currently are, My old friend cold as eyes and unmoving as rock Dong Hai's palace. Your Father won't suspect you to be there and people of Nine Heavens won't try to bully you, nobody defies the First Lord. So stay where you are, don't go flying anywhere else. I can't promise your safety this time. Let Crown Prince handles this first by the time everything will be back to normal and you will be able to come back.

Now, Heavenly retribution of the breaking an ancient rule of the green forest is no jest, what you suffered is the beginning. I am afraid for you, Xiao Liu. You will be tested now and nobody can save you from that. So heed my warning, stay where you are. Don't go anywhere. Take Care.



Hong Liu put the letter aside, 'I will be tested? What does that suppose to mean? Is my heavenly retribution was not enough?' She frowns at that thought. A feeling of a dread drop in the pit of her stomach like a stone.