Chapter 18 To Pay back the Favor

Hong Liu started to spend more time in the garden and forget about the heavenly retribution as the time goes by, she befriended Ming Zhu and Hua Shen more closely. Ming Zhu is like a non-stop presence of a very caution friend who keeps telling her what to do and not to do, what will anger the First Lord what would not. How she should keep herself in her stay, it was like it was his job to keep her out of any possible trouble.

He even brought some mortal plays so she won't get bored, they were very interested. So far she read a lot of things romance, adventure, trials and politics.

Life in the ocean Of bliss was just like its name blissful but there was one thought that she finds herself thinking once in a day at least. Where is the Fate Lord? Will she able to see him today? Her eyes unconsciously search him while she walks through the corridor what she couldn't find is good enough excuse to seek him, she can't just barge in his study and even she did what would she say why she did that and she owes him so much by now. How she should repay him?

These thoughts were running through her mind as she sat on the branch of a peach blossom tree in her emerald green robes pouting. There had to be something she could do that can represent her gratitude to the First Lord.

"What are thinking Little lotus sitting there all lonesome?" Hua Shen voice startl her and she slipped from the branch making her wings come out on instinct, Hong Liu saw Hua Shen while she still mid-air flying.

"High Goddess, you scared me," Her feet touch the ground, sighing in relief. Hua Shen eyes were wide looking at those marvellous wings.

Hua Shen thought when she heard about the wings of the little red fairy who barge in the heavenly court, she though the talks were bit far fetched, she had no doubt the young in front of her who was just forty-five thousand old was already really beautiful but those wings, she was sure if a poet saw them. There would be poems written for them for a thousand years to come. They were red as blood, the beauty that can rival of a rose, they seem soft as petal of lotus and they held pure energy that she never felt before. It was like touching them would make them whither away.

Hong Liu folded her wings back feeling her stare and that put Hua Shen out of her trance.

"What you were asking?" Hong Liu asked, a little self-consciously.

"Forgive me, your highness, I got lost for a second. You have really beautiful wings," Hua Shen said with a kind smile. It was the first time Hua Shen referred to from her title and her sole purpose was to make sure that Hong Liu knew that she was respected by her and her stare was not to consider otherwise. The words put Hong Liu at ease.

Hong Liu nodded and smile that she understands, she was aware of the effect the wings have on other people when they come too close to it. The lotus wings that are cherished by her and considered a blessing from the supreme lord in her clan have a very adverse effect on the people who have never seen them before. She got in trouble for their beauty once and twice in her life to be aware of that.

"So now tell me what you were doing here sitting alone?" Hua Shen got back in her chirpy mood.

Hong Liu sigh as she thought about what she was thinking and her lower lip jutted out again.

"I was wondering about the First Lord," She said leaning on the trunk of the tree, there was a strange delicious squeeze in her heart as she said his name. she loves this strange new thing that she felt when something related to him or he himself come front of her and that makes her yearn to see him more but what is this exactly? She doesn't know.

"Really?" Hua Shen raised her eyebrow and there was smirk as she looked at Hong Liu, this time her stare made hear raise to her cheeks and she look on her feet shyly but why thinking about the First Lord made her now shy? She scratches behind her ears as she tries to understand her own reactions.

"He helped me so much and saved my life as well, I think I should do something for him to show him my gratitude you know? Payback his favour somehow," Hong Liu explains.

Hua Shen sighs looking at Hong Liu, 'the little lotus yet know about feeling that has started to bloom in her heart' Hua Shen's heart melted with the warmth of innocence in Hong Liu's eyes.

"Hmm, you are right. What is that you are going to do then?" Hua Shen asked.

"That's the problem! He is the First Lord, what I can do for him that could be equivalent of him saving my life?" She gave exasperated sigh.

"That indeed a big problem, How about you go and ask him?" Hua Shen suggested.

"Can I?" Hong Liu nibble on her lower lip hopefully.

"Of course you can, you are not doing it for any other motive. This is honouring the debt you own him," Hua Shen encourage her,

"Ahmp! You are absolutely right!" Hong Liu stumps her foot in determination and turn to leave but then on the second thought, she turned again to Hua Shen.

"But...But...I can't barge in like that you know? I need....something....a reason to be in his study, otherwise it would just like a formality. I want to convey my sincerity," Hong Liu said, wide-eyed suppressing the shiver of nervousness in her spine.

Hua Shen thought over it with one eye narrowed.

"You are right, how pick some flower for the vases in his study?" Hua Shen pointed to the peach blossoms.

Hong Liu gave it a thought, right that would always keep her nerves in check that that's the best way. She relaxes by the idea a little.

"That's a really good idea, Thank you!" Hong Liu beamed.

She hummed while she picks the flowers after Hua Shen left.

Hong Liu stands outside of The First Lord study with the bouquet of peach blossom and knock-on its door, waiting for an answer with the batted breath.

"Come in," A cold voice answer.