Chapter 22: A little butterfly on the First Lord's shoulder

"The First Lord, what do you think our next step should be?" The Heavenly Lord ask, composed.

The First Lord look at the little butterfly that was just sitting beside his fingers, he picked her up and settle her on his index finger, looking at her wings and making her fave him. Hong Liu look straight freeze in her position as he looks at his cold stone eyes, 'Did he recognize me?' Hong Liu thought nervously. He looks at her without any expression, but Hong Liu didn't notice the spark of amusement in his stone eyes. She kept her disguise without indicating otherwise.

"The Heavenly Lord need not to worry, I am aware of the situation and it very much under control, if there are any other measures that might be needed. I will inform you," Dong Hai said in his neutral voice leaving nothing to say further, he doesn't look away from the butterfly on his hand he got up from his seat.

Dong Hai nodded at the Heavenly Lord, setting the butterfly on his shoulder indicating that he is leaving now. He stepped down from the steps with unhurried steps but from and everybody stands up bowing.

"The First Lord," Servel voice at once echoed in the court hall as he crossed the centre, exiting the court without looking at anybody with his tall frame, square shoulder and high chin, his blue velvet robe leaving his majestic aura behind while his stone black eyes didn't look at anybody.

Dong Hai was walking away from the court silently, his silence made Hong Liu confidence in her disguise and she snuggled up in his silver hair with her red wings, getting comfortable around his sandalwood essence. As Dong Hua enter his palace premises, he flicked his finger over his shoulder, knocking Hong Liu out of her comfortable position making her immortal form rolling on the ground, she stands up from the ground shocked out of her wits and looked up at him.

"You recognized me?" She rubbed her shoulder where his fingers left an impact, it hurts! She scoffed.

Dong Hai ignored her and passed her.

Eiiiii, I embarrassed myself! Hong Liu squeezes her eyes shut and shook her head trying to shake off her mortification.

"Forgive me, I just...I was just curious why were you in court, you normally don't go there much," She murmured her apology.

He didn't say anything instead he kept walking silently not toward his courtyard but to the east exit of the Nine Heaven, Hong Liu followed him without being aware of direction. When they reach the gates and Dong Hai stepped out waving his hand to the guards, who with his one sigh crossed the spears together to stop Hong Liu from walk any further.

"Let me pass," She said.

The guards just look at The First Lord for permission.

"Make sure she doesn't leave," He commanded without looking back at Hong Liu, who was scowling at his words.

"First Lord!" The guards hit their chest and gave an army salute to him. He nodded looking at them from the corner of his eyes, satisfied he started to walked away.

"But...but where are you going? I need to talk to you about something! First Lord! First Lord!"

Her calls went in vain he didn't turn or gave any sign that he was listening to her, she gave a determine huff and bent herself she could go under the cross spear but the guards slide it down to her level, the cross of two spears was just aligned with the tip of her nose, she looks up at those guards who even didn't look at her as she glared at them, she stands up and the cross followed. Now there is only one way, she unfolded her wings and took a flight for her utter shock she lost it, her wings disappeared and she falls but before she hit the ground face down. Something stopped her in the mid-air, a silent yelp left her lips as she looks at the marble floor, her eyes widen in shock and the same force that was holding her up made her land slowly. She felt the marble coolness against her cheeks, her throat went dry as she sighs in relief and her heart hundred in her chest. She gets up slowly and she breath trying not to feel the terror in her heart. She looks up to see, Dong Hai was looking at her tilting his head on one side with the same inexpressive manner he always had in his stone eyes. Looking at him drain her fears, but she can't feel her wings back that was the last thing she had tolerance for, she turns a wave of silent anger slowly, slowly making its way from her chest to her eyes.

How dare he? Making my wings disappear! She walked in long strides furiously and she gathers her hairs pulling that up with a white star hairpin. I may be afraid of the hights without my wings but I won't let him get away with his, he wants to keep me in, doesn't he? I will show him! She thought furiously.