Chapter 30: Losing control

Dong Hai shook himself from his trance, he frowned at his own thoughts he was the master of self-control, he achieved the state of single-mindedness how he can get distracted? His eyes harden and he looked away from her face

"You can open your eyes now," He said, freeing his hand from her and resting his palms.

Hong Liu opens her eyes little by little only to find him so close to her. His silver hair falls from his shoulder to touch hers, she blinked unable to think what to do and he was not moving from above her or looking at her. She raises her hand to push him away but stopped in midway.

"First Lord, can you...?"

He met her eyes again, nodded. He moves away from her unhurriedly and she raised from the ground too quick making their head collide. Her hand curled in his velvet robes to keep her balance.

"Ow!" She flinches, this time it felt like she was hit with a stone.

Dong Hai just shook his head at her indifferently. He tries to get up but she was grabbing his robes to tight and he was yanked back to her. His nose brush to her ever so slightly and his breath touched her lips, she gave inaudibly gasp as goosebumps erupted in her whole body. She froze looking at him in a daze. She never had anybody ever being this close to her before, First Lord eyes seemed to be the black nothingness that was pulling her in, her eyes fall down at the closeness of their lips.

Dong Hai was frozen unable to move or do anything but then his subconscious whisper his ultimate truth.

"If you are done staring, you can let go of me," He cold voice washed over her.

That shook her out of her stupor and she let go of him yanking her hand back, blushing furiously. It sinks in what she was thinking and her cheeks redden. Dong Hai stand up straight with no expression on his face. Hong Liu scramble herself up and ran, without much thought. Just one thing was running through her mind as she felt her racing heart going out of bounds, the heat of her body was hit by the cool air of the First Lord's courtyard, she ran to the garden on the southwest corner of the palace that she loves so much. She stopped out of breath leaning on to the trunk of a big tree. Her heart raced with feeling, her mind fumbled though the thought but now she finally understands what was going with her?

"I fancy the First Lord," She whispers to herself.

'I shouldn't have let her stay, knowing the truth. I lost control, is it so easy to slip after all that I have done and achieve? Just because of one little red fairy,' Dong Hai thought coldly, sitting in lotus position meditating. Outside he looks like just the way the universe sees him as, cold stone.

'She is just an inconvenience that I have to get rid of,' He said to himself as he regulates his breathing and he felt the ice return in his muscles.