Chapter 32: Ling's plan.

Hong Liu was...confused, she didn't know what happen to her suddenly but she wished she was in back in green forest. Without the First Lord, everything felt empty, even the palace garden suddenly became bland. Only one thought was in her mind how she can move First Lord? why she is trapped in this impossible situation? She kicked the grass one fine evening in annoyance. One month had passed, she has been waiting for something to happen, anything! She hadn't seen the First Lord yet. Ming Zhu was busy in the matters of mortal realm apparently demons thing its fun to mess with mortals, Huang Ling who have profusely apologise for his lack of consideration was now had given a lot of responsibly to take care of the matter of the realms since two big support of the heavenly lord were gone, the First Lord and the Heavenly Lord grandson the Crown Prince Xian Yu and it seems that their time of return will be the same since the First Lord would only be back if the Crown Prince does. The spring goddess Hua Shen was the only one who was Hong Liu's constant companion and knows of her feeling for the First Lord.

"Hua Shen, what should I do?" One day she asked as they sat in Spring Goddess Garden. When first Hong Liu confess to her how she felt about the First Lord, it was of no surprise. The Truth to be told Hua Shen thought it was passing fancy but it now as she observe her more and more her feeling was deep, clear as water and pure as the exile of life. The Little lotus was lovesick if the cure was not found she will wither away, Hua Shen though she won't let it happen if this is it, she will guide her to this path after who knows about love better than her beside, First Lord is lucky that someone as pure as Hong Liu has feeling for him. She is not Zhi Jie and other women, she surely will move the First Lords cold heart one day. Hua Shen is doing the First Lord a favour.

"How is your cooking?" Hua Shen asked.

"I cook the best!" Hong Liu said excitedly.

"But how is that going to help me?" Hong Liu frown.

"Haven't you heard the saying, a way to man's heart is through his stomach?" Hua She grin at her playfully.

"I would have cooked to please him but he is not here to eat it,"

"You are right," She nodded.

"Besides, Don't I should do something useful? He had helped me so much," Hong Liu mused.

a"You are still on the fact that you owe him," She asked.

Hong Liu nodded.

"Of course I am, he helped me that doesn't change. I have to pay back his favour, what if he thought I like him because he saved me," Hong Liu mused.

"Then why do you like him?" Hua Shen asked curiously.

"Ummm....well, I don't know, he is so peaceful, silent, solemn and a very good person though he annoyed me some time and put a sleeping spell on me, I think now he did the last part because he must be annoyed with me and he stole my favourite hairpin which I am still sore about but overall he seems decent," resting her chin on her palm and her elbow on the table. She was restrained in her answer also very truthful she can't fully grasp that how she falls for that rock of a man who doesn't seem to have any facial expression, it was almost like he lack the muscles for the job but she can't deny one thing his silence drawn her in and he was really handsome. The last part made her giggled shyly.

"There is only one person, who can help you to help pay back your favour?" Huang Ling voice interrupted them. Hong Liu looks up in shock with a slight embarrassment that he heard her, her feet slide back a getting behind Hua Shen as they stand up.

"I didn't know the second prince develop a habit of eavesdropping," Hua Shen said haughtily.

"Come Now, You have wronged me. I was passing by and heard you, I can help her highness if she wants," Huang Ling protest.

"What a playboy like you know about love? she would just get corrupted under your guidance," Hua Shen comes in front of her to shield her. That reminded her of First Lord who did the same when she met Hua Shen.

'I am not that easily corrupted,' She thought a little offend and what did he mean he can help me?

"Not me exactly but if Your highness like I can tell you who can, consider it my way of apologising,"

"Alright who can help me?" Hong Liu comes from behind Hua Shen shaking off her initial embarrassment.

"Fate Lord Ming Zhu,"

Hong Liu restrains from rolling her eyes.

"Ming Zhu! He wouldn't step against First Lord," Hua Shen mocked.

"It's not what he willing or not willing to do? It about how do you make him?" Huang Ling gave a sly look.

"What do you mean?" Hong Liu frown.

"I will tell you..."

They lean closer as he whispers, Hua Shen holds an unimpressed expression as she listens. Hong Liu grin got wider as she heard the Second Prince plan.