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Chapter 35 : Stolen Bells

Hong Liu looks at those copper bells curiously picking it up, it chimed a little as she looks at it excitement lit her eyes, hearing it rang. The little chime shook out Fate Lord from his intoxication a little making him open his eyes looking at the bells.

"Be careful with those bells, your highness. It should not ring with purpose," He said beaming at it drunkenly, he was completely out of his conscious.

"Why?" She asked as she brushes the copper surface with her fingertips. She knew these bells were given to him by First Lord for an emergency but she understands what he meant it by that.

"The First Lord has been a little bit caution on the activities around the Goblet of Blood fire so he ordered, the second prince and me to keep an eye out if anything happens we are to report immediately but he is in the seclusion we can't trace him from his aura, this will tell him when there is something that can't be handle, only for emergency strictly speaking," He nodded to himself as he explained.

"Oh, don't worry I won't," she assured him

"Good, good," He took another piece of cake.

"First Lord seems to be really worried about this Goblet of Blood Fire considering he dismissed all the possibilities of any danger in the court," Hong Liu asked curiously.

"Well, I shouldn't say this but...." He trailed off, sliding more into the comfortable position leaning on the armrest.

"but?" she encourages him. Something valuable supposes to come out of him otherwise how will she do something to move First Lord?

"But...you know Heavenly lord though a High God and quite capable in his own right have quite become paranoid as the old age comes near. You see, his wish to have a seamless and peaceful rule in his remaining reign before he steps down from the thrown and pass it down to the Crown Prince. He can't afford mistakes but paranoia creates mistakes, in this case, it better if it handles by First Lord unless it out of hand then it would duly be reported,"

"So how does the First Lord plan to get Goblet of Blood Fire in control?" She asked this seems to be the only thing that First Lord might need help with.

"The problem is not to get in control, the aim is to eliminate the threat completely. It poses much danger to all the realms to keep it in control. First Lord wishes to....kill the ghost emperor and destroys the Goblet at once," He tab the table with his fist.

"It seems quite dangerous," Hong Liu frowned worriedly.

"Indeed but its the First Lord... your highness, no need to worry," He waved his hand dismissing it. His eyes drop, drop and he slides down to his cushion seat falling unconscious. 'Just because The First Lord is powerful doesn't make him immune to a dangerous situation,' She thought feeling a very deep sense of anxiety knowing what he is planning.

Hong Liu sighs at The Fate Lord, feeling a little sense of remorse for his drunken self.

"Forgive me, Ming Zhu, I tricked you but I had no other way," She said to his sleeping figure. She looks at the bells in her hand, she never had anything of him and she might need it for what she has the plan to do. She raises her hand created a duplicated and put it beside the Fate Lord.

She sneaks away silently and flown away from the Nine Heavens. If First Lord needs help with the Goblet of Blood Fire then she would go and assess it herself, its an ancient artefact and if there is anything Hong Liu is good at beside cooking is the weapon forging and the goblet is a kind of weapon itself, she will find a way that he doesn't have to endanger himself.