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Chapter 39 : Remorse

Ming Zhu heart drop in his stomach with the weight of the stone. He can only imagine what Little Highness must have done that finally, it reached the First Lord limit.

"I will take whatever punishment you will decide for me, my Lord," He looks down.

"You look heartbroken, Fate Lord. Don't you want to know what actually occurred?" First Lord mocked.

He looks up warily but curious. The First Lord paid no mind to his curious glance instead he stands up with a definitive grace, adjusting his sleeves nonchalantly.

"She went to the goblet of blood fire," First Lord stated and walked away.

Ming Zhu was one of those immortals who never give much importance to power or strengthening his cultivation for warfare or exceeding the quality of normal intelligence. His emotional intelligence was, however, sensitive. This quality-made him the Fate Lord, so he could take care of the mortal realm the way it should be with empathy and necessary ruthlessness. The First Dong Hai, himself chose him in this position for precisely this quality, so mortals were not entrusted of care to someone who thinks mortal souls are inferior to them. The same quilty made him vulnerable, this is what was happing write know. Half information from the First Lord and the possibility of what had might occurred on the shores of the Silver river made his heart heavy. But how did little highness find out about his weakness? Only one person he knows who could do this. Second Prince Huang Ling.

There was another person whose heart was filled with remorse at this moment as she opens her eyes to the beaming sun in her chambers, completely healed and free from any agony. Hong Liu, She should have tried to do something simple why did she go to the Goblet of Blood Fire? She sit up on her bed weakly, she could feel the traces of trauma her body had to endure. Her muscles were just a little sore. She looks out of the window at the beaming the sight that always made her feel better but today it did nothing, it didn't lighten her inside out. She remembers the harsh way he told her to not to talk, he is that cross with her that he won't let her ask for forgiveness.

'I troubled him again and I own him again it better if I leave to Green Forest, Father punishment would be better than this humiliation I subjected myself to,'

She slides down from her bed slowly with her face and shoulder slum down, her moment chimed the bells that were tied to her waist with a thin brown leather strap. She raises her head to look around, the room and the bedsheet, everything was either white or ivory but she would bring flowers and leaves to make it colourful for her now everything had withered here. Indicating her spiritual power is too low. 'I have to go,' She thought with determination and her eyes landed on the teacup piece that had red lily printed on it. She picked it up with a sigh, 'I even broke his favourite cup,' she slides it in her sleeve.

She walked down the hallway in her sad musing she heard something and stopped. She was on the entrance of the courtyard where the private Lotus pond was, she looked from the seat. Princess Zi Jie was standing behind the First Lord with a tray of two perfect white cups with beautiful red lily painted on it. First Lord, however, was looking at the pond and had back on the heavenly princess.

"First Lord, I hope your travel went well and I am here to ask for you forgiveness for last time when I was here. I even made the lily teacups for you," Zi Jie said.

Her words were like a stab to Hong Liu's remorseful heart and her lips turn down her word as she hides behind the wall and looks at them, definitely Princess Zi Jie was much ore smarted than her but then even she had tried to do something like that she knew she would have failed miserably. she doesn't know how to make teacups or do anything artistic kind. With that thought, her heart sinks further. She brushed her nose trying to keep the burning tears at bay.

"Heavenly Princess, should not be here. You can give this to Zhong Li, he will take care of it," Dong Hai said with finality, mentioning to his steward Zhong Li.

Zi Jie didn't have anything to say since she has been dismissed so harshly, he didn't even look at those cups.

"Alright, As you wish my Lord," she bowed and left not aware of the red-robed girl she just passed.

Hong Liu just stands there, sneaking a glance at First Lord. This the last time she is looking at him now she won't bother him ever again. He was truly handsome, his snow-white hairs fall down to his back in discipline lines against his blue robe, his youthful face even with a cold expression was mesmerizing now she thinks of it she might be infatuated with him since she met him in the courtroom it was impossible not be drawn in his majestic aura. Her eyes trace his tall figure from afar from his unlined forehead to his square jaw down to his broad shoulders and lean frame. He was magnificent but out of her reach that much she understands, so she may leave this infatuation here to never be tempted again to walk this path. She gazed at him lost while his eyes were fixed to space in the centre of the pond.

"You can come out if you like," First Lord said.