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Chapter 66 : The request of the Fate Lord.

Hong Liu raise the skirt of her pale green robes and stepped down from the eatery, then a thought occurred to her, she turns to look at the mess in the eatery. This will get her in trouble and she is not the princess of Green Forest that could escape everything right now. She went inside.

"Aye," She called, making Xian Zhen turn to look at her with a raised eyebrow, 'even here he has this inexpressive expression and don't speak at all,'

"There is a server here, who has a duty to lock everything, I don't know who you are? But I am sure if you can make a mess you can clean it up too, I would appreciate it if you do that. I won't like to get fired tomorrow," She said.

She was silently scolding him, Xian Zhen realizes and a slight humour sparkle in his eyes.

"Miss..." General Yang was a little outraged by the tone of a common girl in front of Emperor of the State of Jin Chun.

Xian Zhen raises his hand to stop him and General Yang pressed his lips.