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Chapter 70 : It is, what it is

"Shi Shi, have you ever been in love?" Hong Liu asked, resting her chin on Shi Shi's shoulder, Her voice sounded tired and pouting as Shi Shi was setting up kitchen counter as others prepared the ingredients for the day, the eatery was deserted the normal lively hustle-bustle of the city seems to be in mourning as the New traitor Emperor was trying to prove his might. That foolish young fellow things he can take The First Lord palace, It was the biggest jest Hong Liu has ever seen in her life but her current sadness was of not that, the reason for her sadness was why on three realms she got stuck in First Lord fate? now he is at her hut resting after the last night ordeal and she....she is like she always been all of her thoughts are just gotten about him again. She willed her self to not be like that but...it is getting harder as the minutes passed.