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Chapter 78: The Battle on the Cross Path

The smirking face of Prince Ye Qiu appeared in front of Hong Liu and the edge of his sword pressed against her neck drawing blood little, Hong Liu just look at him unafraid and straight. He moves forward making her step back carefully with the blade so close to her pulse, though she won't die here in Zhou Feng's body until heavens decided that her retribution was over but it will still hurt and there will be a lot of blood to deal with if he tries to kill her and she a little one on her back if he wakes up...She put her hand around him instinctively as she steps back at he advance towards her they end at the centre of the cross path.

"So my brother thought that if he sent a woman to rescue his little brat I would let him go so easily," He said.

Before Hong Liu could give him a sarcastic reply, her eyes widen a little in surprise as a blade slide on Ye Qiu shoulder silently.